Tropical Traditions Gold Coconut Oil Give Away!
I have always loved coconut flavored foods. So I was thrilled when I was introduced to traditional foods and discovered that this flavor I love is also really good for me! All that healthy short chain saturated fat! The other thing that I have come to appreciate since I began to focus on traditional foods is the traditional methods of making those foods. I loved watching the video below and seeing the traditional way that coconut oil was made how it is still done for this coconut oil. I’m also glad that I can purchase this oil that has been processed within 24 hours of the coconut being harvested instead of having to wait for the coconuts to get over here and then having to process them myself. Coconut oil is a GAPS legal oil for cooking with too and it is Low Oxalate (as are all oils that have been tested). I never go without at least one jar of coconut oil in my pantry and I tend to stock up when it is on sale so that I can have that some food security against any sort of emergency or natural disaster.
Today I am giving away 1 quart of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut oil. Tropical Traditions believes in their oil so much that they are willing to give it away to one lucky winner just so you can try it out and see for yourself! Read more about it below and watch the video about how this oil is processed.
Win 1 quart of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil!
Tropical Traditions is America’s source for coconut oil. Their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is hand crafted in small batches by family producers, and it is the highest quality coconut oil they offer. You can read more about how virgin coconut oil is different from other coconut oils on their website: What is Virgin Coconut Oil?
You can also watch the video they produced about Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil:
Tropical Traditions also carries other varieties of affordable high quality coconut oil. Visit their website to check on current sales, to learn about the many uses of coconut oil, and to read about all the advantages of buying coconut oil online. Since the FDA does not want us to discuss the health benefits of coconut oil on a page where it is being sold or given away, here is the best website to read about the health benefits of coconut oil.
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. Also many of the links in this blog post are affiliate links. You will get a free book if you follow my link and are a first time shopper with Tropical Traditions and I will earn a referral fee.

Looks wonderful!! I would love to have a jar.
I use coconut oil in everything! We bake with it, saute, and make no bake desserts with it. I also use it in beauty and skin care/health products.
I use coconut oil in kefir smoothies, on toast with peanut butter, to cook eggs, pop popcorn, in deodorant, for cuts and the list goes on!
I love coconut oil on my salad, eggs, and when making baked goods. I also use it in my bath creations in my company called DRENCHED (we are on FACEBOOK)It’s great for hair and skin too!!! I LOVE ME SOME COCONUT OIL!!!
My favorite way to eat coconut oil is in baked goods.
I love coconut oil. I use it in baking, salad dressing, as a hair conditioner, for dry skin, and for oil pulling. There are probably 1000 more ways I use it, but they aren;t coming to mind right now. I love your blog. We have similar health challenges and families to feed. Keep up the good work!
My favorite use of coconut oil is to slather it all over my body. It makes my skin so soft. My toe nails were starting to yellow and then I started using coconut oil and now they are beautiful clear toe nails! I also use coconut oil for oil pulling. I think it keeps my gums healthy and my teeth whiter!
Love me some coconut!
I love this brand and am in need of more oil!
I love to drink a tablespoon of CO in my morning coffee and I also use it as a skin moisturizer.
I love using coconut oil for making popcorn!
In hot drinks!
I shared on Facebook:
My favorite way to use coconut oil is on popcorn and putting it on my skin and face for a moisturizer. Thank you for the giveaway and good luck to everyone.
Coconut oil fudge is probably my favorite way to use VCO. I haven’t tried Gold Label yet so I’d love to see what it tastes like.
i love coconut oil in egg drinks
I cook most everything in it … saute for soups and stir fry … my favorite is popping corn ..mmm mmm mmm
Oh, I have always wanted to try this brand of coconut oil. Thanks for the opportunity.
I love using Coconut Oil in my beauty products (hair & skin). I also love eating it. It tastes so yummy!!!
Way too many ways to eat coconut oil…all I can say, is thank you God for it!
I try to use coconut oil in all of my cooking, made honey/coconut oil bread the other day, it was delicious.
I love all the health benefits of using Coconut oil! Thanks for sharing about it!
I love Tropical Traditions coconut oil! I also use their dish soap, dishwasher powder and coconut! I substitute the oil for butter in baked goods; use it to fry fish and chicken. I also use the oil and coconut in my Visalus protein shakes everyday. The coconut oil is a wonderful skin care item. I use it instead of lotion. It is also a great hair conditioner. I put a little in my dog’s food everyday as well. These products are amazing! Love them!!!
Best Coconut Oil, Thank you, I appreciate it!
I use it to wash my face
I love to put it in smoothies.
My favorite way to use coconut oil is in my morning coffee!
This is the only coconut oil I buy! So good!
The best and only one I use.
you’ve got some great products!
I just recently started using coconut oil. I really love it for cooking, popcorn, greasing pans, and oil pulling. I’m sure I will continue to use it for many more things!!!
Hope leaving a comment is the right way to enter the draw? I’d love to try a bottle! : )
You need to use the Rafflecopter form at the bottom of the post.
My favorite way to eat coconut oil is mixed with cocoa and/or baking chocolate and shredded coconut oil.
I like to use coconut oil on my face! : ) Can’t afford to use it as cooking oil at the moment…
I use coconut oil as a daily body oil after a shower.
I stirfry veggies with generous amounts of coconut oil usually but my favorite is sweet potato oven fries.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I enjoy my low carb chocolate treats made with coconut oil. I am switching over from olive oil in most of my baking and cooking.
I use coconut oil for any oil that I need in my baked goods, and also to saute veggies or pop popcorn. I use it in my homemade lotion and toothpaste, and use it to clean my face. I put a tablespoon of it in my coffee every day.
We LOVE coconut oil in this house!!!!
I LOVE coconut oil. I use it for many many things besides just cooking. To me it is the BEST oil around. I usually buy it at the health food store where I work but I really need to start getting it in bigger quantities. I am so glad I found their website.
I already receive their newsletter and have been a customer for several years now. I love their coconut oils and use it everyday in my food!
I love to use it to remove the makeup, skin and hair.
I love coconut oil - its the only oil I cook with. I also add it to smoothies and tea, and use it anywhere any other oil is required.
Coconut oil is good used to season vegetables or just straight out of the jar.
I love coconut oil in my smoothies, cookies, or just about anything else!!
LOVE coconut oil
Coconut oil is the best for almost any purpose. Love it!
love it on my veggies!
I just like to cook with it.
my hair
I use coconut oil every morning in my coffee. I also cook with it.