St Louis Sources
Dark Days Challenge meal #3
Welcome to week 3 of the dark days challenge. With all the Christmas stuff going on with my family it has been hard to focus on this meal but I had one of the veggies planned for a couple of weeks. We had this squash at our friends house for Thanksgiving and it was so nice to recreate it for our own home. So without further ado. This weeks SOLE meal was stewed chicken, acorn squash with green apples, and boc choi with mushrooms. For some reason my photo...
Dark Days Challenge Meal #2
This meal was much better than my first meal. Grass fed rib steaks from Missouri Grassfed Beef with a red wine reduction sauce (Missouri Wine and Locally made butter), cauliflower “rice” with cauliflower from a local farm that I purchased at the farmers market, a salad with some lettuce and peppers from a local farm and some sauerkraut I made from local cabbages earlier in the fall. The first dish I made was the cauliflower rice. Take a head or two of cauliflower and wash it and shred it. I use my...
Winter Farmers Markets in St. Louis
This is a typical farmers market haul for us for this time of year. The only thing I wanted that I couldn’t get was onions. This will generally last a week with some stuff going into the second week My freezer is full of frozen veggies as well that were on sale last month through UNFI. Cauliflower, broccoli, winter squash and peas are the staples in there. There will be another farmers market this coming weekend or I would have gotten more. In the Winter generally there is a...
Dark Days Challenge week1
For the first week of the Dark days challenge I am at a disadvantage. My last farmers market trip was nearly 2 weeks ago and I have slim pickings from what is left because I was mainly focused on Thanksgiving when I shopped. Meat is easy since I have 20 pastured chickens, 2 pastured turkeys, 10 rabbits and quite a bit left from my grass fed half beef all from local sources in my freezer waiting. What is going to be difficult is the fact that we generally eat...
Dark Days Challenge … on Low Oxalate GAPS
I have decided to take on a challenge this winter. I’m participating in the Dark Days challenge to eat one 100% local meal a week from now through March 31, 2012. My family is giving it a twist because we also eat following the principles of the GAPS Diet And two of us follow a low oxalate diet With a few other food sensitivities thrown in for good measure. Thankfully, unlike last year, winter squash is back on the menu or this would be nearly impossible. One saving grace is that there...