Pumpkin Bread (GAPS, LOD)

It’s a great time of year for pumpkin bread!

I have been playing with using some of my Be Young Essential Oils to cook with to reduce the oxalate content in my foods. Spices can pack quite a punch when it comes to oxalate content. The ground spices alone add nearly 80 mg [...]

Coconut Butter Sandwich Bread

I have been making bread with coconut flour for quite some time. It is ok but a lot of work with whipping egg whites and sifting flour, plus it uses 7 eggs per loaf and since we already go through several dozen eggs a week just with breakfasts, I often come up short for [...]

Coconut Flour Hot Crossed Buns

One of me memories from growing up was that every Sunday morning we would have scrambled eggs and some sort of sweet pastry before church. On Easter this was usually hot crossed buns. These pasties were usually purchased and made by Entenmann’s. Not exactly real food or GAPS friendly but still a memory [...]

GAPS Oopsie Buns

Oopsie rolls have been a staple of the low carb community for many years. I first encountered them while following the Schwarzbein Principle program. They faded from my memory for many years but recently the arose in my subconscious and I went looking for the recipe once again. They are quick and easy to [...]

Christmas Menu for Low Oxalate GAPS

I think the foods of Christmas are the strongest memories from my childhood and the ones I most want to recreate with my own family. Some are much easier than others on the GAPS diet. Of course, then there are the pesky traditions of my husband’s childhood that must also be taken into consideration. Thankfully [...]

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