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Lacto-fermented Bread and Butter Pickles
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! These are among the favorite ferments of my children and me. These pickles are a mild sweet flavor that is refreshing and easy on the palate for those who are reluctant to eat the more sour or spicy fermented foods. We can’t decide if we like the onions or the cucumbers better. I may just do this ferment this winter just using onions...
Read MoreNutrition Books that Changed my Life
I grew up in a healthy eating home. We ate our garden vegetables and avoided soda and junk food as a general rule. Despite that background I still developed health issues and just thought that it was bad luck and probably bad genetics. Then I started reading some books that changed my perspective. I’m going to share some of those books with you in the general order that I read them. This post contains many affiliate links to find...
Read MoreGet Healthy To Lose Weight With My Nutritional Therapist!
Today I have a guest post from my nutritional therapist and affiliate partner Lydia Shatney. She has put together a course all about getting healthy so that you can reach the goal of normalizing your weight if that is a challenge for you. Read below about all that her course has to offer! This course can be joined at any time and you work through the materials at your own pace. Don’t wait though since she is offering a...
Read MoreBreastfeeding Revolution Online Summit
While my blog isn’t about breastfeeding or parenting, it is about health and my families journey and breastfeeding was a part of that. My children are no longer nursing but I still care very much about breastfeeding and the way that our society treats the subject. Of course breastfeeding isn’t always easy and our culture is full of “booby traps” that can catch even those who start off without issues.. Below is some information about this summit. I participated...
Read MoreGAPS Intro Once Again
While thinking about the contents of this post I thought about this quote from one of my favorite movies, The Princess Bride. “If you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything.” Watch it below. Ok folks here is the deal. My family has been on GAPS for over 3.5 years and we still aren’t healed. Starting a couple of months ago, for the first time, I’m having chronic gut pain that my dr says is inflammation possibly a...
Read MoreTrust Your Intuition Book Available Today With Free Gifts!!!
Update! There has been a glitch with the Amazon listing and so the free gifts will continue for one more day to make up for the problems! That is great news for all of you! Plus more free gifts have been added today so don’t miss out! Today is a very exciting day! I wrote a chapter for the book shown above and today is the day to get yourself a copy of it! That is because today...
Read MoreReal Food Book Bundle ~ GAPS Friendly And a Give Away Worth Over $325!
Nourished Living Network’s July eBook bundle theme is Real Food! Welcome to the monthly eBooks Bundle featuring eBooks authored by members of the Nourished Living Network. Each month, we feature a themed bundle of informative eBooks at a reduced price. Since I know that many of my readers are specifically interested in GAPS books, 2 of these books were written with GAPS in mind. Those two books together retail for $28.92 so it is like getting them for half...
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