Essential Oils:Charity Blend

In my last post about essential oils I shared about Spice for Life blend. It is terrific for preventing and treating sickness, especially viruses. Today I am going to share about another essential oil blend that Be Young sells. It is called Charity.

Since the weather has warmed up my lyme symptoms have come [...]

Cold Thermogenesis Challenge Starts Today!

Here’s a video for some inspiration for you.

The ice man takes a cold dip

So last week I shared about Dr Kruse and his Cold Thermogenesis protocol. Step one is putting your face into ice water daily to begin to get used to the cold. I have been doing it myself for [...]

I want to be well!

Here I am as a high school senior. I was young. I was strong. My brain and my body both worked well and I loved to use them. I ran track, acted in plays, sang in choirs and dreamed of a life preforming on the stage. I had limitless energy and a [...]

2 Years on GAPS part 3 continued

Yesterday I published the first part of my younger daughters GAPS story. You can read it here. 2 Years on GAPS Part 3 I realized as I was writing it that it was just too long for one blog post so here is the second half of it.

Isn’t she beautiful? Not that I’m a biased [...]

Lyme Disease- What it is

I think it is time for a post about Lyme Disease. It is the elephant in the corner of my families health issues. Sometimes I feel like we are so busy chasing the spin off issues it creates we can’t face the Lyme directly.

Lyme Disease is caused by the bacterum Borrelia. There are 3 [...]

Leptin Reset Update #2

You can see my other posts about the Leptin Reset here Leptin Reset Leptin Reset Update #1

I feel like a new day is dawning for me but it is like this picture. Just barely visible. Hard to know how long till full light arrives. Of course I am a perpetual optimist so take that [...]

Intro to essential oils and Mint EO

Essential oils are something that I am wanting to learn more about. I have used them in a limited way for years. Tea Tree oil on cuts, bruises and burns, lavender oil to encourage sleep, eucalyptus oil for congestion, and some other blends for various issues. I mostly relied on others to guide me in using these oils and [...]

2 years on GAPS part 2- My Story

Part 1 is here. If you haven’t got your health you haven’t got anything. If you haven’t seen the Princess Bride you are really missing out. There is one memorable scene where the prince and Count Rugen are talking before Count Rugen goes to torture Wesley. The prince is talking about how busy he is [...]

2 years of GAPS part 1

We have been on GAPS for 2 years. I’m going to do a series of posts on each of us and our results from the 2 years. I was trying to do one on all of us but it got too long and complicated. So I will start with my eldest since she has the [...]