Benefits of Liver Cleansing
photo credit: kaniths via photopin cc
I recently shared the Be Young Liver Cleanse Recipe. Some have asked me why they might need to cleanse their liver. We tend to think of liver problems being only something for an alcoholic to worry about. Yet your liver is one of your most important detox organs. It takes on the brunt of neutralizing and detoxifying the various chemical that enter your body through ingesting them, skin contact with them and inhalation of them. Not to mention the ones that we willingly put into our bodies via dental work and preventative medicine like vaccines. Those of us with MTHFR mutations need to be even more careful of what we put our livers through since they have to work extra hard to detoxify our bodies.
It is important to continuously support and cleanse the liver to enable it to do it’s important work of digesting our foods, recycling hormones and detoxifying the normal waste products of human life. Repeating this process of daily liver cleansing, you are gently cleansing your Liver of Toxins. This is the first step in allowing your body to heal itself, by providing the needed tools; whether you desire weight loss, increased energy, ridding your body of allergies, headaches, hormonal issues, etc.
Here is some information about your liver:
The Liver is the only part of the body with two blood supplies. It regenerates the fastest and has over 500 functions according to the British Liver Trust including:
- processing digested food from the intestine
- controlling levels of fats, amino acids and glucose in the blood
- combating infections in the body
- clearing the blood of particles and infections including bacteria
- neutralising and destroying drugs and toxins
- manufacturing bile
- storing iron, vitamins and other essential chemicals
- breaking down food and turning it into energy
- manufacturing, breaking down and regulating numerous hormones including sex hormones
- making enzymes and proteins which are responsible for most chemical reactions in the body, for example those involved in blood clotting and repair of damaged tissues.
HGH (Human Growth Hormone): When we get to the age of 35-40 our bodies slow down producing HGH. Over the years our receptor sites become clogged due to nitrates, sodium laurel sulphates, propylene glycol and food coloring found in shampoos, conditioners and body washes as well as deodorants, toothpastes, even our food causing us to age more quickly. Cleansing your liver keeps the receptor sites clean and therefore our body can produce the HGH easier. With clean receptor sites our bodies will build and repair instead of age. Clean receptor sites are crucial for diabetics.
The Be Young Liver Cleanse Recipe contains Peppermint essential oil and Lemon Essential oil. I have another blog post about Peppermint Essential oil and my experience using it. Here is some more information about these oils.
Peppermint- mentha pepirita. It is a perennial herb which grows 3 feet, square stalks on the stems, Spear like spike with a tiny purple flowers and a little white on the leaf. It is cultivated in China, Egypt-found in a tomb in 1000BC. Grown commercially in Brazil, China, France, Great Britain, Japan, Spain, and the US which is the primary grower in the world but most is very poor quality. 1,000 lbs of the plant in bloom will produce 1 lb. of oil.
Heritage & folklore –Roman mythology and ancient Hebrews used in perfumes, religious rites, Native Americans used it for digestive difficulties, breath freshener. 18th century in Europe-head aches, indigestion, over indulgence, teas for bloated bellies, reduces heartburn, colic, gas, used in gum, toothpicks, many other items but usually not a good source. Food industry now knows it gives a stimulating aroma and taste to scent foods, teas, etc. Stimulates central nervous system, alertness, clears thinking. Very good for the digestive tract, calms and soothes the muscles especially when under stress or poor diet, motion sickness.
Jet lag is not an issue with Peppermint. Chronic Fatigue, relaxes tense muscles, reduces swelling of muscular aches and strains, huge pain reliever, even sunburn, toothaches, headaches both tension and migraine, liver congestion, aids in formation of bile. Fights bacterial infection, acne, stimulates circulation, leaves skin feeling soft, and normalizes oily skin and hair. Constricts capillaries. Cools emotions and dissipates anger, and clears thoughts. Relieves pain, eases muscle spasms, and reduces inflammation. Aids digestion, clears and promotes nerve health, assists constipation, sweating and wonderful rubbed on tired feet in ½ tsp. Grapeseed oil. Mouthwash for infection and bad breath, breathe in deeply for a decongestant, mental fatigue, closed head injuries, dry cough, sinus congestion. Tooth ache, ringworms, scabies, itching or inflamed skin. Vassal constrictor, vertigo, fainting.
