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Craniosacral Therapy is Working Miracles in My House!

Posted by on Sep 24, 2013 in Blog, Body Work, Cherries On Top, healing, Kids, photo | 3 comments

13 years ago I had surgery to treat my endometriosis. The surgery was extensive and I did not recover from it well at all. I was in constant pain, weak and frail. I rarely left my house because I was in so much pain. While I was still unable to work, I went to a massage therapist that my mother saw. My mother told me that this massage therapist had a type of massage that might really help me. I did not know what to expect. At first I was expecting a massage but when she told me to keep my clothes on I wasn’t sure what to think. What I experienced that day was a turning point in my healing from that surgery. I share more of this story in the book Trust Your Intuition (affiliate link). Lets see...

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More Miracles from Craniosacral Therapy!

Posted by on Sep 24, 2013 in Blog, Body Work, healing | 5 comments

Continued from Cranial Sacral Therapy is Working Miracles in my House It has been so amazing to see the changes in my daughter thanks to Craniosacral Therapy (CST). After a few months I decided that for my birthday I would give myself the gift of a CST session as well. I didn’t have high expectations for this session. I expected it to be deeply relaxing and that was about it. I remembered how much I had enjoyed my sessions in the past and thought that I would enjoy one again now. I’m glad that I didn’t have any expectations since I never could have imagined what did happen and possibly would have encouraged her to work on something else. As many of you know I took a break from blogging in the spring while some difficult new medical issues...

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