Cold Thermogenesis Challenge Starts Today!

Here’s a video for some inspiration for you.

The ice man takes a cold dip

So last week I shared about Dr Kruse and his Cold Thermogenesis protocol. Step one is putting your face into ice water daily to begin to get used to the cold. I have been doing it myself for [...]

Come on in! The water’s freezing!

Photo by

Brrrr!!!! Doesn’t this look like fun? Jumping into icy cold water and hanging out for a bit? Many of you know I have been following the Leptin Reset for a few months. Less than a month ago, Jack Kruse came out with a new twist on [...]

Leptin Reset Update #2

You can see my other posts about the Leptin Reset here Leptin Reset Leptin Reset Update #1

I feel like a new day is dawning for me but it is like this picture. Just barely visible. Hard to know how long till full light arrives. Of course I am a perpetual optimist so take that [...]

2 years on GAPS part 2- My Story

Part 1 is here. If you haven’t got your health you haven’t got anything. If you haven’t seen the Princess Bride you are really missing out. There is one memorable scene where the prince and Count Rugen are talking before Count Rugen goes to torture Wesley. The prince is talking about how busy he is [...]

Why we started the GAPS diet

In November 2009 my family was in a crisis. My biggest concern at that time was my youngest. She was 21 months and had terrible problems with reflux and candida. She was on a very strict elimination diet that while it helped, did not completely eliminate her rashes or pain. This meant many sleepless nights [...]

Leptin Reset

Give up Snacking? In December? What am I, Crazy?

One of my great joys of the holiday season is cookies and hot coffee drinks! And I finally figured out how to make cookies that we can all eat!

With my usual jump in with both feet attitude I began the Leptin Reset the Saturday after Thanksgiving. [...]

2 years of GAPS part 1

We have been on GAPS for 2 years. I’m going to do a series of posts on each of us and our results from the 2 years. I was trying to do one on all of us but it got too long and complicated. So I will start with my eldest since she has the [...]