Honibe Honey Candy Review and Give Away!
I was first introduced to Honibe hard candy several years ago when my family was following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. That is the diet that GAPS is based on and so many of the “food rules” are the same between the diets. This includes only using honey for a sweetener. It was a delight to discover these hard candies made only of honey. At the time they just had one product. Unflavored honey candies. They were simply dried honey. They marketed them largely as a convenient way to sweeten your tea with honey away from home. My children enjoyed these “honey candies” as occasional treats. I kept them in my purse for times when I needed a treat for children and I wasn’t otherwise prepared. They also work well for sweetening coffee or tea away from home for myself.
Recently however, things have changed with Honibe and I wasn’t keeping up! Like all of you I get e-mails all the time from companies I have done business with and I rarely open those e-mails up so I had missed all the new products that Honibe has to offer. They now have a lot of different flavors! Plus they have developed a sucker that comes in several flavors! I immediately contacted them about doing a review and give away for all of you when I saw the new products. Honibe graciously sent me two flavors of their new lozenges to try. I also purchased some of the suckers to try on myself and my children. It is no exaggeration to say that we are thrilled!
This image is my 5 year old enjoying the first sucker she has ever had. She has been on a special diet since shortly after she began solid foods as an infant. Furthermore she has been on GAPS since before she turned 2. While she hadn’t ever had a sucker before she didn’t seem to have any difficulty figuring out what to do with it. This one was cherry flavored. She has now also has tried the lemon flavor and really liked it as well.
I was sent one package each of the cinnamon lozenge and of the black current lozenge. It says on the package that they contain .5% of the flavoring ingredient and 99.5% honey. These were very good. I had a bad cold when they arrived and I really enjoyed sucking on them to relieve the tickle in my throat. The cinnamon one has a texture to it and was a bit rough but the black current one was hard and smooth. I shared the cinnamon one with some friends to get their opinion and while they also observed the rough texture of it they did not find that to be unpleasant. They thought that it had a good balance of cinnamon and honey flavors. (I kept the black current ones for myself. Smile.) I loved having such a normal looking package of treats in my purse for myself and my children, and I am thrilled with the flavors.
I do need to give you a warning. Most of the flavors of lozenges are dusted with organic corn maltodextrin. These two flavors are not currently, although the person I spoke with at the company said that they anticipate that will change in the future. Most likely all of the flavors will be dusted to prevent sticking in the packaging. It is only .01% but with my corn allergy that is not something I can be consuming. I am saying this so that you will be informed about these lozenges if you are on GAPS or allergic to corn. While generally corn ingredients are not allowed on GAPS, Bio-Kult Probiotic used to contain a small amount of corn maltodextrin and was considered the best probiotic for the GAPS patient. It is not a clear cut issue to be sure. One good thing about this corn maltodextrin is that it comes from organic corn and so is not GMO.
Now that you have been warned, that same warning does not apply to the suckers, nor does it apply to the Honey Drop or the Honey Delights. Both are hard candies, honey delights are a bit larger.
The Honey Delights and Honey Drops come in plain honey flavor as well as lemon flavored. They are all sweetened with only pure honey, lemon flavoring is added to the lemon ones.
The sucker flavors are
- Honey
- Lemon
- Cherry
- Menthol and Eucalyptus
- Methol, Eucalyptus and Lemon
I purchased at least one of each flavor when I got my suckers and I really liked having the menthol and eucalyptus flavors to help with my cold symptoms. I personally liked the one with the added lemon the best. My 5 year old loved both flavors that she tried. I would like to stock up on some of the Lemon, Menthol and Eucalyptus ones for the next time someone gets a cold as well as the other flavors to share with my children at special times.
The lozenges come in several flavors as well. (Remember what I said above about the organic corn maltodextrin on the lozenges).
They have 5 Menthol and Eucalyptus varieties.
- Honey
- Cherry
- Lemon
- Cinnamon
- Spearmint
They also come in 5 flavors without the menthol and eucalyptus. I got to sample 2 of these flavors.
- Plain Honey
- Honey with Lemon
- Honey with Cinnamon
- Honey with Blackcurrent
- Honey with Blueberry and Cranberry
I can say without a doubt that I will be stocking up on these honey candies! They are a wonderful GAPS legal, Low Oxalate, Real Food treat for my family to enjoy. My children feel the pressure from their peers to have foods “treats”. While I do try to teach them that there is more to life than treat foods, it is also nice, as a mom to be able to say “Yes! You can have this!” When their friends are getting treats. It is also nice as a mom to have a bit less pressure on me to make every single food that my children consume. If you have been on any sort of special diet for very long you can grow weary of always having to make everything from scratch. It is so nice to be able to grab something like this that is already made and packaged and be ready to go.
Honibe is also offering you a chance to stock up! If you purchase at least $10 worth of product you can use the code Honey4Health to take a 25% discount on your first order! That is a great deal!
So not only am I telling you about these wonderful treats from Honibe but one of you has the opportunity to get what I got times 3! That’s right! Honibe is sending one of you 6 packages of the lozenges that I tried. 3 of each of the cinnamon and black current flavors. Fill in the entry form below to enter. This contest is open to residents of the United States and Canada.

- Linky Love 5/11 : - [...] Loving Our Guts is offering a review & giveaway for Honiebe Honey Candy [...]
- Winner of the Homibe Lozenges Plus a Discount Code! | Loving Our Guts - [...] If you missed the post where I first described these awesome candies and offered the give away go here …
AW! She is so cute!
Michaela recently posted…Salmon Dip Recipe
What a great “I don’t have to make it myself” real food treat!
Would love these for my daughter who has Crohn’s and is following SCD…
Always looking for good-for-you candy - these sound great!!
I would love to let our GAPS children have a few of these!! They would feel so special!
We would love to try these!!
My daughter and I haven’t had candy in so long….definitely want to give these a try!
Thanks for the information about Honiebe and the giveaway!
I would love to try these for my kids that are on the GAPS diet!
Mercy! I needed these last week when I had a cold. I’m ordering some!
The lozenges would be great for me right now, I have a sore throat! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Great treat that you don’t have to feel guilty about
Question - if some of these have “natural flavors” in them, how are those products GAPS legal? Do you possibly have information from the company indicating that the natural flavors are actually, how do I say this, NATURAL? Otherwise the flavored products are technically a cheat, right?
Sorry to sound suspicious, but every time I think I’ve found a food product I can purchase, to save time and effort, someone in the GAPS community tells me there’s something wrong with it and I shouldn’t use it.
I would so like this one to be for real! Can I really use this product? Even the flavored items? (Though obviously not the lozenges with the maltodextrin.)
The cinnamon lozenges contain just cinnamon and honey. The blackcurrant ones contain blackcurrant and honey. You will need to contact them to find out exactly what the lemon and cherry ones are flavored with. Eucalyptus is a natural herb. Menthol is also extracted from an herb. You will need to contact them for more information on their sources of these. They say “natural lemon” which I know can mean just about anything. My daughter who reacts to artificial flavorings does not react to the lemon flavored candies. She is also fine with the cinnamon lozenges. She has not tried the others. These are certainly not for intro, but no candy is. If you are nervous about the flavorings they also come in plain honey with no flavors at all.
very detailed info - thanks!