Twists in Our Path Toward Healing

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Hello friends. I am humbled by how many are out there reading this blog. Many of you I do not know and will never know. Yet, since I feel like you are along with us for this journey, I call you friends. As many of you know I took a break from blogging a few weeks ago because of a health crisis in my family. I am still not at liberty to share about that, but I will thank you for your prayers and ask you to keep them coming. It is not over, I’m just coming to a place of acceptance and am ready to get back to work.
My family has been on a healing journey since before my first child was born. I spent much of 2002 using a wheelchair because of the pain I was in following minor surgery. I have written about that experience as a chapter in a book that will be released later this year. It seems like my family has gone from one issue to another here despite my best efforts and lots of prayer. I am an eternal optimist and I continue to have faith that we will get to a place of vibrant health for all of my family member. At the same time I am disappointed at how long and difficult the path is proving to be. Health always seems to be right around the next bend for us. Bit by bit we peel the onion and discover new challenges to tackle. I have encountered those along the way who think that I just need to have a more positive attitude and worry less about the details. If I would just trust God more our health would fall into place. I have encountered others who think that I should simply accept that this is how our life is and stop searching for answers. Find the best drugs to manage our symtoms and move on. Neither of those are what I am called to for my family right now. I can accept that this is how life is right now and still look for answers for myself and my family members.
I won’t lie. The events of this past winter have really shaken me. After 3+ years on GAPS one of my family members developed a condition that GAPS is often prescribed to address! I have met people along the way who have had this condition disappear on the GAPS diet, and yet here we are facing a new diagnosis and a scary future. I never thought that we could be faced with something like this while strictly following the GAPS protocol and yet it is a fact of our life at this point. It is hard to know what to think when something like this happens despite your best efforts to achieve health for your family. It feels so unfair! But as I remind my children. Life is not fair.
When we first started GAPS we stopped nearly everything else we were doing to pursue GAPS with all that we had. I had read some pretty amazing stories of people healing all kinds of conditions on GAPS and we were inspired to join them. One remarkable story was about a boy with severe life threatening issues. His mother started trying to heal him with GAPS and saw no improvement for the first full year! Yet that mama continued to stick it out and her son is now completely healed and boasts one of the most amazing healing stories that I have ever heard. Others showed up along the way in the GAPS groups who weren’t having such remarkable healing. Some, it turned out, were skipping important parts of the protocol. They were including rice or unwilling to give up dinners out. Perhaps they didn’t make broth or consume fermented foods. It was easy to tell them that if they just did GAPS more faithfully that they too could expect miracles. To be sure, for some of them those miracles did happen once they got strict about GAPS. But there were also those who never saw much in the way of healing no matter what they tried. They did their very best to follow GAPS to the letter and yet the progress they saw was minimal or even non-existent. They were encouraged to keep at it and have faith. The details of how well they were really following GAPS was often called into question. I know that I have done that myself and if any of you are reading this blog right now I want to sincerely apologize. Having the right intent does not stop words from being hurtful, just like having a positive thankful attitude doesn’t transform junk food into health food.
There are those for whom any improvement in diet will bring about significant improvement in health. Simply switching to all organic foods can transform the health of some people. For some children it has been as simple as removing red dye from their diet to transform them from ADHD to normal kid. While for others following extremely complex protocols brings about minimal improvement at best. Some have to try several different approaches before they find the one that “works” for them. Some even have to “go off road” and find a synergy between several approaches for their individual needs to truly be met.
If you are following a protocol that works for you, you may find yourself thinking that if everyone would just do what you are doing they too could be well. If you are one of those people for whom nothing seems to work you may begin to question if those others are telling the truth about being healed. Or you may think that perhaps they were exaggerating their symptoms. You may also question your own self. Are you being honest about following the protocol? Are you perhaps sabotaging your own efforts somehow? Are you to blame for your own lack of healing?
I have been in both groups. When my family did the Specific Carbohydrate Diet I experienced such an amazing improvement in my health I got a bit evangelistic about it. I was happier. I easily lost excess weight. I had more energy. The diet was difficult and yet I did so much better following it that the effort was more than worth it. Those who were “unwilling” to try it I looked down upon. Ditto those who “compromised” in various ways with foods not allowed on the diet. If they only would just be willing to do this all of their issues would go away! We quit SCD when my older daughter was 3 because I got pregnant and struggled to keep down anything and because we started another approach to improve her health that seemed to be working no matter how we ate as long as we stayed low starch and gluten free.
Then, once again, in 2009 my family faced a new health crisis in my youngest and so we started the GAPS diet. (read about that here) I was looking forward to how much better I would feel and to losing the last few lbs that I wanted to lose even while I dreaded the work. I did feel much better at first. My children also improved. Then my own health crashed 3 months into GAPS and it hasn’t ever really recovered. That was Feb 2010. I have kept the faith that GAPS would eventually heal us. I have added various “Cherries on Top” while I sought healing. I have listened carefully to what others have to say about what I (or GAPS in general) am getting wrong. I have tried many different “tweaks” to our diet and yet… My energy is low, my weight is high, my health issues continue as do those for the rest of my family. I’ll get one issue resolved and a different one crops up. I have watched jealously as people declared that they were ready to “graduate” from GAPS and move on to a less restrictive diet. Some have done it because they were healed. Others have simply said that they thought they had gotten “far enough” or else they gave up on healing and hoped to simply maintain the ground they had gained. Some have come back after a few months and some have not.
