Healthy Child Summit Sneak Preview Speakers!
Here is the speaker line up for the sneak preview of the Health Child Summit. Go register for free to hear each of these great talks.
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Monday, November 18th
Infertility and Preconception Health
Donielle Baker
Natural Fertility and Wellness
Donielle is an author, amateur herbalist, lover of real food, and an advocate for natural health. She has a passion for nourishing nutrition, natural living, and spreading the word on how food truly affects our health, so much so that she is currently taking courses to become a master herbalist. Her personal background includes both infertility and miscarriage and she began her blog, Naturally Knocked Up, in order to share all of the information she found helpful in her journey to healing.
Tuesday, November 19th
Natural Family Planning and Ecological Breastfeeding
John and Sheila Kipley
NFP and More
Sheila and John Kippley have been collaborating in the work of natural family planning since 1971. Sheila’s unique contribution has been the research and teaching of ecological breastfeeding as a distinct form of natural baby spacing. John’s unique contribution has been theological; the concept that the marriage act ought to be a renewal of the for-better-and-for-worse caring love of the marriage covenant. Their reward for this effort is knowing that many couples have been helped by these ideas and practices through their books and NFP and More website.
Wednesday, November 20th
Birth Choices
Nicole Deggins, CNM, MSN, MPH
Sista Midwife
Nicole Deggins is a midwife, author, and educator with more than 18 years of experience in women’s health care, advocacy and empowerment. She has practiced as a midwife in Washington DC and Mississippi and has worked as a labor and delivery nurse in numerous public and private settings throughout the country. Nicole is dedicated to bringing transparency to childbirth education and helping women understand their rights as they navigate the medical obstetrical system. As the founder and CEO of Sista Midwife Productions, LLC, she acts as a virtual midwife, pregnancy coach and doula trainer providing education through one-on-one support, teleconferences, webinars, and live workshops. No matter where or how a woman plans to birth, her ultimate goal is to help her Birth Something Beautiful.
Thursday, November 21st
Becoming Aware of Possible Toxins Around Your Children; Choosing Safe Products For Your Children
Dawn Lorenz
Raising Natural Kids
Dawn Lorenz is a mother of three, a teacher and a writer whose mission is to provide parents with the resources they need in order to make informed decisions regarding their children, specifically focusing on raising children in healthy environments that will benefit their overall well-being. Dawn runs the blog Raising Natural Kids and hosts an up and coming community website,, where parents can become informed and converse about all things natural, holistic and organic in regards to raising kids. Dawn also provides speaking engagements, striving to provide parents and anyone helping to raise children, with the information they need to make their own informed choices. She encourages people to THINK TWICE and to know all sides of issues/topics that families are faced with today so that they can make educated choices.
Friday, November 22nd
Baby Led Weaning and Starting Solids
Kate Tieje
Modern Alternative Mama
Kate Tieje is the owner of Modern Alternative Mama, a blog all about natural living from a Christian perspective. She has been blogging since October 2009, and has also contributed to the Life… Your Way and Keeper of the Home blogs regularly. She has written 8 books, 7 of them cookbooks, and is launching a new recipe and meal planning service called Tradishen shortly.
Monday, November 25th
Living with Food Allergies and Intolerances
KerryAnn Foster
Intentionally Domestic
KerryAnn lives in North Carolina with her husband, Jeff, and two children. KerryAnn developed celiac disease and multiple food intolerances in 2006, and soon discovered her children had food intolerances, too. Out of that grew a passion for family-friendly, kid-happy, allergen-free cooking. She blogs at Intentionally Domestic, formerly Cooking Traditional Foods, where she has written many allergen-free recipe books, runs a video-based cooking school including a multi-media class on how to go gluten and dairy-free, and writes the internet’s longest running real food Menu Mailer.
Tuesday, November 26th
Skincare for Families
Jennifer Saleem
Hybrid Rasta Mama
Jennifer, author of Hybrid Rasta Mama, is a former government recruiter turned stay-at-home mama to a precious daughter (Tiny) brought earthside in early 2009. She is passionate about and writes about conscious parenting, natural living, holistic health/wellness, real foods, and more! Coconut oil and all its wonders is a main feature on her blog as well. Jennifer has authored three recipe books; Coconut Oil For Your Skin, Cooking With Coconut Oil, and Salve Made Simple. Additionally, Jennifer is close to releasing her first two illustrated print books. I Will Breastfeed Anywhere will empower mothers and their nurslings of all ages to breastfeed when and where they choose! Milkies In The Morning in a gentle night weaning book that Jennifer wrote to ease the transition for her then, four year old daughter.
