More Miracles from Craniosacral Therapy!
Continued from Cranial Sacral Therapy is Working Miracles in my House
It has been so amazing to see the changes in my daughter thanks to Craniosacral Therapy (CST). After a few months I decided that for my birthday I would give myself the gift of a CST session as well. I didn’t have high expectations for this session. I expected it to be deeply relaxing and that was about it. I remembered how much I had enjoyed my sessions in the past and thought that I would enjoy one again now.
I’m glad that I didn’t have any expectations since I never could have imagined what did happen and possibly would have encouraged her to work on something else. As many of you know I took a break from blogging in the spring while some difficult new medical issues in my family were dealt with. At about that same time my stomach began to “act up”. I have had this happen occasionally but usually it would resolve itself. This time it just kept going. I tried ignoring it. I tried various methods of treating it including changing my diet, supplements and also running some tests with my Dr to help figure out what was wrong. I would have some temporary relief and then be right back to where I was before with pain and inflammation that I couldn’t explain or control. This would get so bad that I would have to cancel plans and lay in bed and moan in pain at times. It was really severe and I never knew what would trigger a flare of up symptoms.
Well, while the CST therapist was working on me my gut began to rumble. I could feel things moving around in there a lot. At first I thought that it was because it was nearly lunch time, but then I realized that this was a lot more rumbling than hunger would explain. I was deeply relaxed in my session and was able to think about many events of the past year in a new way. Ultimately I came to realize, through this work, that I had put all of my stress and worry and anxiety into my stomach. I no longer felt anxious or worried on a daily basis as I had when the medical issue first appeared, but it was stuck there in my gut and causing all sorts of trouble for me. After the session was over my gut felt much better. Unfortunately, I had all of that anxiety and worry from months ago that I thought I had dealt with come back to the surface again and require my attention. This time however I was able to deal with it and now that it is dealt with and gone so is my gut pain. Hallelujah!
I still have some inflammation and tenderness in my belly when I palpate it. This wasn’t all “in my head” but I would say that my “gut issues” are 90% resolved just from this one session and finally being able to release those emotions that I had stuck in my gut.
On GAPS we spend a lot of time hunting down the physical reasons for a psychological problem. We change what we eat, not just to impact our gut health but also to impact our mental health. Well that road runs both ways. We often recognize that psychological stress can impact our stomachs. That feeling of nausea that can come with a highly stressful or traumatic event. We also talk about someone having a “nervous stomach” or “giving yourself an ulcer” from too much worry. Yet I had totally missed the psychological aspect of my very significant gut pain.
That one session of CST was not enough to fully resolve the problem for me, but it did help me to recognize what the real problem was. Thankfully I was then able to work through that stress more fully and put it to rest. I am a Christian, and have prayed quite a lot about this new challenge, but praying was not enough. I also needed to do the difficult work of processing the experiences and putting it into perspective for me. I believe that God brought these circumstances together for me to help me to find peace and heal this issue I am very thankful for it.
I would like to encourage you to look into Craniosacral Therapy. Especially if you are dealing with a chronic illness or issue like I am and was. I can’t promise that it will heal everything. (I’m still challenged by my chronic Lyme disease daily) but it may help you to unlock healing for some of your health challenges and find other benefits that you really don’t expect. I don’t know why it helps my daughter focus but I am thankful for it. I don’t know why it was able to help me to process the events of this past winter and spring and resolve my gut pain, but I am thankful for it. I don’t know what it may do for you or if it will do anything but I wanted you to be aware of it as a possibility in case it may be a good next step in your quest for healing.
Do you get CST or other types of bodywork? What sorts of miracles have you seen in you life from this kind of work?

- Cranial Sacral Therapy is Working Miracles in My House | Loving Our Guts - […] Read on to learn what happened to me at my first session with this miracle worker. More Miracles from …
- Next Up In Our Lyme Journey: The Cowden Protocol | Loving Our Guts - […] and I have been able to release some stored emotions from the stressful events in Feb thanks to Craniosacral …
Hi Patty, I have followed your story with great interest and am delighted that you have found a breakthrough using energy medicine. We too have had great success with this modality. It occurred to me 3 years into the GAPS diet that good nutrition is only one part of a balanced diet. And I really has to acknowledge the extra layer of stress that it brought into my life in adhering so rigidly to the diet. I happened upon the DVD The Living Matrix from the Mercola site and it blew my mind. So i have been reading up and trying to understand this new paradigm since then. i cannot recommend the book Concious Medicine by Gill Edwards more wholeheartedly. May you continue to regain your vibrant health, and thank you for your blog. It is inspirational - and honest!
Hi Patty-I’m very interested in pursuing CST. Any recommendations on finding a good practitioner?
Hi Chari,
I have found mine in different ways but mostly by word of mouth. I think googling CST for your area is a good way to start. I just looked for a database and am embarrassed to discover that I have been misspelling craniosacral!
Hi Patty, I’m new to your blog but we share similar interests. I also had Lyme Disease and lost three years of my life to debilitating illness. I was very fortunate to stumble upon a doctor who developed a treatment for his wife. I was cured (yes, cured) without taking a single antibiotic. If you’re still looking for something that works, drop me a line and I’ll forward his contact information and further details. Nobody should suffer with Lyme Disease. It’s horrific.
I am following chronic Lyme recovery cases wherever I find them-so many dimensions of this disease to work through. I would welcome information about your practitioner. Please forward.
Thank you in advance!