Trust Your Intuition Book Available Today With Free Gifts!!!
Update! There has been a glitch with the Amazon listing and so the free gifts will continue for one more day to make up for the problems! That is great news for all of you! Plus more free gifts have been added today so don’t miss out!
Today is a very exciting day!
I wrote a chapter for the book shown above and today is the day to get yourself a copy of it! That is because today there will be FREE GIFTS for you in addition to a chance to buy this inspiring book. This book has stories from 25 blogger moms who have used natural approaches to heal themselves or a family member. The stories include testimonials about weight loss, treating AD/HD, recovery from surgery, and many more. You are sure to identify with many of these women and the issues that they healed using natural approaches. Let our stories of overcoming health challenges inspire you in your search for wellness.
Here is a video that explains more about the book.
This post contains my affiliate links for this book.
Head over to Amazon, July 17th or 18th to purchase your copy of this book and then head over to
to get your free downloads.
The free gifts will ONLY BE AVAILABLE TODAY!
Let me know what you think about the book when you read it!
It’s thrills me to get feedback from my readers, so PLEASE leave feedback on Amazon! It helps so much as we try to spread messages of natural health to the world!
If everyone shares the book with 10-15 friends, I know it will hit bestseller and many people who are not familiar with the power of natural medicine will have an opportunity to learn about it! This is our goal, so please share like crazy!!!
Here’s a sneak peak at Trust Your Intuition:
Chapter Titles:
How Did An MD Husband and Master Herbalist Wife Come To Terms About Medicine? –By Jenni Wilson,
Back to Basics: Using Natural Tools to Heal Colds and Ear Infection –By Katie,
Conventional Medicine Left Me Helpless –By Patty Lacoss-Arnold,
It’s True! We Lost Fat by Eating MORE Fat! –By Kate Tietje,
Addressing ADHD with Alternatives –By Penny Williams,
How We Went From Morbidly Obese to Making Changes That Saved My Husband’s Life –By Brandie Schwartz,
From Infertile to A Beautiful Baby Girl: How I Conceived Naturally When My Doctors Told Me I Couldn’t –By Mare Pulido,
Red Raspberry Tea: A Woman’s Best Friend –By Paula J. Miller,
Proud, Strong, and Confident: Why I Decided To Go With a Natural Birth –By Cara Nitz,
Mama Goes Natural: Plus Bonus Tips & Recipes –By Kristy Howard,
From Intimidated to Empowered –By Jill Winger,
Recipes for Success: Cough Syrup, Lung Formula, Congestion, and Respiratory Sicknesses –By Jill York,
Fighting a Fever? Think Again –By Sara Shay,
Did Someone Just Say ‘LICE?’ My Tips To Getting Rid of Nits Naturally –By Kelly Moeggenborg,
Addressing Crohn’s Disease by Cutting Carbs? –By Vicky,
Healthy Gut, Healthy Child –By Stacy S. Hirsch,
How I Healed My Son’s Skin Infection Without Antibiotics –By Stephanie Langford,
No More Vics, Vapo, Vaccines, and Vegetarianism–How I Trusted My Intuition –By Stacy Karen,
Fat to Fast–How I Changed My Life to Get Off my Couch and Into a 5K in Only 6 Weeks! –By Gina Mooney,
A Mother’s Journey to Natural Living –By Sara Elizabeth Dunn,
Secret Go-To Infection Formula From A Successful, Fashion-Designing Mom –By Corinne Rickenbach,
My Change of Heart that took me from Medical School to a World Expert in Natural Medicine –By Pina LoGiudice,
Saving Bruno: How I Used Natural Remedies to Heal My 4-Legged Baby –By Laurie Driggers,
Taking Health Into My Own Hands: How Acne Brought Me Gratitude –By Robin Konie,
Maximize your Living! –By Rachel Marie,
Many of my blog posts contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA