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Lemon Gelatin (sugar free option)

My family is having a lot of mouth surgeries over the next month. Today it was my 4 year old’s tongue tie, next week my 8 year old’s tongue tie and in a bit over 3 weeks I’m getting 3 cavitations cleaned out. Getting a good gelatin recipe that is GAPS legal seemed necessary for this time in our lives. None of us do well with lots of carbs or fruit so I decided to make it lemon flavored. I sweetened it with stevia (not GAPS legal) but you could also sweeten it with honey.

Here you can see little J enjoying some lemon Gelatin just a couple of hours post Tongue Tie Surgery.

Lemon Gelatin

  • 5 oz lemon juice (1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp) Depending on the size of your lemons this will be 2-4 fresh lemons.
  • 2-3 oz honey (4-6 tbsp) or 8 mini scoops of powdered stevia Adjust according to your taste. We like it tart.
  • 2 cups cold water (add 3 more oz if using stevia)
  • 2-3 tbsp tbsp powdered gelatin (I used Bernard Jensen)

In a small saucepan combine lemon juice, honey or stevia and 1 cup of water. Sprinkle gelatin over the liquid and let it sit till all is wet. Turn on stove to medium and stir till the gelatin disappears. Pour into a bowl or container that will hold 1 qt. Add the remaining water 1 cup of water and stir to combine. If you are using stevia use an extra 3 oz of water to make up for the missing honey volume. Place into the fridge till cool and solid.

I just made it with 2 tbsp of gelatin and I thought it was plenty firm but one more tbsp would have made it more like jigglers.

This is such a simple treat and it makes my children so happy. It also contains gelatin from grassfed animals and that helps to heal their guts and it is said it gives you strong hair and nails as well. It is almost (but not quite) a substitute for broth. It certainly is a good addition to our daily broth that they love to eat.

Do you make gelatin from scratch? What is your favorite flavor?

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Thank You! -PattyLA


  1. You and yours are in my prayers for all of the procedures you will be having. My daughter had a superior labial frenulum tie (in English: the frenulum that attaches the top lip to the top gums was too long and too tight. She could not properly latch when breastfeeding and her top lip could not participate when she smiled. An ENT clipped it after it had been numbed when she was 6 weeks old. It was a difficult decision for me to make, but I knew I had made the right choice when she could latch perfectly immediately after the procedure and breastfeeding tired her out much less. She barely even cried or frowned. I know it will be harder for your children as they are older, but I am praying it will be easy on them.

    • Thank you so much for the prayers. I know this is the right choice and I am already seeing improvements in my daughter but it still isn’t a fun thing to go through. It is a good excuse to perfect some soft food recipes though.

  2. Thanks for another great recipe! This is one that I can actually make without substitutions - yahoo!! I just started making it right now and look forward to the “jello” tomorrow. Thanks again!

  3. Hi
    I have Fibromyalgia and memory problems so it’s easiest just to ak:
    Have you and your family been tested for MTHFR?? Because the tongue tie can be a sign of that

  4. Patty, I just stumbled upon this recipe and it was a big hit! I rarely do anything beyond breakfast/lunch/dinner because I have no dishwasher and three little ones orbiting around me constantly. But we wanted to do something special for Epiphany (that’s when we open our Christmas gifts) and this was so easy and YUMMY! Lucia absolutely loved it, and the look on Kateri’s face (14 mos) was hilarious as she gobbled it up. Thank you!

    Oh, one thing: I think there’s a typo in the recipe—in the part where it says to add the other cup of water, you have two cups written. I think it was only supposed to be two cups of water total?

    Thank you again!

    • So glad they liked it! And thank you for catching that typo. I have fixed it now.

  5. We’ve made this several times. It’s tasty and easy. Enjoyed by all.


  1. 10 Health Benefits of Gelatin - […] Lemon Gelatin (sugar free option) from Loving Our Guts […]
  2. What Annie did next. - Page 149 | Mark's Daily Apple Health and Fitness Forum page 149 - […] flavor. It's pretty tart, but refreshing. It would be wonderful on one of your hot summer days. Lemon Gelatin …

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