Essential Oils: Spice for Life
Since we are in cold and flu season Spice for Life is the next essential oil that I will cover. It is actually a blend that Be Young puts together that contains Cinnamon, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Oregano, and Ravensara. Many of these oils were first studied in the 14th century for their ability to counteract the plague. Today we are able to study their individual components and understand better how and why they are so effective against illnesses.
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Here are some of the benefits of each of the essential oils in this blend.
- Cinnamon bark- Antiviral, antibacterial, antidiarrheal, analgesic esp specific to the digestive system.Emotional relaxant
- Lemon-rejuvenates the liver so that it detoxifies more easily, regulates white blood cell production, antiviral esp in the lymphatic system, improves circulation,
- Lime-lowers fever, antibacterial, improves circulation, lightens mood, eases coughs
- Orange-Improves digestion, improves detoxification through the kidneys, mildly diuretic, removes calcium deposits in the body, calming, antispasmodic, uplifting, antiseptic, boosts metabolism
- Oregano-powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic and antifungal, lowers pain and inflammation, promotes digestion.
- Ravensara-antibacterial esp in the respiratory system, good for lingering infections, increases circulation and absorption of certain nutrients including vitamin C, diuretic, works against autoimmune disorders, Anticramping and antispasmodic, good for coughs, abdominal pain and convulsions. Antiviral.
You can easily see why these will work wonderfully for treating and preventing colds and flu. This blend has been shown to raise the t-cell count by 400%. It attacks viruses and bacteria in many different ways to effectively destroy them.
I have been putting a drop of this oil onto the back of my hand and licking it off every morning. The scent and flavor both sweet and spicy. I find that it make me feel happy right after I take it. You can also put a drop into an empty capsule and swallow it that way to avoid tasting it. Since this contains citrus essential oils it is best to not go out in the sun with it on your skin or you will more easily burn but it would be excellent to apply it to the soles of your feet. I also like to use a drop on my children’s shirts near the neckline if we will be going into a crowded public place. It gives them an added level of protection against the germs that are all around them. I am especially diligent to do this while traveling by airplane. All that recycled air and close quarters in the airplanes on top of the stress of travel make it so easy to get sick.
You can make your own hand sanitizer with vodka and Spice of Life essential oil in a small spray bottle like this one. Either use the vodka straight or dilute it 1:1 with water then add a few drops of the oil and shake up. This would also be good for treating hard surfaces like doorknobs if you have an outbreak of an illness in your home that you are trying to curb.
Amazon has some beautiful purse perfume bottles that would make a lovely hand sanitizer container for your purse as well. I thought that this one would be great for kids since it isn’t glass. My daughter was asked to bring a container of hand sanitizer for her own use at lunch time at her first school. This would have been perfect.
You can also add Spice of Life to liquid soap dispensers and your dish soap in the winter to help fight the cold and flu. Also add this to your household cleaners to boost their ability to fight the various pathogens that may enter your home.
You can also diffuse it into the air. This is very nice for treating overnight. Each of our bedrooms has a vaporizer with a reservoir that I put some essential oils diluted with a carrier into when we are ill. We also have a diffuser for non-sick use but I can’t find the kind that we have. However, I came across this one that I want to get for the girls room. It is a salt lamp with a small metal reservoir on top for the essential oil. If you click on the link over to amazon you can see it and read about the benefits of salt lamps.
I also have one like this for my car. I bought it right after I purchased my car new. Essential oils can help dissipate and protect from harmful airborne chemicals, like paint odors and that new car smell. I talked a bit about how toxic that off gassing is in my Why Should I Detox post.
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I'm also really getting into essential oils. I love this blend you posted. I'm wondering if this blend would've ok for has hashis tho?
Yes it should be fine. The Ravensara is particularly good for people with autoimmune diseases. (That might not have been clear how I worded it).
Hi Patty,
I saw that you mentioned using Ticaboo in another post for your daughter’s parasites. I have an ongoing issue with parasites and would love to try something new. I have been using homeopathic remedies from my naturopath and those just haven’t worked to rid my system completely of the parasites. Can you tell me how you use Ticaboo? Thanks so much! I have really been enjoying using the essential oils so far - especially Spice for Life.
We found tic a boo to be very strong. We started with a drop orally but that was too much for us so we switched to a drop on the sole of our foot. For most people you take a drop or so orally. I usually put them in an empty capsule so that I don’t have to taste it. I have also rubbed it into my belly. Officially the “correct” way to take it is orally unless that is too strong. Good luck! I know of one other person who started Tic a Boo for parasites and she noticed change right away from it. I hope you have a good report too!
Thanks for the insight, Patty! I will probably start with the soles of my feet or stomach, too. I tend to react to everything! Thanks again.
One more thing…I feel like I have read that you used (or are using) DE. Where do you get it from and how is it used? Do you find it effective? All of these “cherries on top” to the GAPS protocol are really a challenge to figure out. I definitely have parasites and want to get rid of them, but now I am convinced I should test for the MTHFR gene as well and start that protocol. Anyhow, I very much appreciate your blog because I am learning SO much about pertinent things. I don’t need to sift through anything as everything on your blog applies to me!
I keep trying to use DE but I think my gut still isn’t healed enough to tolerate it. It is not good on an inflamed gut. I get horrible die off from it. My first attempt caused severe depression from a very small dose.
That said, most people do very well on DE and even feel better on it than off. I’m just lucky I guess.
I have gotten the DE from a local herb store. It is available through amazon I know I linked it in at least one blog post but I’m not sure which one now.
At least the MTHFR testing is often covered by insurance.
You mentioned this EO can increase T Reg Cells by 400% Any further info on this would be very appreciated. I am suffering from mold exposure and my T Reg Cells are very low.
Thank you!
I will refer you to the Be Young website to read more about this blend of oils. Spice For Life. It was their literature that has that information in it. Also be sure to click the Be Young Tab at the top of this page to read about how to order these oils.
I just started today with the Spice of Life and I accidentally got three drops instead of one. I don’t know if that was too much for me, or maybe even anyone to handle, but I don’t feel so good now. I feel shaky, like I took too many cold pills or something. Do you have any advise for me?
Sorry I am just seeing this. Were you taking it internally or applying it externally? If taking it internally you could eat some food with fat in it to dilute it or take some hydrated clay. If externally applying some oil to the spot will dilute it. Essential oils are very strong and too much can cause problems. Not everyone can tolerate them internally so be sure to always start by trying external application first. I am learning that if your liver and detox pathways aren’t functioning well then you can easily be overloaded by essential ois, even just from the smell in very sensitive people.
My family does really well with essential oils as a rule but the more I learn about them them more cautious I am getting about over use, esp in fragile people. Less is more when it comes to essential oils.