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Wilted Lettuce Salad

A couple of years ago I was at the farmers market chatting with one of the farmers that we got our food from. She was telling me that she had made a wilted lettuce salad and how her kids had marveled at how it shrank when she made it. I said “A what?” I hadn’t ever heard of a wilted lettuce salad. I consider myself to have enjoyed a wide variety of foods from all over the world but she was looking at me like I had lived under a rock my whole life. I just had to hear what it was about. “You cook bacon and add vinegar and you mix it into the lettuce hot” was all I got out of her. She made it sound very common place so I came home and looked in my ancient Betty Crocker Cookbook. Bingo! I found a recipe for a wilted lettuce salad and it quickly became a family favorite. I have shared my GAPS adaptation of it here.

Wilted Lettuce Salad

  • 8 slices bacon cut up (US Wellness sells a good one)
  • 1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar also Green PolkaDot Box has it
  • 1 tsp honey (optional) I use raw local honey
  • 1/4 cup broth
  • 2 qt shredded lettuce
  • 4 green onions sliced narrowly
  • 1 tsp Celtic Sea Salt also available from the Green PolkaDot Box
Cut up the bacon into 1/2 inch pieces.
Put them into a frying pan and begin to cook them over medium heat. Keep cooking till the bacon is all crispy.
Meanwhile prepare the lettuce and green onions and toss them together in a bowl. Sprinkle the salt over the lettuce and onions.
Once the bacon is crispy add the vinegar, honey and broth to the hot pan and stir together just till everything is hot and combined.

(Sorry I forgot to get a picture of this. Just imagine it, OK?)

Then pour all the contents of the pan over the lettuce and begin to stir it in the bowl and turn it till the lettuce is all coated with the mixture and wilted. It will decrease in volume by about half.
It is just so delicious. My children love it and because the lettuce is wilted it is easier to consume a greater volume of it. I can’t think of a time when we have had any of this left at the end of the meal no matter how large a salad I made.

So do you make a wilted lettuce salad? How does it compare to mine?

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Thank You! -PattyLA


  1. Hot bacon salad! Yum!! This is definitely a classic recipe from my Southern roots. As soon as my hog order arrives this weekend, I’m going to try a 20 something allergies version and see if it is Katie safe. :) Thanks for sparking the memories that go with eating it and a new salad idea for our rotation!

  2. Bacon? Did you say BACON? ha ha. I have made a wilted spinach salad in a similar style to yours, but will try this one. I’ve not used broth, so that’s a nice addition.

  3. Yum!

  4. Yum! My mama used to always make wilted lettuce salad. I had only made it a few times. I really like your version. Great way to get a little broth in summer dish.
    Thanks for sharing at the Nourishing Pin It Party.
    Millie recently posted…Nourishing Pin It Party #6My Profile

  5. I’ve never heard of “wilted” lettuce salad, but you’ve got me curious. I’m going to try this tonight and I might link back to it from the blog post I’m writing about lettuce :) Thanks for sharing!


  1. Savory Wilted Lettuce Salad | Loving Our Guts - [...] love our wilted lettuce salad but I don’t always have bacon on hand for my bacon version of it. …

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