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J with coconut butter bread and butter

J with coconut butter bread and butter

One Comment

  1. Hi! I love love love your posts and recipes. Thanks for spending the time on them. I homeschool 4 kids and we have been on GAPS for over 2 months. We will be on intro for a while yet, as everyone is having reactions to things like raw apple, peanut butter, cheese, regular butter, etc. It’s frustraing, but my husband is behind me (despite occasionally displaying very minor food reactions as ours are severe and constant) and I do believe God has called me to this (as much as I dread it at times)… anyway, my 8 year old came up with a fun idea you may want to use since I don’t have the place to post it like you have. You can take it or leave it, but here it is.
    Bake a butternut squash until it’s done like a potato
    Cut the cylindrical (sp?) part into little discs and then but them with little cookie cutters into various shapes. Proceed to fry in bacon fat or any other fat on hand. They taste like shaped french fries and the kids love them. It’s fun too :)
    ANd I’m going to try your flourless bread as soon as I get a hold of more eggs. I can’t buy pastured, unfortunately. But I do a GMO/organic combo and pray! We are going to spread with yogurt cheese or applesauce as butter is out for now. :(
    Thanks for all you do!

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