Essential Oils:Charity Blend
In my last post about essential oils I shared about Spice for Life blend. It is terrific for preventing and treating sickness, especially viruses. Today I am going to share about another essential oil blend that Be Young sells. It is called Charity.
Since the weather has warmed up my lyme symptoms have come back with a vengeance. The one that disturbs me the most is the brain fog. You may have noticed that my posting has dropped off lately. That is in part because I just can’t make my brain work to understand the things I am trying to research or to put together a coherent post to share. Usually by about noon my brain fog is terrible and I am so frustrated at trying to make my brain work that is when I am searching for something to make it better. It is like I never fully woke up. I tried this on a whim at this point just a few days ago and it really turned my day around. In fact I had talked to my husband before I took it and was saying that I just didn’t feel able to do even some simple tasks that needed doing. About an hour after I took it I felt like a different person. My mood had lifted, my exhaustion has lessened, my ability to think was restored. It was a real miracle for me. When I am feeling as bad as I was the first day I tried this I rarely get to feeling better that day. I am taking it internally which will give you the strongest action of the essential oil.
Be Young has this to say about it.
This unique blend was created to help strengthen the core of the heart and mind where endurance, love, forgiveness, openness, and support is fostered. By strengthening both mind and body in our efforts to become more supportive of others, be comfortable with ourselves and our own strengths, as well as promoting a healing of overwhelming emotional scars, this oil will prove to be a comforting friend amidst life’s struggles. This soothing and calming combination of oils brings balance to your heart and mind, enabling you to find a peaceful place, where healing can begin. Charity promotes harmony and balance in the mind, body and spirit. Blended to help release trauma and the burden of negative emotions. Use as needed on the bottom of the feet as emotional stress warrants. Wonderful for diffusion, and for use as pure, health-enhancing oil instead of perfume.
It is generally recommended to use this topically and diffused but it is completely safe to take it internally as well. I have been putting a few drops into an empty capsule and swallowing it once a day. This way of using essential oils will have the strongest impact and that can be both a good and a bad thing. The first time I took Tic A Boo I didn’t recover from it for 3 days. This also has a long lasting impact on me but a positive one. (By the way Tic A Boo no longer causes such a severe reaction in me but it sure did at first! Some things you just have to push through.)
Charity contains
- Lemon-promotes health, healing, physical energy, is invigorating, enhancing, and warming. It’s therapeutic qualities are anti-anemic, antimicrobial, anti-rheumatic, anti-sclerotic, antiseptic, bactericidal, carminative, cicatrisant, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, haemostatic, hypotensive, insecticidal, rubefacient, tonic and vermifuge.
- Orange-brings peace and happiness to the mind and body and joy to the heart, provides emotional support to one overcoming depression. It’s therapeutic qualities are antiseptic, anti-depressant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, diuretic, cholagogue, sedative and tonic.
- Geranium-may help with easing nervous tension and stress, balance the emotions, lift the spirit and foster peace, well being, and hope. It’s therapeutic properties are astringent, haemostatic, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, diuretic, deodorant, haemostatic, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary.
- Lime-helps establish a sense of enthusiasm about life, creating energy and eagerness and excitement to your life. Helps to promote cheerfulness, optimism, and enthusiasm. Uplifting; helps listlessness, refreshes tired mind. It’s therapeutic properties are antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, aperitif, bactericidal, disinfectant, febrifuge, haemostatic, restorative and tonic.
- Ylang Ylang-may help balance the male-female energies so one can move closer to being in spiritual connection and allow them to focus on being in the experience of love, rather than on the ever-present “stuff.” Brings back feelings of self-love, confidence, and peace. It’s therapeutic properties are antidepressant, antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, hypotensive, nervine and sedative.
- Blue Tansy-encourages an uplifting feeling, a positive attitude, and a general feeling of well being. Supports the softening and opening of your heart. Can calm a fear-filled heart. Can support the overcoming of emotional scars and resentments. Can support deeper communication and compassion for the world and those we love. It’s therapeutic qualities are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, reduces itching - antihistamine, hypothesize. It is sometimes called Moroccan chamomile and has many similar qualities.
The scent is very perfume-y. It is funny to burp after taking it (I often do for some reason, perhaps because there is air trapped in the capsule). Many use it as a perfume to help and lift their mood and balance their emotions. It can also be diffused into a room, added to a bath or even to your laundry to bring the scent into your every day life.
Remember that Be Young offers only therapeutic grade essential oils that are not diluted. Any company can legally sell essential oils as 100% pure, even if it has been diluted 99% and most do. Be Young however will not compromise or mislead their customers in that manner. They also make it very simple for anyone who wants to join as a distributor (at no cost) and to then be able to order the oils and other products at a discounted price with no monthly quotas or minimums. You can easily do this online at Just click on the enroll now tab to enroll and begin shopping with distributor prices. It really is that simple and there really is no catch. Do let me know if I can help you in any way with enrolling or choosing essential oils. I am still learning but I can try to find you the answers you are looking for if I don’t know myself.

- Be Young Pick 3,6,9 sale is back! Only for 3 days Oct 5-7. | Loving Our Guts - [...] Charity Essential Oil Blend [...]
I think this was one that I said I would like to have when you were having your giveaway. I think I could definitely use this one especially the geranium part.
I have been amazed at the benefit I am getting from it.
Hi Patty,
Thanks again for your great blog! I was wondering what reference you use to learn about essential oils. Did you purchase a guide that tells you which oils to use for specific conditions? Thanks so much!
I have purchased a guide that Be Young sells. I also google the various oils to learn more about them. Since I am a sharing partner with Be Young I have lots of opportunities to learn more. Becoming a sharing partner is free and it allows you to get the oils for a discount price. If you go to and click on the enroll now tab you will be taken to a form where you can easily enroll and then you will have access to all the training calls and other information as well as a discount price on all of the oils and other accessories including the books. Full disclosure: Purchases you make as a sharing partner will benefit me. Purchases you make as a customer will not (and will cost you about 20% more). Contact me at if you need more info.