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Harvest Your Family’s Health with Ebooks!

Posted by on Oct 10, 2013 in Blog, Kids, Love Comes Fist, Nutrition, Sale | 0 comments

I know that many of you are not just learning about real food and non-toxic living for yourself. You are also learning because you are a parent or want to be a parent or even because of your pets. This Harvest Your Health Bundle of Books has plenty of information for you too. Even if you aren’t on a grain free diet and don’t want to be this bundle may have a lot of valuable resource for you. I decided to become an author for this bundle after I had a chance to see a list of some of the other books in it. I knew that I would want to have my book associated with so many other great books. I also knew that I would feel really good about recommending these books to you, my readers. If...

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Loving Our Guts on Vacation in Colorado!

Posted by on Jul 5, 2013 in Blog, Kids, Love Comes Fist, photo | 5 comments

My family took a vacation to the mountains of Colorado and we had a great time. Vacation when you are on a special diet or have significant health issues doesn’t tend to be very spontaneous and traveling light is not in the vocabulary but we made it work and had a great time. We rented a 29 foot motorhome for the trip and our experience with it was excellent. The company that we used is a local one here in the St. Louis area. This company purchases new motor homes to rent out each year and then sells them off after one year of use is up. This means that we had no fears of our motorhome breaking down on the road and also it was not plastered all over with those advertisement that let everyone know you rented...

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Guest Post: Love Comes First: Finding Time For Ourselves

Posted by on Jun 17, 2013 in Blog, Love Comes Fist, photo | 2 comments

Today’s post is a guest post from Sarah of Nourished and Nurtured. It is another one in my ongoing series about the importance of love for yourself and your family in the midst of the hard work of healing. Today is focused on how can mama get her needs met while caring for young children. I love her idea for playing hide and seek. I may need to do that one soon with my own two children. -PattyLA Many of my blog posts contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA As a stay-at-home mother of two young children, I often find it hard to make any time for myself. It can...

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Love Comes First: Mindful Parenting Special Offer

Posted by on Jun 3, 2013 in Blog, Love Comes Fist, photo, Sale | 0 comments

This blog post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service that doesn’t cost you anything and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA I know that many of my readers are parents. Today’s Love Comes First post is for those of you who have children in your home. So many of you are working very hard to help your children heal with special diets, therapies, and other approaches. It can be hard in the middle of all that to spend much time thinking about your parenting style. I know that the stress of all of it can make it hard to parent the way that you want. That is why I am excited about this bundle...

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Love Comes First: If Mama ain’t Playful: 5 Ways to Play with Your Day

Posted by on May 28, 2013 in Blog, Kids, Love Comes Fist, photo | 2 comments

Today’s Love Comes First post is a guest post by Barb Hoyer all about ways that parents can incorporate more play into our lives. The point of this series is to help us healers reconnect with love and relationships. So if you are working hard to heal yourself or working hard to heal someone else you need to also remember that love is your motivation and that love is a good thing. I know that when I can help myself to feel more playful and have more fun everything goes better. I’ve picked up some new ideas from this post to try out myself. Let us know in the comments how you keep play in your life. ~PattyLA Remember what it was like to glory in summertime as a kid? To play all day long - riding bikes, skipping stones, catching...

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Love Comes First: Finding the Joy

Posted by on May 20, 2013 in Blog, Love Comes Fist, photo | 0 comments

Today is my second installment of my Love Come’s First series. I’m exploring love in many different ways with this series and am open to guest posts for it as well. Today I’m exploring a way to keep the joy in your day to day life no matter what your circumstances each day.   Do you find yourself bogged down in the day to day of life? Perhaps you suffer with a chronic illness or you care for someone who does. If you are doing a complicated dietary intervention you may find that the weight of it is heavy on your shoulders day by day. It may seem like you need to choose between being happy and being well/healing. I have been there. I still end up there far more often than I would like. I want to encourage...

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Love Comes First: The Meaning of “Loving Our Guts” and A Request

Posted by on May 13, 2013 in Blog, Love, Love Comes Fist, photo | 1 comment

  The very first thing that you have to do when you begin a blog is choose a name. It is often the last thing that I do when writing a blog post or a book but in order to just get set up I had to select a name. I found it difficult to find a name when I wasn’t really sure what I would end up saying in my blog. I have many passions in my life and I wasn’t sure how many of them would make their way here or which one(s) would be my main focus. I wanted a name that could encompass those passions or at least many of them and help to explain in a tiny part what I hoped to do here. I knew that diet and it’s impact on our health...

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Twists in Our Path Toward Healing

Posted by on Apr 23, 2013 in Blog, Cherries On Top, GAPS, God, healing, Love Comes Fist, Low Oxalate, Lyme, Nutrition, photo | 28 comments

Hello friends. I am humbled by how many are out there reading this blog. Many of you I do not know and will never know. Yet, since I feel like you are along with us for this journey, I call you friends. As many of you know I took a break from blogging a few weeks ago because of a health crisis in my family. I am still not at liberty to share about that, but I will thank you for your prayers and ask you to keep them coming. It is not over, I’m just coming to a place of acceptance and am ready to get back to work. My family has been on a healing journey since before my first child was born. I spent much of 2002 using a wheelchair because of the pain I was...

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