Update from 13 days post Cavitation Surgery
This is just a quick update on my experience with Cavitation Surgery. To read more about it go to Cavitations and My Dental Health as well as Cavitation Surgery: My Experience
At about 10 days post op my tooth pain significantly decreased. I don’t know if it was just enough time or because I began taking a probiotic called Prescript-Assist that was recommended to me for bone healing. Within 24 hours of starting it I was significantly better. I ate some raw zucchini that a friend offered me and was not in horrible pain from the first bite like I had been eating much softer foods just 24 hours previous. I still avoided raw veggies as a rule but that was much better.
12 days post op I put some dried cherries in my mouth without thinking and didn’t notice any jaw pain at all. Yay!
My gums are still significantly swollen, although so much better than they were, and there is still a knot that I can feel under the skin next to where the biggest one was.
As far as improvements go, I have not taken any adrenal support since the surgery. (To learn more about Adrenal Fatigue read Adrenal Fatigue: the Silent Epidemic and the other posts in my adrenal fatigue series) I had weaned off of hydrocortisone except when ill a couple of months ago but I had assumed that this procedure would require a lot of adrenal support to recover from it. Previously, if I did not eat breakfast within 60 min of rising and include at least 60g of protein I will have low blood sugar symptoms all day long. I started taking hydrocortisone to support my adrenals about a year ago and it made a big difference in these symptoms. Then I discovered the Leptin Reset way of eating and that helped even more. With my mouth pain eating much first thing in the morning was just difficult to do and yet I have not had any of the brain fog or dizziness that I used to get. Also prior to the surgery I was drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day just to keep going and I could tell that my adrenals were getting stressed again. Within a week of the surgery I realized that I was drinking less than one cup and not really missing it most days. (I do love the taste of coffee and how much sleep I got the night before seems to have a big impact on how much coffee I want the next day).
I am hopeful that eliminating this infection will have even more benefits for me and my health than this but it is still too early to tell. I’m sure I will let you know if I notice more changes that I can attribute to it.
Here is my update from later in the summer. The State of My Health Summer 2012
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Thank You! -PattyLA

I’m glad you are feeling better. I hope you will continue to feel better and better each day, and it’s great that your adrenals are doing good!
I am avidly reading your experiences with cavitations since your story sounds so similar to mine. Would you mind doing another update including how much you feel this surgery helped with your recovery? I have been eating whole foods (with GAPS features added in) for over three years now, avoiding ALL additives (corn allergy and multiple chemical sensitivity) and feel no significant improvement. I am trying to figure out if I should blow my last little bit of savings on traveling to a dentist and having this done. Also, any tips on finding the right dentist?
I will point you to this link. http://www.lovingourguts.com/the-state-of-my-health-summer-2012/ I’m not sure how to find a good dentist. I got lucky to have a local dentist who has a cavitat and is a biologic dentist. I think this surgery has been a big piece for me. Huge. My health is night and day from what it was.
Hi, just read your post. A quick note, I’m recovering from an extraction due to a failed root canal, however my healing has been slow,, so today I walked into Pharmaca a naturopathic pharmacy and the doctor asked h
About my levels of Vitamin D which have been very low this last couple of years, so he doubled up my Vit D along with a strong calcium supplement to help with the healing. So I’m in good spirits, it made sense since Vit D is essential to mammy organs and functions in the body. Specially calcium absorption , good luck!!!
Patty, I didn’t get from reading this why you needed it done? Sorry if I missed it, but I’m interested what caused you to need this. Thanks and glad it helped you to feel so much better. And thanks for taking the time to share it.
Hi Tammy,
I had teeth extracted when I got braces as a child and again in my early twenties I had my wisdom teeth removed. My health was poor and then I developed severe gum disease quite suddenly in the spot where a tooth had been extracted when I was a child. My dentist has a machine called a cavitat that was able to look and see the holes in my jaw where infection had been festering all these years. It was in 3 places, 2 wisdom teeth and that place where I had the sudden onset of severe gum disease where a tooth had been extracted when I was about 12 years old.
hi Patty, I have Lyme and cavitations as well. Thanks for sharing your information and experiences with everyone! I’m suffering with many chronic symptoms and I was wondering if I could call or email you personally? I’m scheduled for cavitation surgery in 1 month with a surgeon who uses ozone. Thanks again
Thanks a lot for posting this.
Could you please let me know the name and address of your holistic dentist? It appears that I am suffering from an oral dental cavitation as well currently…
and I am in France…
Thanks & Best Regards
all the best in your healing recovery route
Eric there are many Holistic dentists in the united states who can do this surgery. Mine is not considered the best he was simply local to me. Best of luck finding someone who can help you.