It has been hard for me to accept that GAPS is not right for everyone. It seems like such a logical approach! It has worked so well for so many! What is even harder to explain and accept is that it continues to be the best dietary approach for my family, despite the fact that we aren’t seeing a lot of healing right now. We have tried “non-GAPS” foods. A small number are ok, while other things we have tried are not. I frankly feel a bit stuck. We can’t seem to heal and yet we can’t seem to leave either.
I share all of this to say two things. First I am so sorry to those who I have questioned or looked down upon for not healing on GAPS. It was wrong of me. My only excuse is that I needed unwavering devotion to keep myself on the straight and narrow. For my family GAPS has not proved to be a bad choice, despite the fact that we still do not have vibrant health. We have come a long way. The problem is that, for us, while GAPS is the foundation, it is not enough. For some people GAPS is not the right foundation at all. For some the inclusion of starches helps and doesn’t hurt. For some a different dietary approach is the right choice. I stand by the statement that GAPS is a safe and healthy diet for life for many people. I no longer believe that it is the right diet for everyone as I once did. For some it is the only safe and healthy diet that they will ever be able to eat, but for others, it is not the right approach at all. For some GAPS makes them worse. For some GAPS is more restrictive than is needed or focuses on the wrong things.
It can be difficult to have the grace to support others while they seek a different path to wellness. This is especially true if their path looks easier than mine. I’m also compelled to warn people if their path is one that I tried and did not find wellness at the end of it. The fact of it is, that we are each unique and there are usually many paths to wellness for each person. There are many ways to heal the gut, detoxify the body and nourish the soul. For some only one way will work while for others nearly any path they choose will bring them success.
I will continue to dedicate my blog to supporting those who are on the same path as we are on. Those who are following GAPS, the Low Oxalate Diet, fighting Lyme, have corn allergies and other issues that we are dealing here in our family will find support and commiseration in this blog. At the same time I will strive to be more accepting of those for whom the path is so different from our own. I will try to be more open to alternative points of view on these complicated subjects of health and optimal healing. Mostly, I will try to treat those in my life with more grace as they make their own best choices every day. I will try to always speak with kindness and to think, before I speak, about how my words may be received. I will try harder to talk less and listen more and to be more humble when I do share what has worked for us. I also will try to not judge those who have chosen different paths and are not vibrantly healthy. While I continue to hope and believe that we will one day be healthy, the fact is that we are not right now either. We may need to travel down a different path to get there than the one we have been on these past 3 + years.
For those who have read this entire post thank you. It has been much longer than I anticipated when I first started writing it. I am blessed by such wonderful supportive readers on this blog and am humbled by the ways that you share your lives with me here and listen to what I have to say as I stumble along. Blogging is one of the best jobs I have ever had. Thank you for making it possible to help support my family while I share what I have learned with all of you. It is truly a labor of love.
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Thank You! -PattyLA

- Free Shipping, Awesome Coupon Codes, Healing Journey Stories, Yogurt Recipes, and More! - Delicious Obsessions - [...] from Loving Our Guts shared a wonderfully heartfelt post this week about their journey towards healing. So many of …
Thank you for sharing! The grace you are sharing flows over my heart and soul like a healing salve! I see so much hurt from holding on to tightly to things, in families, in churches, in communities and people! I agree with you that GAPS is great and has brought us remarkable healing, but I also love that you acknowledge it’s not the solution for everyone (which I also have a hard time with
)… Blessings on your family and thank you for sharing your heart!
Chara @ Stitching Hearts Together recently posted…Take A Chance on Me (Christian Fiction Book Review)
Thank you Chara.
so beautiful to see that you are embracing love and togetherness, and feeling closer to people as a result of your trying times. thank you for writing this. i, too, was narrow-minded about ways of living that worked for me. as i get older and experience my own tribulations, i open more to other views and ways and people. i am amazed at your dedication to vitality and health and see you in my mind as wonderfully healthy.
Thank you.
Beautifully written, Patty. I’m so proud of you!!!
Dorothy recently posted…Mom Does Something For Herself!
Thank you.
Sorry to hear of the set back. Is there any possiblility that genetically modified foods may be getting into the diet?
Not a chance. Thanks for caring enough to ask.
I should have known you were up on it but I’m so often so surprised by the amount of people still unaware.
So sorry for your setbacks, i’ve been there and know how discouraging it can be. If you are fighting lyme and having one thing after another, I would recommend reading Dr. Shoemaker’s work on lyme and genetic issues related.