Monday, December 2nd
Gentle Sleep Solutions
Elizabeth Pantley
The No-Cry Solutions
Parenting educator, Elizabeth Pantley, is the President of Better Beginnings, Inc., a family resource and education company. She is a regular radio show guest and frequently quoted as a parenting expert in newspapers and magazines such as Parents, Parenting, American Baby, Woman’s Day, Good Housekeeping, and Redbook and on hundreds of parent-directed web sites. She publishes a newsletter, Parent Tips, which is distributed in schools nationwide. Elizabeth is the author of eight popular parenting books, available in 18 languages, and she was a contributing author to The Successful Child with Drs. William and Martha Sears. Elizabeth and her husband, Robert, live in the state of Washington, along with their four children, Angela, Vanessa, David, and Coleton, and “Grama.”
Tuesday, December 3rd
Cloth Diapering
Erin Odom
The Humbled Homemaker
Erin Odom is a work-at-home wife and mother to three little redheaded girls, born in 2008, 2010 and 2012. She loves practicing the semi-crunchy lifestyle from her home in North Carolina. She’s a lover of Jesus, breastfeeding, natural birthing, cloth diapers and real food. Erin writes for her local newspaper, edits, and blogs at The Humbled Homemaker, where she seeks to write each post full of grace for far-from-perfect homemakers desiring to live a natural lifestyle.
Wednesday, December 4th
The Vaccination Decision - What Parents Need To Know
Jessika Bailey
Natural Mother Magazine
Jessika Bailey is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Natural Mother Magazine. She is the mother of three children, two of whom are vaccine-free. She lives in the mountains of Utah with her husband, kids, and animals. Jessika is passionate about all things natural mothering.
Thursday, December 5th
Extended Breastfeeding and Tandem Nursing
Lauren Wayne
Hobo Mama
Lauren Wayne lives and writes in the Pacific Northwestern USA with her husband, Sam, and their two sweet boys: six-year-old Mikko and two-year-old Alrik. Sam and Lauren share attachment parenting, homeschooling, and working from home. Lauren blogs about natural parenting at Hobo Mama and gives a behind-the-scenes look at writing at She has long been interested in building the community of natural parents online, so she co-hosts the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting and is a co-founder of Natural Parents Network.
Friday, December 6th
Chiropractic for Children and In Pregnancy
Dr. Staci Borkhuis
Cornerstone Chiropractic
Dr. Staci Borkhuis is a Chiropractor in Minot, North Dakota. Her office, Cornerstone Chiropractic - which includes 3 doctors, focuses on family health and wellness. A large part of their practice is pregnant women and children who are looking for ways to naturally experience exceptional health. She lectures in her community and in communities across the country on why chiropractic care is the foundation for exceptionally healthy families.
Monday, December 9th
Children’s Dental Health
Will and Susan of Orawellness
Will and Susan Revak are the founders of OraWellness. They began their journey into real food, real medicine and real wellness in their early 20s. Their journey creating greater oral health in their own lives started 17 years ago when Susan was diagnosed with advanced gum disease which she has since reversed on her own without dental surgery. OraWellness assists others with techniques and tools how to navigate to greater oral health. Their spearhead product is a toxin free toothpaste alternative made from 100% organic and wild crafted ingredients. offers many FREE video tutorials and downloads to help you on your path to greater oral health.
Tuesday, December 10th
Raising Children to Know Where Their Food Comes From
Abbie Walson
Farmer’s Daughter
Abbie Walston was raised on a family farm in Connecticut, which has shaped her lifestyle, parenting, philosophy of education and environmental activism. Abbie and her husband, Ed, strive to raise their sons, Joshua and David, to value a hard day’s work, real food and their family traditions. In spare moments away from her job as a high school science teacher, Abbie documents her family’s adventures at Farmer’s Daughter and her Country Boys.
Wednesday, December 11th
Adrenal Health for Kids
Michael Smith N.D. BHSC
Planet Naturopath
Michael Smith N.D. is a Naturopath/ Nutritionist from Australia focusing on addressing the cause of chronic health problems. His area of expertise is treating all digestive health issues from irritable bowel to Crohn’s Disease, as well as treating hormonal imbalances like adrenal fatigue, PMS and thyroid conditions. His use of food as medicine through dietary changes, as well as lifestyle modifications and specific nutritional and herbal supplementation when necessary can bring about profound health changes without the need for pharmaceutical medications. Consultations are available world wide via Skype.
