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Unwrapping 2012

Posted by on Jan 1, 2012 in Detox, essential oils, MTHFR, Tongue tie | 2 comments

Looking back over 2011 I see lots of victories that make me want to celebrate! At this time 1 year ago none of us could have fruit or high carb veggies without symptoms, W was on a low sulfur diet, little J had lots of digestive symptoms that we still hadn’t solved, and I was overwhelmed and discouraged by it all. Now here we are a year later. W has graduated from her low sulfur diet and now only has to be careful of a couple of foods. Little J is now taking biokult, on a Low Oxalate Diet and so much healthier. My health has gone up and down but I have faith that I will get closer to health this year than I was last year. Seeing my children healing encourages me to hope and pray for the...

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Tongue Tie

Posted by on Dec 27, 2011 in Blog, Cherries On Top, MTHFR, Tongue tie | 24 comments

This is a topic that seems to relate primarily to newly nursing babies or possibly shy people in social situations. We have neither of those here so why do I bring it up? Because 3 out of the 4 of us have a tongue tie! And all 3 will hopefully have this remedied in 2012. But first let me back up. What is a tongue tie and why does it matter? Classic tongue tie (like in the photo above) is when the frenum, that is the piece of tissue under the tongue that attaches it to the floor of the mouth, extends too far toward the tip and prevents it from moving as freely as it should. In utero the tongue starts out fused to the floor of the mouth but should separate fully long before birth. One very simple test...

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2 years of GAPS part 1

Posted by on Nov 26, 2011 in Adrenal, allergies, GAPS, Lyme, MTHFR, thyroid | 8 comments

We have been on GAPS for 2 years. I’m going to do a series of posts on each of us and our results from the 2 years. I was trying to do one on all of us but it got too long and complicated. So I will start with my eldest since she has the best story of us all. W has been gluten free since she turned 2 and has always followed a restricted diet trying to minimize her reactions to foods and keep her on an even keel. We followed the Specific Carbohydrate diet the year she was 2 until she was a little over 3. She saw lots of improvements on SCD but life was still crazy. She didn’t sleep and was very fussy and clingy. I now know that she had silent reflux that kept her...

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