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Guest Post: Heal Your Gut!

Posted by on Oct 2, 2013 in allergies, Blog, healing, Nutrition, Sale | 0 comments

***Update*** You can now pay for the class with 3 monthly payments! Go here to learn more. Heal Your Gut And don’t forget to request your free copy of Broth: Elixir of Life Today I have a guest post from my Nutritional Therapist Lydia Shatney. If you have followed my blog for very long you know that Gut health is near and dear to my heart. The GAPS diet that my family follows stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome. If your gut isn’t healthy, you aren’t healthy. Lydia has been helping me heal my own gut issues and she has designed this course to help you heal yours! My own gut issues were not severe enough to warrant a trip to the GI and yet nothing I was doing seemed to resolve them either. I just decided to learn to...

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Craniosacral Therapy is Working Miracles in My House!

Posted by on Sep 24, 2013 in Blog, Body Work, Cherries On Top, healing, Kids, photo | 3 comments

13 years ago I had surgery to treat my endometriosis. The surgery was extensive and I did not recover from it well at all. I was in constant pain, weak and frail. I rarely left my house because I was in so much pain. While I was still unable to work, I went to a massage therapist that my mother saw. My mother told me that this massage therapist had a type of massage that might really help me. I did not know what to expect. At first I was expecting a massage but when she told me to keep my clothes on I wasn’t sure what to think. What I experienced that day was a turning point in my healing from that surgery. I share more of this story in the book Trust Your Intuition (affiliate link). Lets see...

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More Miracles from Craniosacral Therapy!

Posted by on Sep 24, 2013 in Blog, Body Work, healing | 5 comments

Continued from Cranial Sacral Therapy is Working Miracles in my House It has been so amazing to see the changes in my daughter thanks to Craniosacral Therapy (CST). After a few months I decided that for my birthday I would give myself the gift of a CST session as well. I didn’t have high expectations for this session. I expected it to be deeply relaxing and that was about it. I remembered how much I had enjoyed my sessions in the past and thought that I would enjoy one again now. I’m glad that I didn’t have any expectations since I never could have imagined what did happen and possibly would have encouraged her to work on something else. As many of you know I took a break from blogging in the spring while some difficult new medical issues...

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GAPS Intro. 4th time’s the Charm!

Posted by on Sep 2, 2013 in Blog, Detox, GAPS, Lacto-Fermentation, photo | 8 comments

I began writing this post in early August when we began the GAPS intro diet again. Then managing life on intro for the whole family plus blogging about it became too much for me so I stopped writing and focused on what matters most. I wanted to share it with you anyhow though for those who are considering the GAPS intro for the first time or as a repeat. ************************************* I made the decision to start my family on GAPS intro once again with very little warning (read about that here GAPS Intro Once Again). (apparently I like doing things like that. Read Why we started the GAPS Diet.) One day I decided we needed it (especially me and little J) and after looking at my calender realized the next couple of weeks would be the best time I would...

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Lacto-fermented Bread and Butter Pickles

Posted by on Aug 28, 2013 in Blog, Lacto-Fermentation, photo, Recipe | 10 comments

These are among the favorite ferments of my children and me. These pickles are a mild sweet flavor that is refreshing and easy on the palate for those who are reluctant to eat the more sour or spicy fermented foods. We can’t decide if we like the onions or the cucumbers better. I may just do this ferment this winter just using onions to get the flavor when pickling cukes are no where to be found. I made up my first batch of the summer the other day and my girls kept asking when they would be ready to taste. One thing that I really appreciate about these pickles is that they are done so quickly! No waiting weeks like I have to for dill pickles or months like I do for sauerkraut. You can start eating these within...

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