Thursday, December 12th
Real Food For Families
Kimmi Harris
The Nourishing Gourmet
Kimi am a mother of three and a cookbook author who loves nourishing and beautiful foods. At The Nourishing Gourmet, she shares recipes and tips on creating a successful real food lifestyle.
Friday, December 13th
Common Childhood Illnesses
Dr. Mary Bove N.D.
Brattleboro Naturopathic
Dr. Mary Bove obtained her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine and Midwifery Certification from Bastyr University, Seattle, WA and received her Diploma of Phytotherapy/Herbal Medicine at the School of Phytotherapy in Great Britain. Dr. Bove practices Naturopathic Family Medicine at the Brattleboro Naturopathic Clinic, Brattleboro, VT. Dr Bove is the author of the Encyclopedia of Natural Healing for Children and Infants and has been published in many magazines, journals and collaborative books on botanical and natural medicine. She lectures and teaches internationally on the topics of naturopathic and botanical medicine, pediatrics, natural pregnancy, traditional food medicine, and mind-body healing. In collaboration with Gaia Herbs, Dr Bove developed an herbal remedy line designed specifically for children.
Monday, December 16th
Kombucha for Families
Hannah Crum
Kombucha Kamp
Hannah Crum is The Kombucha Mamma, industry journalist, commercial brewing consultant, founder of Kombucha Kamp and mentor to thousands of homebrewers around the world. Over the last 5 years, she and partner Alex LaGory have documented the dramatic growth of the bottled Kombucha business, on pace to become a billion dollar segment by 2015, while helping shepherd companies of all sizes through the commercial Kombucha process. Their writings and workshops have been featured on the Veria Network as well as in BevNet, Beverage Spectrum Magazine, Whole Life Times Magazine, Los Angeles Times Best Bets, Elephant Journal, Vital Juice and many more.
Tuesday, December 17th
Preventing PPD
Amanda Rose
Rebuild From Depression
Amanda Rose, Ph.D. is the author of the book “Rebuild From Depression: A Nutrient Guide,” a book on food and depression that she wrote some years after the birth of her first son and the serious depression she suffered in that pregnancy and postpartum. The book was in press when she discovered she was pregnant again. Against the odds, she remained depression-free using a variety of brain-supporting tools, now part of her “Good Day Strategies” approach found online. Find Amanda and two other Rose generations writing at from their five acres in California’s Sequoia National Forest.
Wednesday, December 18th
Managing Anger and Overwhelm as a Parent
Dr. Laura Markham
Aha Parenting
Dr. Laura Markham trained as a Clinical Psychologist, earning her PhD from Columbia University. But she’s also a mom, so she translates proven science into the practical solutions you need for the family life you want. Her relationship-based parenting model has helped thousands of families across the U.S. and Canada find compassionate, common-sense solutions to everything from separation anxiety and sleep problems to sass talk and cell phones. The founding editor of, Dr. Laura also serves as parenting expert for and several other websites. She makes frequent TV and radio appearances and has written hundreds of articles published on over a dozen websites. Dr. Laura’s book, Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting is also a bestselling gentle parenting resource. Dr. Laura lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband and two terrific kids — now 17 and 21!
Thursday, December 19th
Back to Work Breastfeeding
Renee Beebe M.Ed., IBCLC
Second Nine Months
Renee Beebe, M.Ed., IBCLC, RLC is a Lactation Consultant in private practice in Seattle, Washington. She has been helping women breastfeed for over 20 years, both as a LLL leader and as an IBCLC. Her practice, The Second 9 Months, includes home and hospital visits, teaching a variety of breastfeeding classes and phone/skype consultations all over the world.
Friday, December 20th
Holistic Fathers - Engaging and Including Dad
Billy Bradley
Holistic Dad
Billy is a Wellness Coach and writer/actor, dedicated to helping people live healthier and more balanced lives. After years of struggling with horrendous stomach pain and digestive problems, he developed asthma out of the blue. Instead of going on steroids, he began searching for a cure and discovered he was severely allergic to gluten. Billy’s life completely changed, and he began coaching friends and family on how to look at their diets and lifestyle and change what was causing them pain and illness. He traveled around the world with his family, researching old and new alternative systems of medicine. Billy graduated from Western Michigan University with a double major in theater and creative writing; his passion for the arts has driven him to work with artists of all varieties to help them cope with their frequently rigorous performing schedule and with industry pressure to look and act a certain way. As a holistic health speaker, he enjoys motivating people to make healthy changes to their lifestyles, taking one step at a time.
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