Poison in your Mouth
I have been planning to write some posts about dental health for some time. Lucky for you there is the HealThy Mouth World Summit coming up in less than 2 weeks that will give you far more information than I can. However, I want to go ahead and get you started. Hopefully this will help you understand why you should even care.
When I was a child we were taught about dental health in school. We were taught how to brush our teeth and given those red tablets to show us where we were missing with our tooth brushes. (Is this still done?) I brushed my teeth once a day and went to get them cleaned at the dentist twice a year. It seemed to work! I had no cavities as a young child.
Then when I was 12 or so I got braces. I don’t remember much about them other than that they hurt. I wore them for 4 years. In those 4 years I got the only cavities of my entire life. 6 of them. I was blamed for them and told it was because I did not brush well enough. I don’t know why my brushing was fine before and after my braces but not while they were on my mouth. I no longer believe that brushing or toothpaste have a significant impact on oral health. I have met people who have reversed their children’s severe tooth decay with diet changes. But my family did not know about this possibility and so when I got cavities we turned to the dentist to “fix” them.
My dentist filled my teeth with “silver” amalgam fillings. That is what he filled everyone’s teeth with. I don’t know if my parents knew that those fillings were 50% mercury. Even if they knew they wouldn’t have worried. They trusted our dentist completely. He surely wouldn’t have ever put anything in our mouths that was dangerous or harmful. I have no doubt that he honestly thought that those fillings were completely safe and that the best thing to do with a cavity was to fill it as soon as possible before it got bigger.
Over the past 15 years or so I have begun to learn more about mercury. At first I only knew it as the silver stuff in a thermometer. I heard that it was poisonous but never really appreciated what that meant. I also did not know at first that my fillings contained mercury. Now that I know more about mercury I am shocked that anyone ever thought it was a good idea to put it into peoples mouths! Just in case you aren’t aware of the risks of Mercury here is a list of the symptoms of mercury poisoning according to WebMD.
- Impairment of peripheral vision.
- Disturbances in sensations (“pins and needles” feelings, usually in the hands, feet, and around the mouth).
- Lack of coordination of movements.
- Impairment of speech, hearing, walking.
- Muscle weakness.
- Tremors.
- Emotional changes (mood swings, irritability, nervousness, excessive shyness).
- Insomnia.
- Neuromuscular changes (such as weakness, muscle atrophy, twitching).
- Headaches.
- Disturbances in sensations.
- Changes in nerve responses.
- Performance deficits on tests of cognitive function.
- At higher exposures there may be kidney effects, respiratory failure and death.
- damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system, and the kidneys.
- Skin rashes and dermatitis.
- Memory loss.
- Mental disturbances.
- Muscle weakness.
I have symptoms from this list as well as many others. There are other lists of symptoms that have resolved in people after their amalgam fillings were removed. Here is one such list of Symptoms of Chronic Mercury Poisoning.
In my quest to learn more about mercury amalgam fillings I recently readIt’s All in Your Head: The Link Between Mercury Amalgams and Illness. This book documents Dr Hal Huggins experience studying amalgam fillings and the amazing healing he has seen in many patients who had their amalgams removed. The ADA says that all of those cures were spontaneous and had nothing to do with the fillings being removed just days before. They deny that mercury in fillings could possibly cause an adverse health outcome. It is an informative book and I recommend it to anyone with mercury amalgams fillings in their mouth. Read it before you do anything about them.
Below are some facts that I learned from reading that book.
In the 1980’s, the ADA sent a list of precautions to all dentists about how they were to handle the amalgam material. Here are just some of them
- Store Mercury in unbreakable, tightly sealed containers.
- Use a no-Touch technique for handling the amalgam.
- Salvage all amalgam scrap and store it under water.
- Work in a well-ventilated space.
- Avoid heating mercury or amalgam.
- Alert all personnel involved in handling mercury, especially during training or indoctrination periods, of the potential hazard of mercury vapor and the necessity for observing good mercury hygiene practices.
Those of you with amalgam fillings I will ask you these questions.
- Has your tongue ever touched a filling in your mouth?
- Is your mouth well ventilated?
- Do you avoid heating amalgam (drinking hot coffee)?
- Were you advised before that amalgam was placed in your mouth to be very careful to never touch it or breathe the fumes from it?
Of course none of that is possible in a mouth and yet it is how the very material that is placed in your mouth is to be handled before and after it goes into your mouth. What could make the material highly toxic everywhere except for in a person’s mouth?
There is also an idea that the mercury is tightly bound in the filling and none of it can leach out into your body. Dr Huggins removed fillings from peoples mouths and then had them tested for how much mercury was in them. Remember that an amalgam filling will have about 50% mercury. After just five years in someones mouth one filling was found to only have 27% mercury. Another two fillings were tested. Each had 36% mercury. One was 7 years old and the other was 11. Clearly it does not leach out at the same rate for every person but it does leach out at an alarming rate. My fillings are each over 2o years old. I wonder how much mercury even remains in them.
