2012 Year in Review
What a year 2012 has been. I have been taking some time lately to reflect back over the year. The good and the bad, the victories and the defeats. As I look over this year I think about how sick, weak and hopeless I was in the spring. Then I think about how getting my cavitaitons dealt with has been a turning point in my health journey. Learning about anaerobic fermentation and Pickl-It jars has also been a big change for the better this year. 2012 was my first full year as a blogger as well. I have learned and grown so much this year! I started with just a handful of friends and family reading me on blogger. Now I have a self hosted blog with more than 2000 followers on Facebook and hundreds getting my posts in...
Read MoreGAPS Diet Journey Radio Interview
Hi everyone. I had the pleasure this past weekend of being interviewed by Starlene of GAPS Diet Journey about our experience on GAPS. We talked about our experiences from the start till now and focused the most on my youngest daughter since she was why we started GAPS nearly 3 years ago. You can go to the website and listen with the link here. Patty and Family Healing on GAPS of Digestive Ailments. Or you can listen below. If you go to the link above you will also see some links to the blog posts that we talked about in the interview. I hope you enjoy it! Listen to internet radio with Starlene Stewart on Blog Talk Radio...
Read MoreHigh Sulfur foods? What are they?
We have found ourselves once again embarking on a low sulfur version of GAPS for my eldest. We did this the first year we were on GAPS (started fall of 2010) and seemed to have progressed beyond needing it but here we are back at it again. You can read more about her progress on GAPS here. Two years on GAPS Part 1 I’m suspecting that my falling off the broth wagon is largely to blame. I did so good with broth for so long but several months ago I just stopped using it as regularly and haven’t been able to get back into it. Instead of going through 2 qts of broth each day we go through that much in a week. Not good. So we haven’t entirely quit broth but we haven’t been getting it in...
Read MoreCold Thermogenesis Challenge Starts Today!
Here’s a video for some inspiration for you. The ice man takes a cold dip So last week I shared about Dr Kruse and his Cold Thermogenesis protocol. Step one is putting your face into ice water daily to begin to get used to the cold. I have been doing it myself for a few days and have learned a few things. I’m also working my way through his blog posts as fast as I can (they are super dense) and have learned a bunch from that as well. First I’ll review. You need to dip your face in 50 degree water once a day. Keep it up as long as you can stand it and until your skin starts to turn pale pink/white then quit. It is best if you do this after a high protein meal and...
Read More2 Years on GAPS part 3 continued
Yesterday I published the first part of my younger daughters GAPS story. You can read it here. 2 Years on GAPS Part 3 I realized as I was writing it that it was just too long for one blog post so here is the second half of it. Isn’t she beautiful? Not that I’m a biased mama or anything. Another big piece for J was my realization that she needed a Low Oxalate Diet. She was still in diapers when she turned 3 more than a year after we started GAPS and I began to wonder what I could do to encourage her to move on from them. Her older sister had wanted to potty learn and had been fully out of diapers by 2.5 of her own volition. A child who liked her diapers and wanted to keep wearing them...
Read MoreMTHFRade
In case you need to know what MTHFR is see MTHFR Part 1 Dr Ben Lynch posted this post about a drink he invented MTHFRade a week or two ago. I was reminded of it the other day when my friend Starlene from Gaps Diet Journey posted on my Facebook wall asking if I had tried it. That was the push I needed to go ahead and order what I needed and try it out. I was able to order everything through Amazon and it arrived very quickly. You need these 3 products. He also suggests a vitamin C powder but that isn’t allowed on the Low Oxalate diet so I skipped that and I use lemon juice in it’s place. I took his recipe (linked above) and made up my own version. I take 1/3 of a cap of...
Read More2 years on GAPS part 2- My Story
Part 1 is here. If you haven’t got your health you haven’t got anything. If you haven’t seen the Princess Bride you are really missing out. There is one memorable scene where the prince and Count Rugen are talking before Count Rugen goes to torture Wesley. The prince is talking about how busy he is with his evil deeds and the Count agrees and tells him, well see for yourself. You can see more of the clip here If you haven’t got your health Over the past couple of years I have thought of those words often. Mostly because I didn’t have my health and it truly made it seem like I didn’t have anything. I would think back to how glibly I frittered it away staying up too late, too often when in college. Then the stress of...
Read MoreMTHFR Part 2
MTHFR Part 1 can be found here. What can I do about this? Am I doomed to be ill and die early with this mutation? The short answer is no. There is a lot you can do. This post has proven to be much harder to write than I anticipated. It turns out explaining MTHFR was the easy part. Figuring out what to do about it is the hard part. I think I’ll start with what you shouldn’t do. Do not take any vitamins containing folic acid or regular b12. It is best to avoid foods fortified with folic acid as well. Folic acid, remember, is the inactive form and will compete for those folate receptors in your body if you can’t convert it into methyl folate (and if you have a MTHFR mutation you are greatly impaired in...
Read MoreWhy should I detox?
What’s up with detox? It’s the new buzz word. Everyone is talking about it. It will make you skinny! It cures cancer! It cures depression! But what if you don’t have one of those conditions? “I’m heathy” you may say. “We are long lived people.” Then you read stories like this one. “Lisa’s family moved to New Brighton when she was two and lived there for the past 20 years. In 1981, it was discovered New Brighton’s municipal water was contaminated with high levels of toxic chemicals from a former Army Ammunition Plant in Arden Hills. One of the chemicals, TCE, was reported to still be 600 times higher than the federal standard in 2007. TCE is used mainly as a degreaser to clean metal parts. Health effects from TCE exposure include cancer, birth defects and genetic damage” Story...
Read MoreMTHFR part 1
MTHFR Part 2 is here. This is going to have to be in at least 2 parts. I am learning so much about MTHFR right now but there is far from consensus about how it is best treated and what all of it’s risks are. So this post will simply be about what most everyone agrees on. That is what MTHFR is and what it can do. MTHFR mutation is a genetic difference that effects 30%-50% of the population. It doesn’t even seem like mutation or defect is the right word for something like that. This takes into account all of the differences that happen to the gene that makes enzyme MethylTetraHydroFolate Reductase. That this means in simple terms is the body has difficulty converting folic acid, one of the b vitamins, into methylfolate. Why does this matter you may ask? Well...
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