GAPS Hot Chocolate!!!
Yes, you can have yummy rich hot chocolate on GAPS. It can even be nourishing and full of hidden super foods. Your kids will just say “Yummy!” and you will be saying “Can I get you another cup?” Cause you know it is so good for them.
Thank you Annie Beth Donahue from Signposts Ministries for this recipe.
A word about oxalates. Yes chocolate does have a lot of oxalates and this drink is no exception. It is not appropriate for the LOD (Low Oxalate Diet). You might try using a lot less cocoa but it still would need to very limited. This recipe contains more oxalate than a child on a LOD should be consuming in a whole day. I did not look up the oxalate levels of this drink till after I served it to my daughter and then I knew why she was in pain that night. I won’t be repeating it. She liked it but it isn’t worth it. I’ve got a low oxalate hot drink to share soon. Go ahead and subscribe to e-mail updates in the sidebar if you haven’t so that you won’t miss it.
Also for those of you on GAPS, Dr Natasha says that once digestive symptoms are gone you can try chocolate and see if you tolerate it. If you do go ahead but keep in mind that this is a very advanced food (we are on year 3 on GAPS and we did not have any chocolate that first year at all). Also keep in mind that this should be a portion of the 20% or less of your diet that is fruit, nuts, baked goods, honey etc. 80% or more should be the nourishing healing foods. Don’t get carried away and short circuit your healing by eating too many treats, even treats with hidden super foods like gelatin and coconut oil.
GAPS Hot Chocolate.
- 1 pastured egg
- 1 TBSP Coconut Oil*
- 2 TBSP Cocoa Powder
- 1 TBSP Gelatin (optinal)
- 1 TBSP butter*
- 1/8th tsp Himalayan Crystal Salt
- 1 TBSP Honey
- 1 cup boiling water
Put all ingredients except water in the blender. Boil water and slowly pour over the rest of the ingredients while blending. Makes one serving.
I made this using a Hand Blender. I put all of the ingredients except water into a wide mouth qt jar. Then I poured in the water and quickly blended it all up.
* If you want to make this diary free simply double the coconut oil and eliminate the butter. If you need it to be coconut free do the opposite.
Shared at The Liberated Kitchen’s GAPS Friendly Friday #17

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- Pumpkin Poppers Gluten Free Grain Free | GAPS Diet Journey - [...] remind me of cake doughnut holes… they are moist and delicious with a hot cup of tea or GAPS …
- Eat More Coconut Oil:115 Delicious Real Food Coconut Oil Recipes - [...] GAPS Hot Chocolate [...]
I am so making this for my son! And myself of course!
Oh YUM making this for snack (except just ran out of gelatin - boo).
Patty, anything you can think of to replace the egg with for my son? DD and I will have it with egg…maybe pumpkin puree or coconut milk instead of water?
This should work with coconut milk. The gelatin is just for nutrition, it doesn’t impact the flavor or texture.
Thx Patty, we’ll try it
Hello Patty. I am wondering if you took thyroid medication for your reverse t3 problem? Also did you do any hormone replacement therapy along the journey? Any thoughts would be great.
Hi Kelly,
Yes I do take thyroid medication (that is hormone replacement therapy). I have used progesterone and testosterone in the past when my labs indicated that they were needed as well. I do need to write a thyroid post. Sooner or later I’ll get to that. It is a very big topic.
I have used this recipe multiple times now and it is seriously the greatest hot chocolate ever. I highly recommend it, and it is SO delicious!
Tip: this can be made into pudding if you let it cool and add just a bit more gelatin. Two ways!
I originally made the pumpkin nog which is amazing, but thought I’d make this as a special treat for my son (no chocolate for me yet). He loves it and every time I make it I just hear “yum yum YUM!” over and over. Thank you!!
This is genius!! So much yummier than the coconut milk hot chocolates I’ve tried in the past. Love all the nutrient dense foods in there and it was SO quick to whip up. Thank you!