Guest Post: Heal Your Gut!
***Update*** You can now pay for the class with 3 monthly payments! Go here to learn more. Heal Your Gut And don’t forget to request your free copy of Broth: Elixir of Life Today I have a guest post from my Nutritional Therapist Lydia Shatney. If you have followed my blog for very long you know that Gut health is near and dear to my heart. The GAPS diet that my family follows stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome. If your gut isn’t healthy, you aren’t healthy. Lydia has been helping me heal my own gut issues and she has designed this course to help you heal yours! My own gut issues were not severe enough to warrant a trip to the GI and yet nothing I was doing seemed to resolve them either. I just decided to learn to...
Read MoreCraniosacral Therapy is Working Miracles in My House!
13 years ago I had surgery to treat my endometriosis. The surgery was extensive and I did not recover from it well at all. I was in constant pain, weak and frail. I rarely left my house because I was in so much pain. While I was still unable to work, I went to a massage therapist that my mother saw. My mother told me that this massage therapist had a type of massage that might really help me. I did not know what to expect. At first I was expecting a massage but when she told me to keep my clothes on I wasn’t sure what to think. What I experienced that day was a turning point in my healing from that surgery. I share more of this story in the book Trust Your Intuition (affiliate link). Lets see...
Read MoreMore Miracles from Craniosacral Therapy!
Continued from Cranial Sacral Therapy is Working Miracles in my House It has been so amazing to see the changes in my daughter thanks to Craniosacral Therapy (CST). After a few months I decided that for my birthday I would give myself the gift of a CST session as well. I didn’t have high expectations for this session. I expected it to be deeply relaxing and that was about it. I remembered how much I had enjoyed my sessions in the past and thought that I would enjoy one again now. I’m glad that I didn’t have any expectations since I never could have imagined what did happen and possibly would have encouraged her to work on something else. As many of you know I took a break from blogging in the spring while some difficult new medical issues...
Read MoreGet Healthy To Lose Weight With My Nutritional Therapist!
Today I have a guest post from my nutritional therapist and affiliate partner Lydia Shatney. She has put together a course all about getting healthy so that you can reach the goal of normalizing your weight if that is a challenge for you. Read below about all that her course has to offer! This course can be joined at any time and you work through the materials at your own pace. Don’t wait though since she is offering a special price just through then end of August! Lydia or I will be glad to answer your questions about the course in the comments. That said I always get questions about how GAPS compatible Lydia’s classes are. Lydia has done GAPS herself and understands it very well. While these classes are not strictly GAPS classes everything that she advises is...
Read MoreBreastfeeding Revolution Online Summit
While my blog isn’t about breastfeeding or parenting, it is about health and my families journey and breastfeeding was a part of that. My children are no longer nursing but I still care very much about breastfeeding and the way that our society treats the subject. Of course breastfeeding isn’t always easy and our culture is full of “booby traps” that can catch even those who start off without issues.. Below is some information about this summit. I participated and shared about my own experience with breastfeeding two tongue tied babies. My interview is coming up on August 18th. If you are an expectant mom or a nursing mom I hope you will find some time to listen and learn from this collection of interviews all about nursing and making it work. -PattyLA What if you could sit down,...
Read MoreGAPS Intro Once Again
While thinking about the contents of this post I thought about this quote from one of my favorite movies, The Princess Bride. “If you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything.” Watch it below. Ok folks here is the deal. My family has been on GAPS for over 3.5 years and we still aren’t healed. Starting a couple of months ago, for the first time, I’m having chronic gut pain that my dr says is inflammation possibly a reaction to a food. One daughter is also having gut pain and one daughter is acting out of control. Time to batten down the hatches and do intro once again. I also keep remembering how Starlene of GAPS diet journey shared that GAPS got rid of her chronic back pain that woke her up after not enough sleep (read it...
Read MoreTrust Your Intuition Book Available Today With Free Gifts!!!
Update! There has been a glitch with the Amazon listing and so the free gifts will continue for one more day to make up for the problems! That is great news for all of you! Plus more free gifts have been added today so don’t miss out! Today is a very exciting day! I wrote a chapter for the book shown above and today is the day to get yourself a copy of it! That is because today there will be FREE GIFTS for you in addition to a chance to buy this inspiring book. This book has stories from 25 blogger moms who have used natural approaches to heal themselves or a family member. The stories include testimonials about weight loss, treating AD/HD, recovery from surgery, and many more. You are sure to identify with many of...
Read MoreTrust Your Intuition Book Announcement!
I am so excited to officially announce that I am a contributor in a newly published book, Trust Your Intuition: 25 “Natural Medicine Confessions” From Influential Women Who Choose Healing Remedies for Their Families (affiliate link). It will be released July 17, 2013. There are 24 other women besides me, who have also contributed, and we each share a story of why we chose to use natural medicine for a health issue or challenge in our homes. In this book there are situations that these women have encountered and they have shared how they have used natural medicine to resolve the problem. My chapter is about my experience with Endometriosis surgery and the months that it took me to recover from it. I am amazed at the power of the other stories in the book. I want to introduce you to...
Read MoreA Calm Mind Interview with Lydia Part 1
This blog post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service that doesn’t cost you anything and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA Many of you know about Lydia Shatney. She blogs at Divine Health From The Inside Out and has written some guest blog posts here (This one 8 Signs and Symptoms of Mineral Deficiencies is extremely popular). I am also working with her as my nutritional therapist. Lydia has taught some classes online that many of you have signed up for. The feedback that Lydia and I have gotten about these classes has been great! She really has a way of presenting material so that it is both easy to understand and challenging enough to...
Read MoreShocking Statistics on the Rates of Mental Health Issues and More!
This blog post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service that doesn’t cost you anything and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA This is part 2 of my interview with Lydia Shatney about the new class A Calm Mind. She is offering this together with 3 other Nutritional Therapists. Here is part one of the interview where we discuss what Nutritional Therapy is and who can benefit from it. A Calm Mind Interview with Lydia Part 1 Go here for a list of symptoms that this course can help with. A Calm Mind List of Symptoms 4. I tend to think of “mental health issues” as being rare. How common are mental...
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