Beyond Grain and Dairy Give Away
Below is the give away for the book Beyond Grain and Diary. The only mandatory entry is when you give me your name and contact information. If you select any of the optional entries be sure to do them. Signing up for a newsletter requires you to confirm in your e-mail that you signed up. If you don’t confirm it and that entry is drawn you will not be awarded the prize. This drawing is for an ebook that will be delivered electronically to your e-mail.
If you have already purchased the book and win a copy of it Starlene will reimburse your purchase price so go ahead and take advantage of that 50% off deal she is offering right now! (ends 5/31/13 Extended through 6/1!!!) That code is BIG50H. Go to my review of the book to read more. Beyond Grain and Dairy Review.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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