Poison in your Mouth
I have been planning to write some posts about dental health for some time. Lucky for you there is the HealThy Mouth World Summit coming up in less than 2 weeks that will give you far more information than I can. However, I want to go ahead and get you started. Hopefully this will help you understand why you should even care. When I was a child we were taught about dental health in school. We were taught how to brush our teeth and given those red tablets to show us where we were missing with our tooth brushes. (Is this still done?) I brushed my teeth once a day and went to get them cleaned at the dentist twice a year. It seemed to work! I had no cavities as a young child. Then when I was 12...
Read MoreWater Hose Filter Special Offer
I live in a major metropolitan area and I am concerned about what is in our water. I would like a whole house filter but at this point just can’t afford it so instead I have a high quality under sink water filter for the kitchen from The Water Exchange that filters out fluoride as well as other contaminants. I also use a ZeroWater Pitcher in our upstairs bathroom because I know we won’t walk all the way downstairs for good water to drink or to brush our teeth. I have been concerned about my garden. I use the Topsy Turvy Upside-Down Tomato Planter to grow tomatoes every year. This year we have 8 going. This requires a lot of water and this means a lot of toxins are flowing past the roots of my plants and being absorbed by...
Read MoreCancer
When I was in college I was in a very small acting group. There were just 5 of us traveling around preforming skits for churches and youth rallies all over the North East. We became very close doing that. We would stay in peoples homes and sometimes the accommodations were better than others. One time we three women stayed at a home that didn’t have a bed or even a couch to offer us. They had assumed that we would come with our own bedding but we didn’t. They had 2 sleeping bags for the 3 of us to share. It was not a warm night. We 3 zipped those sleeping bags together and crawled in and slept like that. We knew that one of us was grouchy in the mornings so she got the middle so that we wouldn’t disturb...
Read MoreWhy should I detox?
What’s up with detox? It’s the new buzz word. Everyone is talking about it. It will make you skinny! It cures cancer! It cures depression! But what if you don’t have one of those conditions? “I’m heathy” you may say. “We are long lived people.” Then you read stories like this one. “Lisa’s family moved to New Brighton when she was two and lived there for the past 20 years. In 1981, it was discovered New Brighton’s municipal water was contaminated with high levels of toxic chemicals from a former Army Ammunition Plant in Arden Hills. One of the chemicals, TCE, was reported to still be 600 times higher than the federal standard in 2007. TCE is used mainly as a degreaser to clean metal parts. Health effects from TCE exposure include cancer, birth defects and genetic damage” Story...
Read MoreMTHFR part 1
MTHFR Part 2 is here. This is going to have to be in at least 2 parts. I am learning so much about MTHFR right now but there is far from consensus about how it is best treated and what all of it’s risks are. So this post will simply be about what most everyone agrees on. That is what MTHFR is and what it can do. MTHFR mutation is a genetic difference that effects 30%-50% of the population. It doesn’t even seem like mutation or defect is the right word for something like that. This takes into account all of the differences that happen to the gene that makes enzyme MethylTetraHydroFolate Reductase. That this means in simple terms is the body has difficulty converting folic acid, one of the b vitamins, into methylfolate. Why does this matter you may ask? Well...
Read MoreDetox Showers - A simple detox habit everyone has time for
An important piece of the GAPS diet is detox.The diet supports detox in several ways and one very important way is through detox baths. When I think about a detox bath I picture this. Calm, relaxed, time away. It sounds wonderful! In reality however few days have time for that sort of a bath without giving up something else important. So does this mean no detox bath most days and suffering from it? No indeed. I get in some detox every time I shower. It may not be a super long one but it happens. First, it is important to have a filter on your shower if you have chlorine added to your water as most people do with municipal water supplies. I have one like this one from my affiliate partner Amazon. Chlorine in bathwater has been linked...
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