Bonus Day at the Healthy Mouth World Summit!!!
I know that some of you haven’t signed up for the summit yet. You didn’t have time to watch or you didn’t hear about it till now. Well you are in luck! Today only you can watch all of the presentations that you have missed this past week! I’m going to share the message that I got from Will and Susan this morning. This is good through midnight PST tonight only so don’t delay!
If you have not signed up for the summit at all please follow this link to get signed up. You need to be signed up (It’s FREE) to watch the videos.
Aloha Summit Friends!
Wow, this has been a BLAST bringing you this empowering information!!
We are really excited to announce that we’re going to run a very special encore for you tomorrow. Be sure to read down to see what we have in store for Sunday!
First, we want to thank each of you for participating in the Summit with us. Truly, we made the HealThy Mouth World Summit for you.
We have received so many touching emails and facebook posts about how your lives have been positively impacted by the materials these experts have so freely shared here to help each of us.
You can connect with us on Facebook here.
To help you make sure that you learned all that you hoped to gain at the Summit, we have written a checklist of ‘gems of wisdom’ that we have gathered from combing this material to create the Summit for you. Please read through the checklist to see that you got all the gems you came for!
Here’s a link to the Summit Gems Checklist
One last reminder before we announce the BIG NEWS. We have one more live Q&A scheduled for Monday, for 5pm EST with Dr Julian Holmes and Gray Graham! Bring your last questions to this last Q&A
Here’s a link to sign up for Monday’s Q&A
Finally, here’s the encore…
Over the week, we have received hundreds of email requests for someone to be able to watch one particular presentation as they missed it.
In the spirit of sharing and allowing full access to the knowledge and information you feel you need to navigate to greater oral health, we are opening the doors to ALL the speakers again for 24 hours starting NOW! That’s right, you can pick and choose for your Sunday learning, through all 21 expert presentations.
To access each day, simply follow these links:
Day 1 (Mark Breiner, Ramiel Nagel, Blanche Grube)
Day 2 (David Kennedy, Sarah Pope, Bruce Fife)
Day 3 (Robert Gammal, Sherrill Sellman, Victor Zeines)
Day 4 (David Ken nedy, Katie the WM, David Getoff)
Day 5 (Akira Sato, Pam Killeen, Ray Behm)
Day 6 (Cate Shanahan, Paul Rubin, Mike Godfrey)
Day 7 (Hal Huggins, Gray Graham, Julian Holmes)
Enjoy the party Y’all!!
Remember, the special reduced price on the Summit upgrade package is good through Monday!
So, if you want to take home all the Summit sessions AND a boat load of valuable bonus materials, act soon!
Here’s a link to the Summit upgrade package
Tomorrow, we’ll email you a thank you with some ideas of how to take this new information and apply it in your life to create positive change in your oral health.
Thank you and Aloha!
Will and Susan