Cold Thermogenesis Challenge Starts Today!

Here’s a video for some inspiration for you.

The ice man takes a cold dip

So last week I shared about Dr Kruse and his Cold Thermogenesis protocol. Step one is putting your face into ice water daily to begin to get used to the cold. I have been doing it myself for [...]

Cold Adapting tool

I have been dipping my face in ice water this week but I really have no idea what temperature the water is, nor do I know how cold I am really getting my skin. I saw this tool on Amazon today and went ahead and ordered it with prime. Hopefully it will arrive in time [...]

I want to be well!

Here I am as a high school senior. I was young. I was strong. My brain and my body both worked well and I loved to use them. I ran track, acted in plays, sang in choirs and dreamed of a life preforming on the stage. I had limitless energy and a [...]

Come on in! The water’s freezing!

Photo by

Brrrr!!!! Doesn’t this look like fun? Jumping into icy cold water and hanging out for a bit? Many of you know I have been following the Leptin Reset for a few months. Less than a month ago, Jack Kruse came out with a new twist on [...]