Highlights from the Extreme Health Library Sale: Fight Depression, Adrenal Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia
First off we have Amanda Rose talking about her book Rebuild from Depression: A Nutrient Guide Including Depression in Pregnancy and Postpartum. This book is available in hard cover on Amazon for $19.97 or you can get it in e-book form as a part of this sale. I was surprised to realize when reading this book that although I did not have depression after my children were born I still had other symptoms of nutrient depletion that this book can address. This book is really good for anyone with a health condition of any kind, esp if it came on in the postpartum period. But not limited to that time at all.
Foods For Depression: Eat Well, Eat Wild
Amanda Rose, Ph.D.
Research continues to tie the declining health of Americans to our poor diet choices. With too much sugar and too much unhealthy fats, we bulge, our hearts give out, and our brains begin to “go crazy”. Something as simple as a trans-fat-laden French fry may cause depression claims a group of Spanish researchers. Indeed, you are more likely to be depressed if you rely on a regular staple of packaged baked goods and snacks or items such as fast food French fries. When you look at a vending machine with a little packaged cake inside, that is what we are talking about here.
Your first lesson: Step away from that vending machine.
The most increasingly shunned trans fat comes in the form of vegetable shortening, a partially hydrogenated fatty acid that is cheap substitute for butter and lard in baking and for high heat oils in frying. If trans-fat is a cheap substitute for traditional forms of fat, it does beg the question: What fats should we eat to avoid depression? The Spanish study does not leave readers with a lot of wisdom on this key question, but we can look to other studies and to the history of the human diet for advice.
Omega 3 In Fish Does Fight Depression
The traditional human diet has been high in the Omega 3 fatty acid found in fish and seafood. In fact, Weston Price in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, details how traditional peoples traveled great distances to get mollusks like crab and clam, rich in Omega 3 fats and abundant in minerals. These foods have a spectrum of nutrients that can help fill your health needs whether you are a toddler, teenager, pregnant mother, or an aging grandparent.
If your diet is high in vegetable oils, you actually need even more Omega 3s. The Omega 6s in your vegetable oils compete for space in your cells with Omega 3s — the Omega 6 oils win. Your best bet is to cut out sources of corn and other vegetable oils such as store-bought crackers and chips. You have surely already cut out trans fats as well but you should also know that your metabolism of trans fats interferes with your Omega 3 metabolism. If you eat a basket of crispy fish and chips, you need a whole lot of fish to make up for those chips.
Ideally, the fish will be wild — wild salmon for instance. Wild fish and seafood are higher in Omega 3s than their farmed counterparts and they are generally lower in the toxins that now proliferate our waters.
If you already struggle from depression, you may need even more Omega 3 for depression than that crab or salmon fillet can provide. In depression clinical trials, researchers have found high doses of Omega 3 fatty acids effective in lowering depression — on the order of four grams a day.
Omega 9 In Olive Oil May Fight Depression
Olive oil may help fight depression. This is a new area of research but there is a lot of evidence that olive oil is good for us. It is associated with heart health, longevity, and reduced instances of degenerative diseases. It may protect against depression as well.
One of my favorite meals combines Omega 9 and Omega 3 in the form of a healthy salad, with an olive oil-centered dressing, my favorite seasonal lettuce, and topped with salmon or crab. Make a dressing simply by combining olive oil with a bit of balsamic vinegar and chopped garlic. Add a bit of flax seed oil for additional Omega 3 fats.
Grass Fed Meat For Depression?
Wild game and pastured meats may help your struggle as well. In my book Rebuild from Depression: A Nutrient Guide I provide a list of “depression buster foods,” foods high in nutrients associated with depression. Wild fish and wild game top the list because of the fatty acid profiles and the density of vitamins and minerals.
Beef liver is actually a great example. All animal liver is loaded with B vitamins and minerals; it is also very high in fat. Note in the graph at right that the fat is more likely to be of the Omega 3 variety if the animal has been on a diet of grass. I rely on liver when I am under great stress because it helps keep my body replenished of an array of nutrients. You can find it at any health food store and will definitely want to look for the organic label in this case.
Foods For Depression
Food does affect your mood. Your brain needs the right mix of fats, vitamins, and minerals to be healthy. Some foods wreak havoc on that delicate balance and fast foods are a prime example. Other foods will help you fight depression, including fish and seafood abundant in Omega 3 and wild game with a healthy array of vitamins, minerals, and fats.
Incorporate these foods into your own diet and the diet of your family. You may be surprised to find a family a little less grumpy and on-the-edge. Over time, you may even protect your aging brain from decline if you nourish it well.
Support Loving Our Guts by buying the Rebuild Book as part of The Art of Healing’s Extreme Library Sale. You can also find the book on Amazon
Amanda Rose, Ph.D., lives on five acres in the Sequoia National Forest with her two sons, the second of whom was born to a depression-free pregnancy. She works with her mother Jeanie on the Traditional Foods website providing nutritious recipes and food science and health tidbits.
