Have you joined the Green Polkadot Box yet?
Late last summer I learned of this exciting new company on the horizon. The Green PolkaDot Box. They are offering GMO free natural and organic foods at discount prices to be delivered to your door. Some of these prices are 60% off retail! They were asking people to believe in them and invest and offering great rewards for doing so. Any new company has risks and unforeseen bumps in the road but we decided to take a chance and buy a founding trust membership. These were only available till the launch date so we had to invest without knowing what we would get. I will be the first to admit that they are getting off to a bit of a rocky start. They have a comittment to no selling any foods with GMO ingredients. That can be a very high order and they have made a couple of mistakes in it. Since they are new the selection isn’t always what I would like. They are still trying out new products and we have a very real opportunity to vote with our dollars. They are also very open to suggestions and often ask for them. The products they sell the most of they will keep in stock. In addition to their shelf stable foods they are working with American farmers for their Harvest Fresh program. This will provide an opportunity to order fresh organic produce from your section of the country to be delivered to your door. It is up and running in the western third of the country now and they expect to spread it to the rest of the country this year. They are also working on adding fresh and frozen products like meat and frozen vegetables and hope to have them on board by the end of the year as well.
The Green PolkaDot Box made two big announcements last week that may help those of you who are unsure about joining in this company. First is a low price guarantee. They have promised that if you find a food for less somewhere else they will give you the difference in the form of polkadot points (these spend just like dollars on their site). (details here)
Also The Green PolkaDot Box announced that they will be phasing out their rewards program at the end of this year. If you have already enrolled in the rewards program you will be able to continue but new enrollments won’t be accepted after the end of the year. People with rewards memberships get a discount on their purchases and earn polkadot points on future purchases when people who enrolled through them make purchases. This is not a pyramid scheme. You only get points if someone you personally enrolled makes a purchase. (details here)
One other thing that you may not be aware of is The Green PolkaDot Box‘s free 30 day trial membership. This allows you to purchase what you want for 30 days and then convert it to either a club membership or a rewards membership when the 30 days is up. Memberships need to be renewed every year. Just like a Costco or Sams membership. (details here)
I continue to be excited about the potential of The Green PolkaDot box and I think you should be too. I love not having to worry about GMO’s in any of the foods I get and I like helping a company that is committed to supporting American produce farmers and getting healthy foods to consumers. I love being able to shop at any time of the day or night and I am hopeful that this will replace my UNFI ordering. I love what I can get through UNFI but I don’t love being on their schedule for ordering and picking up my food. Green PolkaDot Box delivers to my door a few days after I place an order. It could be 2 weeks between orders or 6 weeks between orders. I don’t find it hard to spend over $99 on groceries once a month so my shipping is always free.
So head on over to the Green PolkaDot Box and see what they have to offer. Later this week I will have a post about the foods that we order regularly.
Many of my blog posts contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA

I’ve recently heard about this company and have been reading up on it since. It will be a month or two before we have the membership fee, but I’m excited about it and can’t wait to give it a try. Thanks for this great post about it!
The good news is that you can go ahead and get started before you have the fee together with the free trial.
What is UNFI?
UNFI services our buying club. Azure Standard is another one that is commonly used. They provide natural and organic foods at volume discount prices. Usually it is a group of people who go in together (there is a monthly minimum for the group). It is delivered by a large truck to a set location.
This looks really interesting, Patti. Have you found that they offer enough low oxalate products for you?
Yes I have. I’ll be posting about the things I order soon.