Loving Our Guts on Vacation in Colorado!
My family took a vacation to the mountains of Colorado and we had a great time. Vacation when you are on a special diet or have significant health issues doesn’t tend to be very spontaneous and traveling light is not in the vocabulary but we made it work and had a great time. We rented a 29 foot motorhome for the trip and our experience with it was excellent.
The company that we used is a local one here in the St. Louis area. This company purchases new motor homes to rent out each year and then sells them off after one year of use is up. This means that we had no fears of our motorhome breaking down on the road and also it was not plastered all over with those advertisement that let everyone know you rented it. It made it easier to blend. Well as much as you can blend in a vehicle that is 29 feet long and 10 feet high. We spent some time in Rocky Mountain National Park and near Cripple Creek. We went up the cog railway to the top of Pike’s Peak and 1000 ft down into the Mollie Kathleen Gold mine. We also visited the Manitou Cliff Dweller’s Museum and learned about the Native Americans who had made that their home. We even had time for one my my favorite past times. Fishing! I didn’t even get an nibble but it sure was fun to use my new pole for the first time. I’m going to have to figure out how to go fishing more often. It certainly was a vacation to remember. My girls had a great time and really thrive camping and getting to spend most of their days outside experiencing nature. Below I want to share a few of my favorite photos from our trip.
Rocky Mountain National Park lake where we went fishing.
Catching her first fish!
View from our campsite.
Elk stopping traffic.
Sleeping in the RV
Cooking up breakfast in the RV
Farmer’s Market every week near Cripple Creek. I could live here!
Going down into the Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine
Going up on Pikes Peak!
At the top of Pikes Peak. The haze is from all the wildfire smoke in the area.
The girls favorite thing about Pikes Peak. This was called Prop Rock.
Cooking hot dogs over a grill our camping neighbors brought.
It was too dry and windy for a campfire that night.
The supermoon over our campground outside Cripple Creek. It is red because of the smoke from wildfires.
Adobe Dwelling that was a home for Native Americans until 1989 and is now a museum and gift shop.
I think this was her highlight of the trip. Petting a wolf.
This is from the day we left Colorado. Our nice camping neighbors offered to take our photo at this beautiful spot.
Now that I am home again I can tell that our vacation took a lot out of me. I have been home for nearly 2 weeks and am still not back to where I was before we left. I still think it was worth it but I wish I could have recovered faster than I am.
How about you? I know that many of my readers have chronic conditions or children with chronic conditions that make travel difficult and exhausting. How do you handle vacations and travel? Do you have any tips to make it easier for us or others?

Yay! Thanks for putting up a post about your trip out here! Lovely photos and it was so nice to meet you while you were here!

Jessica @ Delicious Obsessions recently posted…Traditional Tuesdays: Nutritious and Delicious – 7/2/13
Loved this. It actually brought tears to my eyes because I could imagine myself there, feeling the air and taking in the majestic views. I haven’t been able to travel for a long time. Hopefully that will change. But for now I am grateful to use my imagination.
It works for food too. I can’t eat many things, but I can remember how they taste.
I have never really been one to go on vacation since the times I have gone I came back feeling exhausted. Being on GAPS eating a specialized diet made it even more of a challenge. The last time we went on vacation it was really just a two day weekend and we went up north a couple hundred miles (it’s cooler) and stayed in a cabin that had a full kitchen. I brought food with us in an ice chest and there was a small fridge once we got there. I would LOVE to travel in an RV and hope to be able to do that one day. I LOVE the photo of the lake - did you take that one? Stunning! I would be printing out a large one of those to hang in my home.

Starlene @ GAPS Diet Journey recently posted…Healed From Asthma and Seasonal Allergies on the GAPS Diet
Yes we did take that photo. We got a few that are quite amazing. Thank you for the compliment.
I am really glad that you had such a great holiday and sorry that you don’t feel so great now.
Just want to say a HUGE thank you for your postings 1 and 2 on MTHFR … I have sent it to 5 friends … I am in the UK and no-one knows anything about this. One friend is in Belfast.
You are making a difference … hope you feel better soon.