Breastfeeding Revolution Online Summit
While my blog isn’t about breastfeeding or parenting, it is about health and my families journey and breastfeeding was a part of that. My children are no longer nursing but I still care very much about breastfeeding and the way that our society treats the subject. Of course breastfeeding isn’t always easy and our culture is full of “booby traps” that can catch even those who start off without issues..
Below is some information about this summit. I participated and shared about my own experience with breastfeeding two tongue tied babies. My interview is coming up on August 18th. If you are an expectant mom or a nursing mom I hope you will find some time to listen and learn from this collection of interviews all about nursing and making it work.
What if you could sit down, face-to-face, with some of your favorite Mommy Experts and ask them to share their personal breastfeeding experiences and best nursing advice with you?
I know many are interested in learning more about breastfeeding and nourishing their children so they can give their families the gift of optimal health. I am excited to share with you a “once-in-a lifetime” experience that could transform your family’s health forever!
My colleague and healthy-mama expert, Christine Miskinis, has brought together the top 21 Mama & Baby experts for a special one time FREE virtual event: Breastfeeding Revolution: Discover the Secrets to the art of Blissful Breastfeeding.
I am incredibly excited because a special invitation has been given to me to speak as an expert at this event! It is my honor to share with you and thousands of other moms who desire to give their babies the best start to life but are missing the information or support that is needed to do so. We can’t promise you that a movement like this will ever happen in this way again, so make sure to join in now!
This unique interview series will specifically support you to:
Create a plan during pregnancy for Breastfeeding Success
Beat the unexpected booby traps that come along with breastfeeding
Create a joyful breastfeeding experience with your newborn
Understand the challenges and solutions that breastfeeding mamas face so you can make informed decisions
Receive the support you require in postpartum to establish your breastfeeding relationship
and much more…
This is meant to reconnect you to your motherly instincts. It is time to take back your right, as a woman, to nurse your baby. There’s a place for you at this table, you are welcome here and we’re all waiting.
Click here to reserve your seat now!
I really hope you’ll join this revolution!

What about women who for whatever reason can’t breastfed?
This poor woman faces authorities for feeding her baby goat milk rather than formula.
There are, of course, options for women who can’t breastfeed. Donor milk is the preferred option but if that can’t be found then homemade formula is a good alternative. The sad fact is that many, many women have their breastfeeding success undermined in many different ways and end up not breastfeeding when, with the right support, they could have been successful.