Cautions-may raise blood pressure in some (just substitute Spearmint in the recipe), may irritate sensitive skin, may stimulate menstrual flow so use with care with a first time pregnancy (apply a tiny drop on the bottoms of the feet for a week first). If you’re already using it you should be just fine. If you are using homeopathic remedies, the essential oils will increase the effects, so keep 1 hour apart for those uses.
Lemon- citrus limon- Small evergreen tree, with stiff thorny branches with fragrant, pale pink flowers. 1,000 lemon rinds pressed =1 lb of oil. Cold pressed extraction, 20 feet tall, native to India but brought to Europe by the Crusaders. 1 oz. of fresh lemon juice a day would give enough vitamin c to prevent scurvy. Fights infections, coughs, sore throats, kills bacteria and can be used to sanitize and kill airborne germs. Helps treat chronic fatigue, digestive aid, counteracts acidity in the body, tones the heart, kidney and liver! Stops bleeding of cuts, shaving nicks, nose bleeds, wounds, tooth extractions, relieves cold sores, herpes and headaches. Antacid, anti biotic, digestive aid, sedative, circulatory aid to help lower blood pressure, fever, boosts immune system, it is the Shuttle which removes the immature bile from liver to the gall bladder. Great for acne, greasy skin and hair, mix with some Starflake bath salts to remove dead skin. It stimulates left brain function, and balances overactive glands for oily skin, acne and encourages the elimination of waste. Emotional-cooling, fights depression, fear, helps decision making. Fights infection, tightens and tones tissue, promotes bowel movement.
Caution-Promotes photosensitivity, avoid direct sunlight if applied topically.
(adapted from a handout by Clara VanderZouwen. I am not a Dr and this is not medical advice. Always check with your health care practitioner before making any changes in your diet or medication).
Please feel free to contact me to learn more about Be Young Essential Oils.
You can also go to to read more about these oil. Be sure to talk to me before placing an order so that I can help you figure out how to get the oils at distributor prices with no obligation or kit to buy.

I am sorry patty but this is not the correct way to detox the liver. It may have been ok at one time but today most people are storing metals in excessive amounts in the body such as aluminum and peppermint has aluminum. Aluminum interferes with digestion and many other things including memory etc.
It really is frightening how many of you are out their sharing information that your that you simply believe because your read and that most of you have no clinical experience. Very dangerous business.
It is actually a the liver and gallbladder that is being flushed. There is also 6 days of prep involved before actually doing the flush.
When you do the cleanse it is a blend of olive oil, citrus. The olive oil causes the gall bladder to contract strongly, expelling gall stones. A person may be extremely ill shortly after ingesting the citrus such a lemon juice and olive oil so they need to know what to as well as never be alone when doing a flush. A person should also be aware that they may see small stones and parasites in their stool after doing a flush. And, I also might add that as much as I appreciate all your efforts but you need to recognize that a lic. practitioner who has experience should be guiding a patient through a flush and that it is dangerous to throw up this information for anyone to try at home.
The woman who taught me about this has eliminated all of her stored metals using this liver cleanse and detox baths. She has done the testing before and afterward and has the significant health improvements to prove it. This has the benefit of being much, much more gentle and safer than the type of gall bladder flush that you are talking about. I agree that should be done under supervision of a practitioner and is not safe for everyone. While my liver and gall bladder are not in good shape I have been warned to not do the type of flush that you are suggesting by health care practitioners that I trust for fear that it would cause a severe health crisis.
Properly made essential oils do not contain aluminum. I’m sure that some are contaminated with it though.