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Breastfeeding Revolution Online Summit

Posted by on Aug 10, 2013 in Blog, healing, Kids, Tongue tie | 2 comments

While my blog isn’t about breastfeeding or parenting, it is about health and my families journey and breastfeeding was a part of that. My children are no longer nursing but I still care very much about breastfeeding and the way that our society treats the subject. Of course breastfeeding isn’t always easy and our culture is full of “booby traps” that can catch even those who start off without issues.. Below is some information about this summit. I participated and shared about my own experience with breastfeeding two tongue tied babies. My interview is coming up on August 18th. If you are an expectant mom or a nursing mom I hope you will find some time to listen and learn from this collection of interviews all about nursing and making it work. -PattyLA What if you could sit down,...

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2012 Year in Review

Posted by on Dec 31, 2012 in Adrenal, Cherries On Top, Dental, Detox, GAPS, healing, Low Oxalate, MTHFR, Nutrition, Recipe, Tongue tie | 0 comments

What a year 2012 has been. I have been taking some time lately to reflect back over the year. The good and the bad, the victories and the defeats. As I look over this year I think about how sick, weak and hopeless I was in the spring. Then I think about how getting my cavitaitons dealt with has been a turning point in my health journey. Learning about anaerobic fermentation and Pickl-It jars has also been a big change for the better this year. 2012 was my first full year as a blogger as well. I have learned and grown so much this year! I started with just a handful of friends and family reading me on blogger. Now I have a self hosted blog with more than 2000 followers on Facebook and hundreds getting my posts in...

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Lemon Gelatin (sugar free option)

Posted by on May 11, 2012 in GAPS, Kids, Low Oxalate, Recipe, Tongue tie, Traditional Foods, Uncategorized | 8 comments

My family is having a lot of mouth surgeries over the next month. Today it was my 4 year old’s tongue tie, next week my 8 year old’s tongue tie and in a bit over 3 weeks I’m getting 3 cavitations cleaned out. Getting a good gelatin recipe that is GAPS legal seemed necessary for this time in our lives. None of us do well with lots of carbs or fruit so I decided to make it lemon flavored. I sweetened it with stevia (not GAPS legal) but you could also sweeten it with honey. Here you can see little J enjoying some lemon Gelatin just a couple of hours post Tongue Tie Surgery. Lemon Gelatin 5 oz lemon juice (1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp) Depending on the size of your lemons this will be 2-4 fresh...

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Update on the Tongue Tie. We have found a Dr!

Posted by on Apr 24, 2012 in Cherries On Top, Kids, St Louis, Tongue tie | 11 comments

If you have read my previous tongue tie posts (Tongue Tie) you know that both of my children and my husband were born with tongue ties. They were all officially diagnosed in December of 2011. In January my husband got his fixed by a laser dentist (Tongue Tie #1 is Fixed!). We were hopeful that this dentist would also be able to correct my children’s ties but for various reasons he was not the person for the job. Everyone kept talking about this Laser Dentist in Granite City, Dr Chen, who is just amazing and teaches the other local laser dentists. He travels a lot teaching and I kept being warned that he can be hard to get in to see because of his travel schedule. Plus, I was nervous that he wouldn’t be that good with children. I finally...

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Tongue Tie Photos

Posted by on Mar 25, 2012 in Tongue tie | 3 comments

I have been asked for some photos of my children’s tongue ties and also of my husbands tongue tie correction. In case you haven’t had a chance to read my post on Tongue Tie you can find it here. First I’ll start with my 4 year old’s tongue. I’m sorry there appears to be some food on her face and tongue in these photos. Her tongue does have a tip to it but she can’t come close to reaching the roof of her mouth and you can see a slight indent in the center. When she was a newborn it was more obviously heart shaped. I wish I would have pursued getting it clipped then, but perhaps if I had the posterior portion would have been ignored and we wouldn’t have been able to identify that issue in her...

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2 Years on GAPS part 3 continued

Posted by on Feb 29, 2012 in GAPS, healing, Kids, Low Oxalate, Lyme, MTHFR, Tongue tie | 4 comments

Yesterday I published the first part of my younger daughters GAPS story. You can read it here. 2 Years on GAPS Part 3 I realized as I was writing it that it was just too long for one blog post so here is the second half of it. Isn’t she beautiful? Not that I’m a biased mama or anything. Another big piece for J was my realization that she needed a Low Oxalate Diet. She was still in diapers when she turned 3 more than a year after we started GAPS and I began to wonder what I could do to encourage her to move on from them. Her older sister had wanted to potty learn and had been fully out of diapers by 2.5 of her own volition. A child who liked her diapers and wanted to keep wearing them...

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Tongue Tie #1 is fixed!

Posted by on Jan 9, 2012 in Tongue tie | 4 comments

I wrote about what tongue tie is and why people of all ages might be interested in getting their corrected here. And I wrote about the MTHFR mutation that we all have that may contribute to having a tongue tie here. Today was Jason’s appointment to get his tongue tie fixed. We all went eagerly anticipating the girls getting to watch at least part of the procedure and get comfortable with it. We were also anticipating the Dr checking out the girls mouths and hopefully making an appointment for W to get hers fixed as well. Sometimes you don’t get what you expect. When we got there Jason went right back. He told the dental assistant that the girls were supposed to go back too and watch and she said “Let’s talk to the Dr first”. That was the last...

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MTHFR part 1

Posted by on Jan 3, 2012 in Blog, Detox, MTHFR, Tongue tie, toxins | 39 comments

MTHFR Part 2 is here. This is going to have to be in at least 2 parts. I am learning so much about MTHFR right now but there is far from consensus about how it is best treated and what all of it’s risks are. So this post will simply be about what most everyone agrees on. That is what MTHFR is and what it can do. MTHFR mutation is a genetic difference that effects 30%-50% of the population. It doesn’t even seem like mutation or defect is the right word for something like that. This takes into account all of the differences that happen to the gene that makes enzyme MethylTetraHydroFolate Reductase. That this means in simple terms is the body has difficulty converting folic acid, one of the b vitamins, into methylfolate. Why does this matter you may ask? Well...

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Unwrapping 2012

Posted by on Jan 1, 2012 in Detox, essential oils, MTHFR, Tongue tie | 2 comments

Looking back over 2011 I see lots of victories that make me want to celebrate! At this time 1 year ago none of us could have fruit or high carb veggies without symptoms, W was on a low sulfur diet, little J had lots of digestive symptoms that we still hadn’t solved, and I was overwhelmed and discouraged by it all. Now here we are a year later. W has graduated from her low sulfur diet and now only has to be careful of a couple of foods. Little J is now taking biokult, on a Low Oxalate Diet and so much healthier. My health has gone up and down but I have faith that I will get closer to health this year than I was last year. Seeing my children healing encourages me to hope and pray for the...

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Tongue Tie

Posted by on Dec 27, 2011 in Blog, Cherries On Top, MTHFR, Tongue tie | 24 comments

This is a topic that seems to relate primarily to newly nursing babies or possibly shy people in social situations. We have neither of those here so why do I bring it up? Because 3 out of the 4 of us have a tongue tie! And all 3 will hopefully have this remedied in 2012. But first let me back up. What is a tongue tie and why does it matter? Classic tongue tie (like in the photo above) is when the frenum, that is the piece of tissue under the tongue that attaches it to the floor of the mouth, extends too far toward the tip and prevents it from moving as freely as it should. In utero the tongue starts out fused to the floor of the mouth but should separate fully long before birth. One very simple test...

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