Fermentation Friday September 14th

After a break last week cause I was too busy I’ve got another fermentation round up post to share with you. These are blog post from the past couple of weeks that highlight anaerobic fermentation. Recipes, experiences and the like. I hope you enjoy them!

Of course there is my own recipe from yesterday Aunt [...]

Aunt Joanne’s Lacto-Fermented Watermelon Pickles

My mother’s family is known for food. Not fancy food, just good food and familiar food and lots of food. Various members of the family specialized in certain things. My Grandmother made biscuits like no one else. My Aunt Marge made lemon meringue pie every year for Thanksgiving and my Aunt Joanne made watermelon pickles [...]

High Sulfur foods? What are they?

Sulfur photo by R.Weller/Cochise College


We have found ourselves once again embarking on a low sulfur version of GAPS for my eldest. We did this the first year we were on GAPS (started fall of 2010) and seemed to have progressed beyond needing it but here we are back at it again. You [...]