Water Hose Filter Special Offer
I live in a major metropolitan area and I am concerned about what is in our water. I would like a whole house filter but at this point just can’t afford it so instead I have a high quality under sink water filter for the kitchen from The Water Exchange that filters out fluoride as well as other contaminants. I also use a ZeroWater Pitcher in our upstairs bathroom because I know we won’t walk all the way downstairs for good water to drink or to brush our teeth. I have been concerned about my garden. I use the Topsy Turvy Upside-Down Tomato Planter to grow tomatoes every year. This year we have 8 going. This requires a lot of water and this means a lot of toxins are flowing past the roots of my plants and being absorbed by them and going into the tomatoes that we eat. It has bothered me that they get contaminated water but I haven’t been able to figure out a cost effective solution, until now.
www.cleanwaterfun.com has a garden hose filter that will filter 10,000 gallons of water!
Our Automatic Drip Watering Kit uses 1 gallon of water a day for all of my beautiful tomato plants. You can see the tubing at the top of this picture. I have used it for several years and highly recommend it for container gardening.
I intend to put a filter between my automatic water regulator and the tube leading to the plants.
I also will use a filter when filling our kiddie pool for my girls to play in. You absorb 60% of what comes in contact with your skin. I filter the water we drink and bathe with. Now I can also easily filter the water that waters our food plants and that my children play in. I will no longer have to warn them to never drink the hose water and another joy of summer can be returned to us.
Now for the good news. Clean Water Fun has given me a $10 off coupon to pass along to all of you! So go to www.cleanwaterfun.com and read more about this great garden hose filter. Then order a garden hose filter and while you are checking out enter LOG12 in the coupon code and get $10 off each garden hose filter you purchase! I know you, my readers, care about toxins and health and I know you also appreciate saving money. This is a great way to reduce toxins in your life and the life of your children and to save some money using it.
Have you tried a garden hose filter? What did you think of it? Answer in the comments section.
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