Guest Post: Heal Your Gut!
***Update*** You can now pay for the class with 3 monthly payments! Go here to learn more. Heal Your Gut And don’t forget to request your free copy of Broth: Elixir of Life Today I have a guest post from my Nutritional Therapist Lydia Shatney. If you have followed my blog for very long you know that Gut health is near and dear to my heart. The GAPS diet that my family follows stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome. If your gut isn’t healthy, you aren’t healthy. Lydia has been helping me heal my own gut issues and she has designed this course to help you heal yours! My own gut issues were not severe enough to warrant a trip to the GI and yet nothing I was doing seemed to resolve them either. I just decided to learn to...
Read MoreA Calm Mind Interview with Lydia Part 1
This blog post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service that doesn’t cost you anything and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA Many of you know about Lydia Shatney. She blogs at Divine Health From The Inside Out and has written some guest blog posts here (This one 8 Signs and Symptoms of Mineral Deficiencies is extremely popular). I am also working with her as my nutritional therapist. Lydia has taught some classes online that many of you have signed up for. The feedback that Lydia and I have gotten about these classes has been great! She really has a way of presenting material so that it is both easy to understand and challenging enough to...
Read MoreShocking Statistics on the Rates of Mental Health Issues and More!
This blog post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It is a bit like leaving a tip for service that doesn’t cost you anything and is very much appreciated. Thank You! -PattyLA This is part 2 of my interview with Lydia Shatney about the new class A Calm Mind. She is offering this together with 3 other Nutritional Therapists. Here is part one of the interview where we discuss what Nutritional Therapy is and who can benefit from it. A Calm Mind Interview with Lydia Part 1 Go here for a list of symptoms that this course can help with. A Calm Mind List of Symptoms 4. I tend to think of “mental health issues” as being rare. How common are mental...
Read MoreMaking and Using a Food Diary. Why and How.
I have made many food diary’s in my time as a mother for various reasons. Sometimes because I thought that my child was reacting to a food but couldn’t figure out what. Sometimes the diaries have focused more on other aspects of life and simply tracked foods just in case. I have also had to track food for some of the health care practitioners I have seen over the years. More rarely I have simply tracked my own food to see how much I was eating of what to know my ratios of fat/protein/carb and some of the macro-nutrients. As you can see there are many different kinds of food diary and what works for one may not work for another. I’m going to cover the two ways that I have done it below and give you lots of ideas...
Read MoreGAPS Travel Food: How to menu plan and my menu.
Summer is the time for road trips! On GAPS or any special diet you may feel like you need a truck like this one to carry all of your food for a trip away from home. That isn’t so! My family is taking 2 long ones this summer and we took one last fall. It is a bit more complicated than the old days when we could just stop for fast food along the way but depending on your destination and length of travel you may be able to get away with just a cooler or two and some shelf stable food storage. This post is mostly about food. If you want to know about the tools we used to make traveling away from home much easier check out this post I wrote last fall. Traveling on GAPS I’m...
Read MoreTraveling on GAPS
When you think about traveling on GAPS is this what you picture? You may not be able to cross the country with only a carry on bag anymore but there are ways to travel without bringing your entire kitchen with you. My family took a 2 week vacation by car this past October. Along the way we stayed with family, friends and in hotels. Some hotels had kitchens and others didn’t. It was a challenge to stick to the GAPS diet on our trip but we did and it was very much worth it. I’m going to share with you what I did to make it successful. The most important thing I did was to plan ahead. I don’t love to meal plan and I don’t keep my pantry lean and mean. I like having lots of foods to...
Read MoreDigestion
We all use it every day and we tend to assume it is working right as long as we don’t have major problems. We put stuff in, we get stuff out. Whatever is happening inside is happening and we don’t want to hear too much about it. Even with major issues we might be embarrassed or afraid to tell anyone what is going on. I have had to learn a lot about digestion over the past few years. It wasn’t working right for my youngest in many different ways and I had to understand what it was supposed to do and the various reasons why it might be doing something else. Above is an image of the gastero intestinal system. Now I’m going to work through it and explain what should be happening and point out some ways that that is may...
Read More2 years of GAPS part 1
We have been on GAPS for 2 years. I’m going to do a series of posts on each of us and our results from the 2 years. I was trying to do one on all of us but it got too long and complicated. So I will start with my eldest since she has the best story of us all. W has been gluten free since she turned 2 and has always followed a restricted diet trying to minimize her reactions to foods and keep her on an even keel. We followed the Specific Carbohydrate diet the year she was 2 until she was a little over 3. She saw lots of improvements on SCD but life was still crazy. She didn’t sleep and was very fussy and clingy. I now know that she had silent reflux that kept her...
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