Healthy Child Summit Starts Today!
Have you ever felt overwhelmed when it comes to making the best choices for your family?
With all the hidden dangers lurking in our food supply, water supply, products we use daily, and even just in the environment, more and more parents are choosing to live a simpler, more natural lifestyle. But making the transition is enough to make any parent’s head spin. And what about those soon-to-be parents who are just beginning their journey? All the research, websites, and books lead to information overload.
What if there was an online resource where parents could be educated, inspired, and empowered to care for their family naturally? What if there was a resource that provided concise, easily digestible information on a wide range of topics from pre-conception all the way through the teen years? What if this resource was FREE? Curious yet?
The Healthy Child Summit brings together over 50 natural health, wellness, and parenting professionals who are dedicated to helping parents care for their family naturally. These experts know that this parenting gig is not easy and as such are arming you with the information you need to either begin, continue, or expand your journey as a natural-minded parent.
The Healthy Child Summit is a FREE online event that launches February 2014. It won’t be like those other Summits, the ones were you have 24 hours to listen to 10 presentations. No - The Healthy Child Summit wants to arm you with as much information as you can absorb via an improved Summit model. A model where you will have time on your side so you can take advantage of all the incredible information these speakers are handing you.
Yes, you read that right! Get a jump start on your family’s health and wellness before the New Year! Then come back in February and listen to over 30 NEW presentations, discover some you may have missed during the sneak preview, or listen to your favorite speakers again.
For more information on The Healthy Child Summit lineup, please visit the official website!
You can then register for the Sneak Preview, poke around the website and learn more about the fabulous speakers and sponsors, and check out the amazing giveaways happening throughout the Sneak Preview!
I hope you are as excited about this landmark event as I am! I know I’ll be listening!
Go here to see a listing of all the speakers for the Sneak Preview!
Go here to enter the giveaways and see what is offered!

I’m so confused about the meat stock with gaps.
I’m sensitive to glutamates and don’t want to cook the stock too long. But, how is0it with0making stock in the crock pot where you simmer the meat for about 8-10 hours? Could0this actually secrete more glutamates than doing it on the stove for 3-4 hours? It’s lower temperature but maybe it’s0not enough to avoid the glutamates? I’m using tougher kind of meats like brisket with a marrow bone, so I need to cook it0a longer time on low temperature.
Do you have any advice for me?
For people with glutamate issues shorting cooking times are best. Just cooking till the meat is done. Glutamates are formed when gelatin breaks down. My experience is that longer cooking times break down gelatin more than shorter times at a higher temp. That is one of the big benefits from making broth in the pressure cooker. I get lots of minerals and lots of gelatin in the same broth and it is done fast.