I am not going to answer many of your questions here. I’m still seeking the answers myself. This year I will have my remaining 4 amalgam fillings removed. I was going to be getting the first one out next week but I have put that off now so that I can attend the HealThy Mouth Summit first. I am hopeful that the information from this summit will help me to make the best decisions about how to best protect my health when I have them removed and other steps I can take to recover my health.
Here is a short video about the upcoming Summit
Click Here to sign up for the free HealThy Mouth World Summit
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I had multiple amalgam fillings as a kid despite brushing like crazy. My parents thought nothing of it. They fed me fluoride vitamins. One in particular was a huge molar filling that leaked like crazy. As an adult I had a tooth broke and had a root canal and gradually replaced all the amalgams with resin fillings. Well the big leaky molar finally needed a root canal and I had one but it was not enough. I had to have it pulled and a bone graph as well. A month and a half later a lost my vision in both eyes. I was in the hospital for 10 days. They couldnt determine what was wrong and finally said MS but I didnt really meet the criteria. Knowing what I know now I believe it was all the caustic dental work and the massive release of mercury and infection. That leaky filling is the side I am still partially blind on. The side I have my other root canal on is the side I have God awful burning pain on the entire side of my body. I’m only 31. We eat WAP…well GAPS now. Grow everything. So its not the food anymore. I am furious. How many of us are walking around with debilitating autoimmune issues because of our teeth because of poor nutrition as kids?
Do you still have a root canal? Have you been checked for cavitations? You really should go to the HealThy Mouth Summit to get ideas on how to recover your health. After 3 years of GAPS pretty much every practitioner we see thinks my teeth are holding me back from healing. Getting my cavitations dealt with this summer had a huge positive impact on my health. I am eager to get my amalgams out and see what is next.
The woman who is teaching me about Be Young Essential Oils used those oils to detox the mercury in her system and also to heal a broken blood vessel in her eye that she was told would be permanent. The body can heal itself when it is given the tools it needs.
I also wonder if you are biologically compatible with the fillings that replaced your mercury fillings. That is something to look into.
I registered a few days ago for the summit. I am sure the root canal that currently resides in my mouth is causing my body pain. I looked up the meridian pathway on an acupuncture chart and that tooth is involved with the area of body pain. I would LOVE to address the root canal and the other removed root canal …well and the missing fillings and cavities I am trying to remineralize…. money is very very very tight right now and probably will be for the next few years. I am trying to figure out if I should have the RC removed and a cavitation surgery. it is a front bottom first molar so it wont be very attractive but health is more important. Holistic dentistry should be the standard and we should all be tested to see is we are compatible with the materials placed in our bodies. I was not. The dentist was just happy to make some extra money ripping my many amalgams out and putting some lovely BPA resin in. I am breastfeeding 2 lil ones right now too so trying not to do any crazy major detox. Good to hear your procedure helped!
That’s great Patty that you’ve read “It’s all in your head”. Dr. Huggins really knows his stuff and is truly trying to help those of us poisoned by mercury, other metal, root canals, cavitations and implants. I HIGHLY recommend anyone seeing a trained Huggins alliance dentist to remove amalgam fillings and any other work you may have. I’m working with Dr. Huggins to balance my blood chemistry.
Sorry, my post was too long so i’ve split it up.
Check out drhuggins.com or hugginsappliedhealing.com. Oh and also i’ve just listened to a recent interview/podcast with him and it gives a lot of good information. It’s at http://oneradionetwork.com/cleansingdetox/dr-hal-huggins-dds-slaying-the-dental-dragons-the-connection-between-dental-procedures-and-disease-december-13-2012/ Oneradionetwork.com has other interviews with him also. You can type in dental healing in search and all of Patrick’s podcasts on dental health comes up.
Patrick Timpone had his dental revision with Dr. Stuart Nunally from Austin Texas - his interviews are great too. I had my revision with Dr. Blanche Grube in PA and she’s awesome. Oral health is a really big deal for our overall health. Oh and I switched to Morton’s canning & pickling salt only before my revision since Dr. Huggins recommends that for seasoning food and brushing and rinsing and within 2-3 days felt much better – my brain fog lessened a great deal. Any other salt causes problems in blood chemistry. I can’t wait for the HealThy Mouth Summit! Dr. Huggins & Dr. Grube are speaking! Thanks for bringing awareness to this Patty!
It’s crazy how dangerous this is. I’m thankful I did not get any amalgams but used flouride toothpaste for years. I wanted to ask if you know of possible reasons for receding gums? I am working on recovering from adrenal fatigue. I think it may also be related to a deficiency in HGH, among others.
The speakers of the Dental Summit will say that if it isn’t over brushing then it is a nutritional issue that you need to address. I am not sure what specifically but listen to the talks to learn more.