Dental Health Impacts Your Whole Body
I am getting really excited about the HealThy Mouth Summit coming up in just a week! I already know that the health in the mouth both effects and reflects the health in the rest of the body. For some reason we have divided our bodies up into these parts and don’t see them as interconnected. When we have a mouth and tooth problem it is a dentist who addresses it. A dentist usually only focuses on that one part of the body and doesn’t see how it can be interconnected with the rest.
Well of course that is petty silly! The mouth is a part of the body and of course problems in the mouth will be a reflection of problems in the whole body. Getting cavities is a reflection of poor bone mineralization. We build our teeth and bone pretty much the same way and yet somehow we miss that a problem with teeth and gums may be simply the obvious symptom of a systemic problem in our whole body. Instead we treat it like an isolated incident and address it simply there in the mouth. It is pretty well known that there is a link between gum disease and heart attacks. There is also a link between gum disease and premature births. Why are we treating this part of the body as though it has no impact on the rest of the body?
I think it is that disconnect that allows dentists to put mercury into your teeth and think that it won’t effect the whole body. It seems crazy to think about it and yet many do it every day and don’t think twice. Here is the next video that explains more about what you can expect to learn from this Summit.
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