I apologize, my comment was too brief. Dr. Shoemaker’s work covers chronic illness due to biotoxins (lyme, mold, etc) that certain individual’s physiology lacks the ability to identify and remove due to genetics. 24% of the population have these genetics, lyme is abundant and 30-50% of structures in the US have had water damage that would affect susceptible individuals. My daughter and I were being treated fro lyme with no lasting success and Dr. Shoemaker’s protocol was life-changing.
If you commonly have relapses, or increasing/changing symptoms in winter, I would highly recommend investigating environmental issues. It took me 3 years of misery to see the pattern, but eventually figured it out.
Good luck to you and God Bless,
Thank you. I have looked into his work. I actually usually feel better in winter than in summer.
Thank you so much for your openness. My heart goes out to you! My daughter and I have been on gaps( over 8 months for me and 4 months for her) and still have many unresolved issues. I have struggled with digestive issues for over 20 years. I know the struggle! You are in my prayers. May the Lord give you more grace and encouragement as you pursue health. God bless you
Thank you so much.
Patty, thank you so much for writing this. I have been on my own healing journey for a year and a half now, and my symptoms have only gotten worse. There are times when I get so down, I think that things will never improve. But I’ve always managed to pull myself out of that darkness and have looked for the next thing that I can do and take action on. It is frustrating though, especially seeing how many people experience life-altering changes doing 1/2 or less what I have done. It gets to the point that I don’t want to see another success story. Sometimes it’s hard not to scream, “WHY ME?!?!”, but I find that I have grown during this journey. I know that those thoughts don’t do me any good. I will keep searching and keep forging ahead in my quest for health, and no longer yearn for the past.
My sincerest wishes for healing for you and your family.
Thank you very much. My prayers are with you in this journey too. It sometimes is a long and frustrating one indeed.
Thanks so much for sharing and for blogging. You offer such great insights and tips for others on a journey to better health. What a great reflection on trying to be more understanding of others’ unique situations. I will pray for your family for peace on your journey to better health. May you find peace where you are and have hope for the future!
God Bless, Julie
Thank you so much for the prayers. We need them!
Patty - You have just put into words what I have not had time to do as we hit another “cherries on the top” a week and a half ago. My journey has the same thread as yours - long, hard, and humbling. Thank you for your honesty and willingness to share your journey. Keep pressing on in faith and grace!
Thank you! Keep on going!
What a beautiful post! I so appreciate your vulnerability and humility - and most of all the grace you share. You are one of my GAPS superheroes and always will be. I wish I had the words to say more accurately what I’m trying to say here. Mostly, thank you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge here and in the FB group and thank you for this post. It was an encouragement to me to read of how God is working in your life to sustain and grow you during this difficult time, but it made my heart go out to you - not in a pity way, but in an admiring-compassion way. Does that make any sense? Anyway, thank you.
Thank you and yes it does make sense. I appreciate it so much.
Patty - this is an excellent post! I am so glad you wrote from your vulnerability even though what you are facing is so challenging. This kind of humility is so important in our healing overall - I appreciate what I have learned from you over the years and value my clients that don’t fit in a ‘box’. It takes more love and grace to have to meet people where they are at rather than just give quick pat answers. What you’ve learned through these years of hard work on your healing path is so invaluable and I know you will speak to so many people with this post! I am believing for you that you will find answers however long that may take - you are a fighter and you have love on your side!!!!
Lydia recently posted…Protected: Heal Your Gut: Week #3 – Upper GI
Thank you. I won’t give up!
I am pretty new to your blog but have found some helpful information as I want to pursue the GAPS diet for me and hopefully for the rest of my family if I can get hubby on board. I was wondering if you located and saw a GAPS certified practitioner at any time during your GAPS journey? And I don’t ask that in light of this post, but just to get a feel if that is something I should do to help me through GAPS and especially if my husband agrees and we take our 2 daughters through it, one of whom is a type 1 diabetic.
Hi Debra,
No we have not worked with a GAPS certified practitioner. However our Dr is well versed in GAPS and I have consulted with others who are well versed in it. I know that isn’t the same but I haven’t ever felt the need to work with someone who is GAPS certified. If you think that you should then absolutely do that. Listen to that mama instinct. Mine has not steered me wrong yet.
Patty, I admire your strength and your honesty. I wish you were one of the “easy fixes”, but pray that you will find the missing pieces to your family’s health. I think the path from evangelism to humility is one we’ve all walked, in one way or another. I have rheumatoid arthritis and although I’ve done very well on GAPS, I did plateau and added other measures to take me to the next level: anti-inflammatory supplements, Low-Dose Naltrexone, and the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol to identify food triggers. I hope someday to be fully healed, but at the same time hold an awareness that I have this gene, and therefore will always contain the vulnerability. I’m sure it was a shock to get a diagnosis you believed GAPS would prevent. I’m not sure GAPS truly prevents or cures, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a powerful tool to improve our condition and reverse symptoms. Maybe we set our expectations too high. Be gentle with yourself. We all need to cry sometimes and re-find our footing. Sending love to you!
Eileen @ Phoenix Helix recently posted…Link Love: Traveling on a Healing Diet
Thank you Eileen. Lots of love back at you on this journey.