Black Friday Sales you can feel good about.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I certainly did. Good food, good friends, good times. My Lemon Meringue Pie was excellent. No one was missing gluten or sugar with it. Look at my Thanksgiving Menu post to get the link to the recipe.
So on to the Holiday season. I haven’t ever got out shopping on Black Friday and I don’t intend to start now but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some deals you can take advantage of and feel good about. Many Bloggers are giving 40% off their real food products this weekend.
Grain Free Meal Plans (discount applies to monthly or yearly purchases- bringing the daily cost to just 21 cents a day for a yearly subscription. I know it’s worth 21 cents a day to have all your meals planned for you!)
What Can I Eat Now, 30 days on the GAPS Introduction Diet
Reversing Food Allergies by CHEESESLAVE uses the GAPS principals and walks you through starting the diet step-by-step in a multimedia 12 week course.
Real Food Nutrition and Health and Real Food Nutrition and Health for Kids e-book are on sale- Food Renegade’s homeschooling (or public school supplementing!) courses and information geared towards children.
Happy and Healthy Holidays by Nourished Kitchen is an online multimedia class on preparing holiday favorites.
Get Cultured- the course on cultured (fermented) foods for preservation, body flora balancing, and taste!
Simple Dinners- meal plans by Nourished Kitchen that help you prepare family friendly dinners using seasonal produce and whole traditional foods.
Real Food for Rookies- the 12 week e-course where Kelly shows you how to transition to real foods including shopping, reading labels, cooking, and convincing the family!
Real Food Party Planning Guide and Ingredient Guide
Nourish MD’s Get REAL with Food Starter Kit- everything needed to feed your family real food at least 80% of the time- 6 CD Set, 19 eCookbooks and the Adventurous Eater Guide!
Well Fed Homestead’sReal Food Holiday Guide, How to Use Holiday Leftovers, and GAPS Legal Menu Plans!
I’ll add more deals as I find them. And don’t forget to shop from local businesses as much as possible this holiday season. That helps you as the giver feel even better about the gifts you give.

Thanks for posting! I'm going to link back from my blog too
If you see any discounts on the Gaps Book or Gaps guide, please let me know! Thanks!