Crispy Crunchy “SOUR”kraut (Sauerkraut)!
If you have read my post about Anaerobic Fermentation our GAPS Missing Piece you know how important the Pickl-It jar is proving to be in our GAPS healing journey. Some have asked me how I make sauerkraut so I’m going to share that recipe with you today. For this recipe to work you do need a special anaerobic fermenting jar or Fermenting Crock. I choose to use the Pickl-It jar because it is not prone to mold like crocks can be and because if I do get mold in it I can easily replace the non-glass pieces and keep most of my investment. I do not know of any other jar that works to keep oxygen out and yet allow for easy off gassing like the Pickl-It does. I have seen photos of browning foods in mason jars with...
Read MoreGAPS Diet Journey Radio Interview
Hi everyone. I had the pleasure this past weekend of being interviewed by Starlene of GAPS Diet Journey about our experience on GAPS. We talked about our experiences from the start till now and focused the most on my youngest daughter since she was why we started GAPS nearly 3 years ago. You can go to the website and listen with the link here. Patty and Family Healing on GAPS of Digestive Ailments. Or you can listen below. If you go to the link above you will also see some links to the blog posts that we talked about in the interview. I hope you enjoy it! Listen to internet radio with Starlene Stewart on Blog Talk Radio...
Read MoreAnaerobic Fermentation: Our GAPS Missing Piece
Those of you who have been following my blog for a while will know that my family has been on GAPS since November of 2009. Lyme disease and some other issues have certainly complicated our situation but still healing has not come like we had expected. You may recall my post from this past spring about taking my youngest to an enzyme therapist. (Read it here Enzyme Therapy.) She had been suffering with a daily stomach ache for months at that point in time. While I could often help it with essential oils or other approaches it kept coming back daily. Since it was gut issues for her that led us to GAPS in the first place I was very concerned that we were coming full circle and ending up back where we started. That didn’t feel good. I was very...
Read MoreWater Kefir: Lemonade and Vanilla Bean Flavors
I got my first pickl-it jars about 3 months ago. I also got some water kefir grains that same week. I immediately began making water kefir and we have been hooked ever since. We began small and have been building up over time. We did this for two reasons. First, like all probiotic foods it is a good idea to build up your dose to avoid too much “die off” or gut flora changes at once. In addition since this is made with sugar I wanted to be sure we could handle any residual sugar in our ferments and not ingest too much. The good news is that it is helping everyone’s digestion. You may recall that my youngest has been seeing an enzyme therapist. We have seen huge benefits from that treatment and I am thrilled that her stomach aches are...
Read MoreEnzyme Therapy
This post is about another “Cherry on top” that we are pursuing for our families healing. My youngest, pictured above, had a stomach bug of some sort in early February and ever since then has complained of her tummy hurting. These complaints would come several times a day but rarely would they stop her from doing what she wanted to do so I gave her some ginger tea and tried to wait it out. After a couple of months of this it became apparent that my approach wasn’t getting us anywhere so I took her to the Dr. She is my child with lots of GI issues and I was afraid that the advice would be to go back to the GI. I feared that a trip to the GI would mean more invasive testing and as much as...
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