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Flax Blueberry Pancakes (Egg Free Option)

Posted by on May 15, 2013 in Blog, GAPS, Low Oxalate, photo, Recipe | 4 comments

Many of my blog posts contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA One of my children can’t tolerate egg yolks. Because of that, I am working on developing some egg free, grain free, “bread like” recipes to meet her needs. Some are better than others. This one, oddly enough, she did not care for but the rest of us really liked them. In fact, we liked the egg free version better than the same recipe made with eggs (although both were good). You may find that your family needs more sweetener than mine does so feel free to increase the date/honey in this mixture as needed. While it is tempting to...

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Be Young Gall Bladder Cleanse

Posted by on May 1, 2013 in Blog, Cherries On Top, essential oils, healing, photo, Recipe | 2 comments

First let me get some legal requirements out of the way. I am NOT a health care professional. Nothing that I say should be taken as medical advice. Consult with your own health care professional before making any changes in your own diet. This information is for entertainment purposes only. I am a sharing partner with Be Young Essential Oils. If you place a customer order using my ID or become a sharing partner following my link I will receive a portion of your purchases as an affiliate payment. I have decided to work with Be Young Essential Oils because I think that they are an ethical company with high quality products. What I share about their essential oils may or may not apply to the oils sold by other companies. Gall bladder removal is one of the most...

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Announcing My New Ebook: Broth: Elixir of Life

Posted by on Apr 26, 2013 in Blog, GAPS, Kids, Nutrition, photo, Sale, Traditional Foods | 4 comments

Well it has finally happened! Today is the day! After months of writing and setting up a business I am now ready to share with you my very first book. Broth: Elixir of Life. Some of you, of course, already have it. This book was included in a bundle of books that sold back in Late February and many of you took advantage of that opportunity. I have no plans to include it in another bundle any time soon so if you want it now, you need to buy it here. If you are familiar with my blog or with the GAPS diet you know that broth is an important part of both. It turns out that broth is actually an important part of pretty much every traditional world cuisine. There are good reasons for this. Bone broth is...

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Home Made Corned Beef

Posted by on Mar 13, 2013 in Blog, GAPS, Lacto-Fermentation, Low Oxalate, photo, Recipe, Traditional Foods | 9 comments

I grew up in New England. My family is from New Hampshire and I grew up in Connecticut. Once a year we had New England Boiled Dinner. This is also called Corned Beef and Cabbage by the rest of you. I don’t remember having it any day other than St. Patrick’s day but perhaps we did. Corned beef is a good, old fashioned, wholesome food. Yet today, it has been infiltrated with not so traditional additives. The last time I checked most corned beef available at the grocery store contained corn syrup and preservatives. Not what I want to be serving my family. It turns out corned beef is easy to make at home if you have an anaerobic fermenting jar and a week to wait. I do not know about the oxalate content of this food. Many of these spices are high...

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Bottled Roses Kombucha

Posted by on Feb 4, 2013 in Blog, Lacto-Fermentation, photo, Recipe | 8 comments

Today I have a guest post from my friend Angie Meara. Angie has been developing some new kombucha flavors and her lucky friends get to try out the results! This was the first flavor of Angie’s that I tried and it is my favorite. My family really likes plain kombucha and doing a secondary ferment is just “one more thing” that I have avoided until now. Tasting this Bottled Roses Kombucha has caused me to reconsider my stance. It really is quite special. I love the romantic twist that Angie has given to this delightful flavor in her post below. I hope you will try it and that you enjoy it as much as I do! -PattyLA This time of the year always reminds me of traveling to the Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City with my then serious...

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Tropical Traditions Gold Coconut Oil Give Away!

Posted by on Jan 30, 2013 in Blog, Give away, Traditional Foods, Uncategorized | 52 comments

I have always loved coconut flavored foods. So I was thrilled when I was introduced to traditional foods and discovered that this flavor I love is also really good for me! All that healthy short chain saturated fat! The other thing that I have come to appreciate since I began to focus on traditional foods is the traditional methods of making those foods. I loved watching the video below and seeing the traditional way that coconut oil was made how it is still done for this coconut oil. I’m also glad that I can purchase this oil that has been processed within 24 hours of the coconut being harvested instead of having to wait for the coconuts to get over here and then having to process them myself. Coconut oil is a GAPS legal oil for cooking with too...

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Grain Free Focaccia Bread

Posted by on Jan 24, 2013 in Blog, GAPS, photo, Recipe | 7 comments

Are you looking for a nice hearty grain free bread to go along side a winter soup? This Flax Focaccia really fits the bill. It is well textured and dense. It also stands up nicely to strong flavors. If you choose golden flaxseed for this recipe it will have a lighter color. I used brown seeds. Flax is a very fibrous food and is on the full GAPS diet only.   Flax Focaccia Bread 2 C. Whole Flaxseed or Flaxseed Meal 1 tsp. Baking soda 1 tsp. Salt 2 Tbs honey 5 Beaten Eggs 1/2 C. Water 1/3 C. melted butter (optional) Garlic Granules, parmesan cheese, Course Sea Salt, or Onion Flakes to top the bread Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper. Beat eggs, then mix in butter, water and honey and set aside. Grind flax seeds in aVitamixor an Electric Spice Grinder to...

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Kraut Juice

Posted by on Jan 17, 2013 in Blog, GAPS, Lacto-Fermentation, Recipe, Traditional Foods | 24 comments

Many of my blog posts contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA One of the most frustrating things about GAPS intro is all the sauerkraut juice you need! Where is that juice supposed to come from? There is only so much juice in a batch of kraut and then you have all that dry kraut to contend with. This recipe is great for intro or really any time that you want to have some extra power without the fiber. What we are trying to do is create lots of probiotic juice and not a lot of fiber to deal with. Sauerkraut is very beneficial for digestion for several reasons. First is...

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2012 Year in Review

Posted by on Dec 31, 2012 in Adrenal, Cherries On Top, Dental, Detox, GAPS, healing, Low Oxalate, MTHFR, Nutrition, Recipe, Tongue tie | 0 comments

What a year 2012 has been. I have been taking some time lately to reflect back over the year. The good and the bad, the victories and the defeats. As I look over this year I think about how sick, weak and hopeless I was in the spring. Then I think about how getting my cavitaitons dealt with has been a turning point in my health journey. Learning about anaerobic fermentation and Pickl-It jars has also been a big change for the better this year. 2012 was my first full year as a blogger as well. I have learned and grown so much this year! I started with just a handful of friends and family reading me on blogger. Now I have a self hosted blog with more than 2000 followers on Facebook and hundreds getting my posts in...

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Guest Post: White Chocolate Peppermint Truffles

Posted by on Dec 29, 2012 in essential oils, GAPS, Holiday Foods, Low Oxalate, photo, Recipe | 3 comments

It is a pleasure to have another guest post from my friend Starlene. Starlene blogs at GAPS Diet Journey where she chronicles her journey on the GAPS Diet and creates GAPS Friendly recipes. She also has recently released her first book, Beyond Grain and Dairy. This is a cook book filled with dairy free, GAPS approved recipes for everything from appetizers to deserts. ~PattyLA   My original goal in creating this treat was to create a white chocolate version of my Chocolate Coconut Fudge Bites. Then I wondered if I could make it low oxalate as well. My curiosity was piqued recently when I read a blog post at Roo’s Clues which talked about how oxalates “…injure and kill the mitochondria” and it made me wonder if I should look more closely at avoiding oxalates. Patty has written a very informative post called What Are...

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