A Calm Mind Interview with Lydia Part 1

Many of you know about Lydia Shatney. She blogs at Divine Health From The Inside Out and has written some guest blog posts here (This one 8 Signs and Symptoms of Mineral Deficiencies is extremely popular). I am also working with her as my nutritional therapist. Lydia has taught some classes online that many of you have signed up for. The feedback that Lydia and I have gotten about these classes has been great! She really has a way of presenting material so that it is both easy to understand and challenging enough to help you bring your health to the next level. All of her classes allow you to work through them at your own pace so there isn’t ever any risk of “falling behind” if your life gets busy.
So many of my readers struggle with various “mental health” issues for yourself or a loved one. I’m excited to share this new course that Lydia is involved in. She is going to be joining up with 3 other nutritional therapists to bring you a class all about Mental Health issues called A Calm Mind. With 4 nutritional therapists joining together there really is an amazing volume of information that they will be bringing to you. Not only will you get the information from them in the classes but there is also a Facebook Group that will go with the class where you can get your individual questions answered!
Here is a quick overview of what the class will cover. This class will last for 10 weeks and will have 4 lessons a week for a total of 40 lessons.
- Module 1 – What to EAT for mental wellness
- Module 2 – How the physiological Foundations support mental wellness
- Module 3 – Beyond food: Supplements that support mental wellness
- Module 4 – Specific ailments from A – Z {or at least ADHD to Pyroluria)
- Module 5 – Important lifestyle considerations for healthy moods
- Module 6 – Bonus materials, further resources and ideas
I got a chance to ask Lydia some questions about what she does and about her new class and have shared that below. There was so much information that I have broken it up into a couple of posts. I’ll link to part 2 at the bottom of this post.
1. What is nutritional therapy? What sorts of things is a certified nutritional therapist qualified to do?
Nutritional therapy is a science based, holistic approach to nutritional counseling. It is based on the belief that a diet of properly prepared nutrient dense foods are a form of medicine. It is through this, that nutritional therapy seeks to heal and support the body for overall health. Once it is given the appropriate raw materials, the body is able to restore itself. Nutritional Therapy is designed to treat the body as a whole, focusing on not just on symptoms, but systems. The Nutritional Therapist believes it is best to work on the root causes of health problems, but also knows that sometimes symptom management is necessary. We are equipped and trained to work on both levels by providing effective and natural approaches to issues.Nutritional Therapy is based on two fundamental premises that are essential in any form of nutritional counseling:The first is that each of us is biochemically unique. No one diet fits everyone. Age, genetics, gender, the climate we live in, etc lead to diverse lifestyles with diverse nutritional requirements. Nutritional Therapy can help you sort through the maze of conflicting dietary information out there today. It custom tailors practical dietary changes combined with supplementation to correct nutritional deficiencies and restore balance and health to the body.The second is that there are certain foundations of health that do not vary between individuals. These foundations are Digestion, Blood Sugar, Mineral and Fatty Acid balance and Hydration. Imbalances in any of these will manifest as different health problems for each person. The strength of Nutritional Therapy lies in its ability to detect and correct underlying dysfunction in these Foundations. Targeting underlying dysfunction combined with individualized dietary counseling are two sides of the same coin – you cannot have one without the other. These are the cornerstones of Nutritional Therapy. (source)
See this post for more on what nutritional therapy is: http://divinehealthfromtheinsideout.com/2012/06/what-is-nutritional-therapy/
I am a do it yourself kind of person too. I spent many many years researching on my own. I certainly learned a lot and was able to heal quite a bit. However, it wasn’t until I took my Nutritional Therapy training that I began to see how the body functions systematically and learned how to work through things to further iron out health issues and get even greater results. Nutritional Therapists can save clients a ton of stress, time and money by guiding them on food choices, when and how often to eat, choosing supplements to support themselves with and much more. Also most people are just busy and really benefit from having someone coach them as to what to do. I think the service I provide through my coaching or my courses is invaluable. Clients who are willing to do the work see great results working with me.
My new class is an undertaking between myself and 3 other Nutritional Therapy Practitioners. It’s called: ‘A Calm Mind: Healing Your Mind by Healing Your Body. The goal of this course is to help people understand the foundations of their health that need to be addressed in order to relief the various “mental” symptoms they may be experiencing. It is our goal to educate about the nutrition required for the body and brain to work optimally so that people can enjoy life with a calm mind or clear mood. We teach a lot of basics, but we also get into some deeper information when it comes to specific ailments. We’ll discuss supplements quite in depth AND one of my favorite things - amino acid therapy. There can be so many unneeded trips to the doctor alleviated just through this course alone! Here is a list of symptoms that this course is designed to treat. A Calm Mind Symptoms.
In part 2 of the interview I learn some shocking statistics about how common mental health issues are in America as well a more details about the diversity of qualifications of the practitioners offering this course, including one GAPS Certified Practitioner! Don’t miss it!
Shocking Statistics on the Rates of Mental Health Issues and More!

One Comment
- A Cam Mind Course List of Symptoms | Loving Our Guts - [...] A Calm Mind Interview with Lydia Part 1 [...]
- A Calm Mind Interview with Lydia Part 2 | Loving Our Guts - [...] This is part 2 of my interview with Lydia Shatney about the new class A Calm Mind. She is …
WOW - that is a lot of info - can’t wait!
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