Top 10 Signs Your Family is on GAPS
As I was putting the capsule back together last night after taking my tiny dose of my new probiotic to minimize die off I was struck by the absurdity of it all. So I decided I would start a top ten list. Much of it gleaned from my own experience but I think that many of you can identify with this too. There might be a little exaggeration in here but then again there might not. *wink*
10. One probiotic capsule is enough for your whole family for a week.

Photo by Zeathiel
9. You discover your 9 year olds unflushed poop and are glad that you have a chance to see it and evaluate it based on the bristol stool scale.
8. The vendors at the farmers market exclaim over your children’s love of various vegetables and offer them free samples and other goodies.

Photo by Rimasz
7. Your 5 year old is horrified that a meal is considered over before a ferment is served.
6. You think nothing of going over the the fridge and grabbing a slab of butter for a snack.

Photo by Superfloss
5. You wonder why everything others want to do seems to revolve around eating. You have learned eat first and some trail mix in your purse just in case there aren’t any safe options.
4. You have discovered that boiled steak (affiliate link) isn’t as bad as it sounds.
3. Your kids request cups of pickle juice and you think that sounds pretty good and have some too.
2. You use a detox bath as your main behavior management tool (toddler tantrums, tween talk back, grumpy spouse). Extra credit if you also use enemas like this.

Photo by RebeccaBarray
1. Symptoms that once sent you running to the Dr now have you rejoicing because they are a sign of die off happening and you know that soon you will see greater health.
I would love to hear your ideas for what belongs on this list. Share them below in the comments!
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LOVE this post! So cute <3
Debbie recently posted…Honey Toffee Shortbread (GAPS/Paleo)
Thanks for this! Made me laugh out loud!
Jolene @ Yummy Inspirations recently posted…48 Hours Left – Harvest Your Health eBook Bundle & Giveaway!
Hmm… have been trying to come up with one about bone broth… because it seems like is should be represented somehow!!!
Awesome! Very funny!
Starlene @ GAPS Diet Journey recently posted…My New Favorite Chocolate Recipe
Very cute!
You leave virtually all grocery stores and restaurants frustrated at the lack of food.
You love desserts that your friends and family think “taste funny”, “have a funny texture”, or “aren’t sweet enough”.
Doing 3 loads of dishes a day is normal (for 2 people).
Your “coffee mug” has become a “bone broth mug”.
You now crave foods that prior to GAPS you had no idea existed, much less how to make them (such as bone broth and sauerkraut).
You dream about your fermenting or dehydrating foods, paranoid you need to check on them.
It’s not uncommon to be up at 1 am waiting for something to finish cooking (ahem).
You will realize that your children are arguing at the breakfast table about who can hold their enemas the longest!
Love this!!!!!!! It’s so great to laugh along with people who understand!!!
Love this! I laughed out loud at #9 because that is so me
I was so glad my boys finally got potty trained, but it took away a huge diet evaluation piece 😉