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Lemon Gelatin (sugar free option)

Posted by on May 11, 2012 in GAPS, Kids, Low Oxalate, Recipe, Tongue tie, Traditional Foods, Uncategorized | 8 comments

My family is having a lot of mouth surgeries over the next month. Today it was my 4 year old’s tongue tie, next week my 8 year old’s tongue tie and in a bit over 3 weeks I’m getting 3 cavitations cleaned out. Getting a good gelatin recipe that is GAPS legal seemed necessary for this time in our lives. None of us do well with lots of carbs or fruit so I decided to make it lemon flavored. I sweetened it with stevia (not GAPS legal) but you could also sweeten it with honey. Here you can see little J enjoying some lemon Gelatin just a couple of hours post Tongue Tie Surgery. Lemon Gelatin 5 oz lemon juice (1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp) Depending on the size of your lemons this will be 2-4 fresh...

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Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Posted by on May 7, 2012 in GAPS, Traditional Foods, Uncategorized | 22 comments

If you are following GAPS or WAPF you have probably heard of fermented cod liver oil. You may still be wondering what it is and if it is worth such a high price. Green Pasture Blue Ice Cod Liver Oil Cinnamon Tingle Liquid Cod Liver Oil/fermented fish oil has been consumed since ancient times by many different cultures. Roman solders were given a ration of fermented fish oil as part of their wages. In fact fermenting is the traditional way that fish oil was produced until about 150 years ago. At the start of the industrial revolution it was discovered that fish oil could be produced faster and in greater abundance if the fish livers were rendered instead of waiting for fermentation to take place. This was good for producers and sellers and bad for consumers. Then about 60...

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Here I am!

Posted by on Mar 1, 2012 in Uncategorized | 11 comments

Welcome to my new blog! I would love to hear from you that you made it here safely! Just leave a comment so I know I’m not speaking to an empty room now. Thanks! And let me know if you got this via e-mail. I’m not confidant that it is working right yet.   Patty...

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