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Nutrition Books that Changed my Life

Posted by on Aug 27, 2013 in Blog, GAPS, Nutrition, photo | 1 comment

I grew up in a healthy eating home. We ate our garden vegetables and avoided soda and junk food as a general rule. Despite that background I still developed health issues and just thought that it was bad luck and probably bad genetics. Then I started reading some books that changed my perspective. I’m going to share some of those books with you in the general order that I read them. This post contains many affiliate links to find the books on Amazon. They are provided so that you can easily find the exact books that I am mentioning and also so that you can read more about each book. The Schwarzbein Principle: The Truth about Losing Weight, Being Healthy and Feeling Younger- This book was introduced to me by my chiropractor who was helping me recover from surgery....

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Get Healthy To Lose Weight With My Nutritional Therapist!

Posted by on Aug 20, 2013 in Adrenal, Blog, Cherries On Top, Detox, healing, photo | 0 comments

Today I have a guest post from my nutritional therapist and affiliate partner Lydia Shatney. She has put together a course all about getting healthy so that you can reach the goal of normalizing your weight if that is a challenge for you. Read below about all that her course has to offer! This course can be joined at any time and you work through the materials at your own pace. Don’t wait though since she is offering a special price just through then end of August! Lydia or I will be glad to answer your questions about the course in the comments. That said I always get questions about how GAPS compatible Lydia’s classes are. Lydia has done GAPS herself and understands it very well. While these classes are not strictly GAPS classes everything that she advises is...

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GAPS Intro Once Again

Posted by on Aug 7, 2013 in Blog, GAPS, healing, photo | 5 comments

While thinking about the contents of this post I thought about this quote from one of my favorite movies, The Princess Bride. “If you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything.” Watch it below. Ok folks here is the deal. My family has been on GAPS for over 3.5 years and we still aren’t healed. Starting a couple of months ago, for the first time, I’m having chronic gut pain that my dr says is inflammation possibly a reaction to a food. One daughter is also having gut pain and one daughter is acting out of control. Time to batten down the hatches and do intro once again. I also keep remembering how Starlene of GAPS diet journey shared that GAPS got rid of her chronic back pain that woke her up after not enough sleep (read it...

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Trust Your Intuition Book Available Today With Free Gifts!!!

Posted by on Jul 16, 2013 in Blog, healing, photo, Sale | 0 comments

Update! There has been a glitch with the Amazon listing and so the free gifts will continue for one more day to make up for the problems! That is great news for all of you! Plus more free gifts have been added today so don’t miss out!   Today is a very exciting day! I wrote a chapter for the book shown above and today is the day to get yourself a copy of it! That is because today there will be FREE GIFTS for you in addition to a chance to buy this inspiring book. This book has stories from 25 blogger moms who have used natural approaches to heal themselves or a family member. The stories include testimonials about weight loss, treating AD/HD, recovery from surgery, and many more. You are sure to identify with many of...

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Real Food Book Bundle ~ GAPS Friendly And a Give Away Worth Over $325!

Posted by on Jul 15, 2013 in Blog, GAPS, Kids, photo, Recipe, Sale | 0 comments

Nourished Living Network’s July eBook bundle theme is Real Food!   Welcome to the monthly eBooks Bundle featuring eBooks authored by members of the Nourished Living Network. Each month, we feature a themed bundle of informative eBooks at a reduced price. Since I know that many of my readers are specifically interested in GAPS books, 2 of these books were written with GAPS in mind. Those two books together retail for $28.92 so it is like getting them for half price. The rest of the books aren’t GAPS specific but they will have recipes and ideas that apply in a GAPS kitchen. I also know that many of my readers are not on GAPS at this point in time. All of these books have healthy choices for your family no matter what dietary principles you follow. Nourished Cooking cookbook by...

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The Best Cast Iron Seasoning Method!

Posted by on Jul 11, 2013 in Blog, photo, Traditional Foods | 44 comments

  A few years ago I ran across this special kind of cast iron seasoning. I was fairly happy until that point with my cast iron but I’m always looking to improve things. Plus this method promised that I could keep my pans clean, without a film of grease on them. I was convinced to give it a try. I used this method 2 years ago on 4 frying pans and have been thrilled with the result ever since. Those pans had been in use for several years and had been seasoned several times in those years using various methods. Nothing lasted as well as this one has lasted. Unless I do some damage to these pans I assume I’ll never have to season them again. At minimum they have a great non-stick surface and are very low maintenance....

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Trust Your Intuition Book Announcement!

Posted by on Jul 9, 2013 in Blog, healing, photo | 2 comments

I am so excited to officially announce that I am a contributor in a newly published book, Trust Your Intuition: 25 “Natural Medicine Confessions” From Influential Women Who Choose Healing Remedies for Their Families (affiliate link). It will be released July 17, 2013. There are 24 other women besides me, who have also contributed, and we each share a story of why we chose to use natural medicine for a health issue or challenge in our homes. In this book there are situations that these women have encountered and they have shared how they have used natural medicine to resolve the problem. My chapter is about my experience with Endometriosis surgery and the months that it took me to recover from it. I am amazed at the power of the other stories in the book. I want to introduce you to...

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Loving Our Guts on Vacation in Colorado!

Posted by on Jul 5, 2013 in Blog, Kids, Love Comes Fist, photo | 5 comments

My family took a vacation to the mountains of Colorado and we had a great time. Vacation when you are on a special diet or have significant health issues doesn’t tend to be very spontaneous and traveling light is not in the vocabulary but we made it work and had a great time. We rented a 29 foot motorhome for the trip and our experience with it was excellent. The company that we used is a local one here in the St. Louis area. This company purchases new motor homes to rent out each year and then sells them off after one year of use is up. This means that we had no fears of our motorhome breaking down on the road and also it was not plastered all over with those advertisement that let everyone know you rented...

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Summer Picnic Foods Round-Up

Posted by on Jul 1, 2013 in Blog, GAPS, Holiday Foods, Low Oxalate, photo | 4 comments

Well here we are at the height of the summer picnic season. I don’t know about the rest of you but I rather dread having to go somewhere that I am expected to share a dish. This is largely because our food restrictions mean that I will have to also bring everything that my family eats, in addition to something that others can eat. It is rare for us to find much of anything that we can consume at a pot luck type affair that we didn’t bring ourselves. My other dread is the fact that after 3.5 years on GAPS and 2+ on the low oxalate diet (LOD) my taste buds have changed. I’m never quite sure if something that we like will taste good to a SAD (standard American diet) palate. The only thing worse than seeing...

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Summer Picnic Foods Desserts

Posted by on Jul 1, 2013 in Blog, GAPS, Holiday Foods, Low Oxalate, photo | 1 comment

Don’t miss part one of this post. It has main dishes, salads, cold soups and snacks. Summer Picnic Foods Round-Up Here is part 2. What you really want. Dessert! Cookies and ice cream recipes to delight your family and your friends (if you decide to share) Cookies Thumbprint Cookies (GAPS, LOD) These are quick and easy to make and my family really loves them. They are good along side some ice cream too. Not too sweet but sweet enough. I brought them to a family picnic last summer myself. Date and Nut Bars (GAPS, LOD) Bar cookies are great for how quick and easy they are to make. There are no exception. Quick to make and tasty to eat. Chocolate Coconut Fudge Bites by GAPS Diet Journey (GAPS) Chocolaty but not melty. These look rich and delicious and perfect to share at...

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