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Homemade Skin Care for Adults and Kids Plus More!

Posted by on Oct 13, 2013 in Blog, Dental, Detox, Kids, Sale | 1 comment

Today is the last day to get your copy of the Harvest Your Health Bundle. 71 ebooks, 4 meal plans, 3 online magazine subscriptions as well as 22 discount codes on products you will love (25% off squatty potty!!!) This bundle is personal for me because it contains my book Both: Elixir of Life. Over 5,000 people have already purchased it and are already reading the books and using the discount codes. There is so much variety in this bundle at such a low price that nearly everyone reading this blog could find enough books to interest them to make it worth the $37. If you are specifically looking for a list of the books from this bundle that are good for people on GAPS or LOD read this post. Harvest Your Health eNook Bundle GAPS and LOD Friendly...

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Mercury In My Mouth Be Gone!

Posted by on Mar 7, 2013 in Blog, Dental, Low Oxalate, photo | 8 comments

After literally years of research and waiting for the right time, I am finally getting the mercury amalgam fillings out of my mouth. I had seven that I got during the 4 years that I wore braces. At the time the dentist blamed me for not bushing well enough but I do not believe that was the cause. I brush my teeth once a day, I rarely floss and I haven’t used fluoride toothpaste since my early 20’s. My dental practices have not changed since I was a child. I have not had one cavity since I got my braces off when I was 16. In addition, my gum issues that cropped up out of the blue last spring were clearly connected to a cavitation in my jaw at the same spot. Prior to that I was often praised...

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Another Helper to Solve My Health Puzzle

Posted by on Feb 24, 2013 in Blog, Dental, GAPS, healing, Nutrition, photo | 5 comments

photo credit: Alfonsina Blyde » via photopin cc   I have mentioned on Facebook that I have begun working with Lydia Shatney to solve more of my health puzzle. I don’t know about the rest of you but I find it tough going it alone! Making decisions about diet and supplements without anyone to help me. I do my research but I’m just one person. Lydia went to school for this. She is devoting her time and energy to learning more and more about nutrition and how the body works. (What you thought her education ended when she graduated?) She is also getting experience working with people one on one helping them solve their health issues through diet. Even people like me who don’t follow any of the rules. I’m making her work hard! Most of us, are...

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HealThy Mouth Summit Upgrade

Posted by on Jan 20, 2013 in Blog, Dental | 0 comments

I’m sure some of my readers are wondering why I’m talking so much about this Dental Summit. The fact is that your oral health impacts the health in the rest of your body. In fact is that 98% of people suffer from some sort of oral disease. So pretty much everyone reading this blog has some improvement that you can gain in this area. I knew that to be true but this past summer I got to live it when I got my cavitations cleaned out by my dentist. I wrote several posts on the subject starting with Cavitations and my Dental Health. Getting those dealt with had a huge impact on my health and stamina. My family could not believe how much energy I had when I visited them in August. I was like a new person. However...

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Bonus Day at the Healthy Mouth World Summit!!!

Posted by on Jan 20, 2013 in Blog, Dental | 0 comments

I know that some of you haven’t signed up for the summit yet. You didn’t have time to watch or you didn’t hear about it till now. Well you are in luck! Today only you can watch all of the presentations that you have missed this past week! I’m going to share the message that I got from Will and Susan this morning. This is good through midnight PST tonight only so don’t delay! If you have not signed up for the summit at all please follow this link to get signed up. You need to be signed up (It’s FREE) to watch the videos. -PattyLA Aloha Summit Friends! Wow, this has been a BLAST bringing you this empowering information!! We are really excited to announce that we’re going to run a very special encore for you tomorrow. Be sure to...

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Last Day HealThy Mouth Summit!

Posted by on Jan 19, 2013 in Blog, Dental | 2 comments

Today is the last day for the HealThy Mouth Summit. This week has been filled with amazing information from 21 speakers who all focused on all aspects of oral health. We have heard about how to use diet and oral hygiene practices to prevent and heal cavities and other oral health problems. We have heard about the various toxic materials that are commonly used in dental work and how bad they are for you. We have also heard about how to safely get them removed from your mouth. We have heard about fluoride and how devastating it is to your whole bodies health and why you should be avoiding it at all costs. We have heard about root canals and the impact they have on health and about what you can do instead. I thought that I knew a lot about...

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Dental Health Impacts Your Whole Body

Posted by on Jan 7, 2013 in Blog, Dental | 0 comments

I am getting really excited about the HealThy Mouth Summit coming up in just a week! I already know that the health in the mouth both effects and reflects the health in the rest of the body. For some reason we have divided our bodies up into these parts and don’t see them as interconnected. When we have a mouth and tooth problem it is a dentist who addresses it. A dentist usually only focuses on that one part of the body and doesn’t see how it can be interconnected with the rest. Well of course that is petty silly! The mouth is a part of the body and of course problems in the mouth will be a reflection of problems in the whole body. Getting cavities is a reflection of poor bone mineralization. We build our teeth and...

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Poison in your Mouth

Posted by on Jan 3, 2013 in Dental, toxins | 9 comments

I have been planning to write some posts about dental health for some time. Lucky for you there is the HealThy Mouth World Summit coming up in less than 2 weeks that will give you far more information than I can. However, I want to go ahead and get you started. Hopefully this will help you understand why you should even care. When I was a child we were taught about dental health in school. We were taught how to brush our teeth and given those red tablets to show us where we were missing with our tooth brushes. (Is this still done?) I brushed my teeth once a day and went to get them cleaned at the dentist twice a year. It seemed to work! I had no cavities as a young child. Then when I was 12...

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2012 Year in Review

Posted by on Dec 31, 2012 in Adrenal, Cherries On Top, Dental, Detox, GAPS, healing, Low Oxalate, MTHFR, Nutrition, Recipe, Tongue tie | 0 comments

What a year 2012 has been. I have been taking some time lately to reflect back over the year. The good and the bad, the victories and the defeats. As I look over this year I think about how sick, weak and hopeless I was in the spring. Then I think about how getting my cavitaitons dealt with has been a turning point in my health journey. Learning about anaerobic fermentation and Pickl-It jars has also been a big change for the better this year. 2012 was my first full year as a blogger as well. I have learned and grown so much this year! I started with just a handful of friends and family reading me on blogger. Now I have a self hosted blog with more than 2000 followers on Facebook and hundreds getting my posts in...

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The state of My Health Summer 2012.

Posted by on Aug 29, 2012 in Adrenal, Cherries On Top, Dental, GAPS, God, healing, Leptin, thyroid | 18 comments

This isn’t the greatest photo of me. My hair is doing something strange and the shadows are weird across my face. BUT this is also one of my favorite photos that I have taken recently. It is commemorating my victory over sickness. I am in the park near my house where I walked with my children to meet up with friends. I travel to this park every week to meet these same friends but for the past 2 years that weekly meeting has involved a car if I was able to make the trip at all. On this day I walked the half mile to the park and I felt good doing it for the first time since 2010. I wasn’t sure I was ever going to be able to make that trip on foot again and I had...

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