Adrenal Fatigue Solutions
by Pat Robinson
Adrenal Fatigue Solutions – 90 Day Plan to Improve Adrenal Function is a self-paced eCourse which presents a nine-week plan of actions, nutrients, foods, herbs, and removing toxins for adrenal stress relief. It is followed by three weeks of support and review tools to strengthen your adrenal function.
This comprehensive resource provides practical, simple, and doable suggestions for exhausted, stressed, and sleep-deprived moms.
Baby steps are the goal.
Adrenal Fatigue Solutions teaches tools for increasing self-care, sleep routines, stress relief, toxin relief, nourishing foods, connecting with nature, recognizing depression, finding calm, balance, and energy while creating boundaries for yourself.
Recipes for power-foods for energy and herbal adaptogen alternatives are provided along with resources for ongoing support.
The intention is to empower you with straight-forward explanations for improving adrenal function:
- daily routines to improve adrenal function
- easy stress relief activities to incorporate into your life
- increase awareness of the unhealthy aspects and toxic stressors in our daily lives
- increase awareness of the toxic elements that you can avoid
- improve your health environment with weekly toxin removal
- priority steps to consider for optimal adrenal support
- recipes, detox tools, herbal remedies, and stress relief resources
- practical ideas for those experiencing the health impact of adrenal fatigue
- self-help tools may be started wherever you are along the journey
- weekly action bullets provide an outline of priorities to consider
- weekly tools to create a path toward adrenal wellness
- Perfection is not the goal.Goal: More ENERGY!
“Eating Outside the Box!”
by Christy Pooschke of CompletelyNourished.com
Fibromyalgia stole several years of my life.
In 2002 (at age 25), my health began to deteriorate. I was extremely weak and fatigued, and I was in so much pain that some days it was all I could do to get out of bed. Among other symptoms, I suffered from digestive distress, sleep disturbances, chest pain, and an intermittent racing heart beat. After more than 15 different prescription medications, never-ending appointments with various specialists and more than a handful of diagnostic procedures, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2005. I was in pure misery, suffering from an “invisible illness” for which there was no treatment, no cure and no known cause.
Fortunately, in 2007, I stumbled upon some information about food that changed my life forever. I learned that there are ingredients hidden in foods that are making people sick! My husband and I were so incredibly shocked by what we read that we immediately purged our kitchen of all convenience foods and mystery ingredients—we threw food away, gave food away, and even sold some at our garage sale!
We said good-bye forever to things like low-calorie frozen dinners, protein and diet bars, soda, chewing gum, commercial ice cream and fast food. We began making all of our food at home…from scratch. We scrutinized the ingredients label on everything we bought. If it contained even one word that we didn’t fully recognize as having come from nature, we didn’t put it in our cart.
Within just a couple months of making these changes, ALL of my Fibromyalgia symptoms were gone.Completely gone! In fact, I now feel better and have more energy than most people I know! Considering how sick I was just six years ago, I am still shocked every time I hear myself say that! It’s truly amazing! (People who knew me back then can hardly believe it when they see me now. And people who meet menow can hardly believe I was ever that sick…“but you seem SO healthy,” they say.)
In the past six years, I have witnessed first-hand the havoc that these ingredients wreak in others’ lives, as well, and I feel a moral obligation to share what I have learned with as many people as possible and to inspire them to take an active role in maximizing their own health. I created my “Eating Outside the Box” video presentation and my website at CompletelyNourished.com to share my return-to-health journey, to educate folks about the dangers of food additives and to help people transition away from processed foods and embrace a balanced, natural lifestyle. I remember how overwhelming it felt when my husband and I first decided to make these lifestyle changes, so I work tirelessly to create the products and services (e.g., “short-cuts”) and to provide the support that I wish we’d had available to us back when we were just beginning to embrace this journey.
This may sound cliché, but I know that everything happens for a reason. While suffering with Fibromyalgia, it was really hard to see any purpose in the pain. Now, I realize that I suffered for those years so that I could educate and inspire others to take charge of their health. Oh, and please realize that although my particular symptoms were diagnosed as “Fibromyalgia,” you can insert countless other health conditions and get this same story and solution. I’ve witnessed similar transformations in other people with a variety of ailments and diagnoses throughout the years!
If you (or anyone you know) are suffering with any ailments that no one has been able to resolve, I strongly recommend watching this “Eating Outside the Box” video to learn about the sneaky tactics the food industry is using that may be destroying your health. Blessings to you on your journey and may you find relief soon from all that ails you!
I know that this was a long blog post! Thank you for hanging in there with me and learning more about these 3 products in the Extreme Health Library Sale. Now is your chance to get your copy of these and 50 more products all on various health subjects.
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