Next Up in our Lyme Journey: The Cowden Protocol
As many of you know my girls and I were diagnosed with Lyme disease over 3 years ago. So many pieces of our health puzzle fell into place when we got that diagnosis. Unfortunately being diagnosed with Lyme and curing Lyme are not at all the same thing. If we had caught it early, there is a good chance that a fairly short course of antibiotics would have cleared it right up and we would have returned to health. But it was not caught early at all. While we will never know for sure, we are fairly confident that I was infected many years ago and my children were both infected before they were born. Lyme passes through the placenta and can infect babies in utero. They never had a chance. When we were diagnosed we had been on...
Read MoreCowden Lyme Protocol Deep Discount
The cost of the Cowden Protocol for one adult from the nutramedix website for one month is $285 (free shipping). The program lasts for 6 months an each month products can be purchased for that price no matter what they might cost individually. Some months are a better discount than others compared to purchasing the products individually. For children you reduce the dosage based on age/size. So for my 9 year old I’m doing half and for my 5 year old I’m doing 1/4. You can purchase many of the products other places online for less than the full price on the NutraMedix site, HOWEVER some products are only available if you purchase the whole program. AND there are discounts that you can get as well as points you can earn toward future purchases if you purchase through the...
Read MoreHomemade Skin Care for Adults and Kids Plus More!
Today is the last day to get your copy of the Harvest Your Health Bundle. 71 ebooks, 4 meal plans, 3 online magazine subscriptions as well as 22 discount codes on products you will love (25% off squatty potty!!!) This bundle is personal for me because it contains my book Both: Elixir of Life. Over 5,000 people have already purchased it and are already reading the books and using the discount codes. There is so much variety in this bundle at such a low price that nearly everyone reading this blog could find enough books to interest them to make it worth the $37. If you are specifically looking for a list of the books from this bundle that are good for people on GAPS or LOD read this post. Harvest Your Health eNook Bundle GAPS and LOD Friendly...
Read MoreHow to Dehydrate Peppers to Preserve the Harvest
How to dehydrate Peppers and other summer foods and preserve the harvest into fall. My family has a lot of food restrictions. Especially my 5 year old. She actually will eat nearly every food that she tolerates unlike many 5 year olds. Unfortunately it is still quite restricted. One of her favorite foods is red pepper. Conventional red pepper is one of the worst foods as far as pesticide residue is concerned and so since it is a larger than average portion of her diet and her health is so fragile, it is important that the peppers that she eats are organic. In the wintertime it can be difficult to find organic red peppers and they are very expensive as well. Last summer we got a lot of peppers in our CSA boxes. More than she could eat in...
Read MoreHarvest Your Family’s Health with Ebooks!
I know that many of you are not just learning about real food and non-toxic living for yourself. You are also learning because you are a parent or want to be a parent or even because of your pets. This Harvest Your Health Bundle of Books has plenty of information for you too. Even if you aren’t on a grain free diet and don’t want to be this bundle may have a lot of valuable resource for you. I decided to become an author for this bundle after I had a chance to see a list of some of the other books in it. I knew that I would want to have my book associated with so many other great books. I also knew that I would feel really good about recommending these books to you, my readers. If...
Read MoreHarvest Your Health eBook Bundle GAPS and LOD Friendly eBooks!
This week only there is a pretty incredible bundle of over 70 ebooks for only $37. These books are worth over $1000 if purchased individually but these authors want to get more of these books into the hands of readers and so they are willing to let them go for a fraction of what they are worth. Less than 50 cents a book. Of course you won’t want every book in this bundle, nor will you be able to read every book in this bundle but that doesn’t matter. Even if you only want and use a fraction of the books in this bundle and even if you already have some of these books you will have gotten more than your money’s worth. I had the chance to look through each of these books. With more than 70 titles...
Read MoreGuest Post: Heal Your Gut!
***Update*** You can now pay for the class with 3 monthly payments! Go here to learn more. Heal Your Gut And don’t forget to request your free copy of Broth: Elixir of Life Today I have a guest post from my Nutritional Therapist Lydia Shatney. If you have followed my blog for very long you know that Gut health is near and dear to my heart. The GAPS diet that my family follows stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome. If your gut isn’t healthy, you aren’t healthy. Lydia has been helping me heal my own gut issues and she has designed this course to help you heal yours! My own gut issues were not severe enough to warrant a trip to the GI and yet nothing I was doing seemed to resolve them either. I just decided to learn to...
Read MoreCraniosacral Therapy is Working Miracles in My House!
13 years ago I had surgery to treat my endometriosis. The surgery was extensive and I did not recover from it well at all. I was in constant pain, weak and frail. I rarely left my house because I was in so much pain. While I was still unable to work, I went to a massage therapist that my mother saw. My mother told me that this massage therapist had a type of massage that might really help me. I did not know what to expect. At first I was expecting a massage but when she told me to keep my clothes on I wasn’t sure what to think. What I experienced that day was a turning point in my healing from that surgery. I share more of this story in the book Trust Your Intuition (affiliate link). Lets see...
Read MoreMore Miracles from Craniosacral Therapy!
Continued from Cranial Sacral Therapy is Working Miracles in my House It has been so amazing to see the changes in my daughter thanks to Craniosacral Therapy (CST). After a few months I decided that for my birthday I would give myself the gift of a CST session as well. I didn’t have high expectations for this session. I expected it to be deeply relaxing and that was about it. I remembered how much I had enjoyed my sessions in the past and thought that I would enjoy one again now. I’m glad that I didn’t have any expectations since I never could have imagined what did happen and possibly would have encouraged her to work on something else. As many of you know I took a break from blogging in the spring while some difficult new medical issues...
Read MoreNutrition Books that Changed my Life
I grew up in a healthy eating home. We ate our garden vegetables and avoided soda and junk food as a general rule. Despite that background I still developed health issues and just thought that it was bad luck and probably bad genetics. Then I started reading some books that changed my perspective. I’m going to share some of those books with you in the general order that I read them. This post contains many affiliate links to find the books on Amazon. They are provided so that you can easily find the exact books that I am mentioning and also so that you can read more about each book. The Schwarzbein Principle: The Truth about Losing Weight, Being Healthy and Feeling Younger- This book was introduced to me by my chiropractor who was helping me recover from surgery....
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