Zucchini Noodles
One of the hardest things to give up when you go on a grain free diet is pasta. It is such a big part of our American diet and features prominently in our favorite comfort foods. Breaking the Vicious Cycle describes making noodles from zucchini using a vegetable peeler and I have done that many times. They end up a bit like egg noodles in proportions and that works for some dishes but it is still a big compromise we have found. I find that sort of noodle to work best in a “noodle soup” sort of application.
I don’t remember when I first heard about spiralizers but I think I hadn’t been on GAPS for very long. I decided early on that it was just one more expense that we were going to avoid and didn’t really need anyhow. After being on GAPS for about a year or so I decided to go ahead and splurge on one. I read lots of reviews on Amazon and worried about picking the wrong one but finally settled on the one you see pictured. It is the World Cuisine Spiral Vegetable Slicer. You can click on that link to see it on Amazon. The day that it came I took it out of the box and quickly made noodles for lunch. It was very fast and easy to use and the girls were delighted. It is something that my children can help to do and they enjoy helping. It also cleans up very quickly (if you do it right away). My only complaint is that it is yet another thing to store in my tiny kitchen. It doesn’t fold up or collapse at all so be aware of that.
The noodles that it makes have the mouth feel of spaghetti much better than ones made with a peeler do. My younger daughter hasn’t ever eaten grains and so she has no memory of eating noodles. I assume that is a big part of why she isn’t a fan of the zucchini noodles. She prefers spaghetti squash with it’s slightly sweet taste. My older daughter however does remember eating spaghetti and she loves these noodles. Spaghetti was also one of my favorite foods before GAPS and I love them too.
Below I’ve got a few pictures of our latest batch of zucchini noodle making. Despite not liking eating them Little J sure loves making them. In this first picture you can see thespiralizer loaded with a zucchini. I like to leave the stem on the zucchini because the last bit near the tines can’t go through the spiral cutter anyhow so that allows me to use the whole thing. Laying in front of it is what you have left after spiral cutting a zucchini. The center is cut out and the bit on the end that couldn’t be fed through it. I usually cut up the core and add it to the sauce that is cooking to go over the noodles.
Here are the girls making the noodles. Sorry about the photo quality. This was the first one I took and the only one that had both girls looking at the camera.
This was just over 2 lbs of zucchini. It makes a lot of noodles!
This is those same noodles after they were cooked. They shrink a lot and release a lot of liquid. I put about a cup of broth in the bottom of a wide pan to cook them and it was quickly swimming in liquid. I cook these with the lid off and turning them over with the tongs in the hot pan till they are the right texture. Like pasta made with grains they get softer the longer you cook them so test them along the way to get them just how you like them.
Here’s my cute husband showing off how long the noodles are. My older dd loves to slurp them up like the dogs in Lady and the Tramp.
And here it is in context with a meat sauce poured over the top. The sauce was largely broth flavored with some tomato sauce to keep the oxalate count low and ended up being really liquid. I’ll have to work on that.
The spiralizer also has blades to make thin slices and a thicker noodle. I haven’t ever even tried out those capabilities and for $30 I think I have more than gotten my money’s worth just in it’s ability to make these noodles. Have you tried a spiralizer? What do you make with it? Have you or your kids been missing noodles on GAPS? Let me know in the comments.

- Interview with Lorenzo Coviello, Founder of the Mobile App Pasta4U (Featuring a Recipe for Zucchini Spiralized "Pasta" with Sausage Sauce) | My Life in a Pyramid - [...] but couldn’t figure out what to use in place of the grain-based pasta. So, when I came across this …
- Interview with Lorenzo Coviello, Creator of Pasta4U Mobile App (and Recipe for Zucchini Spiralized “Pasta” with Sausage) | My Life in a Pyramid - [...] but couldn’t figure out what to use in place of the grain-based pasta. So, when I came across this …
- Interview with Lorenzo Coviello, Founder of the Mobile App Pasta4U (Featuring a Recipe for Zucchini Spiralized "Pasta" with Sausage Sauce) | - [...] but couldn’t figure out what to use in place of the grain-based pasta. So, when I came across this …
- overZealous Zucchini Round Up | Stitching Hearts Together - [...] Zucchini Noodles from Loving Our Guts [...]
Two things on my GAPS list right now… A spiralizer and the ice cream attachment for my kitchenaid mixer. We were just talking today about noodles and how we miss them. The spiralizer may have come before the ice cream attachment…
Another great post, Patty! I think my kids will really like this. The are only lukewarm on spaghetti squash.
I’m IN! They look wonderful. I’d love another way to get my kids to eat zucchini too. Keep the recipes coming!
I love zucchini noodles. Definitely one of my favorites. Reminds me of top ramen. I know. Ewwww. But we used to gobble it up and loved it.
Tracy, you might find it cheaper to just get an ice cream maker. I found one for $7 at Target last summer or you can often pick them up at thrift stores. Full price they are around $30. I would not have made it this far without it!
But I LOVE this idea! So is this basically an “apple peeler”? I would love to try this while on GAPS the texture seems just about perfect and would be cheaper than trying to buy spaghetti squash, and maybe not as satisfying!
This turns the whole thing into noodles at once. They are about the size and shape of spaghetti. No not exactly like an apple peeler that just takes that peel off the outside.
I canNOT wait for my spiral slicer to get here so I can make vegetable ‘pasta’! I’ve bookmarked your post and will be consulting it once my new gadget arrives
It is so extremely easy to use. You will love it!
Thanks for posting to GAPS Friendly Friday, Patty!